Tuesday, December 6, 2005

Tip Working Balsa Wood

Surprises of black bread Marina Pizzi, 2005 -

Marina Pizzi

Surprises of black bread
[2005 -

Prophecies of the lawn,
fatuous prophecies of fire


Rose thorns
thunder of words in the cellar
rose thorns.
The scale of evil from the face inside
telephone out of order.

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Surprises of black bread
aloud the cicada
plaster dying.
Bread honesty of tracks
convert shadowing the mercy not to abandon
but a promontory at the mercy
elbow agreement
myth solved the embrace addressed.

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During the actions of the cypress
(the turmoil of the suspensions ...)
stacked high and low parameters

are no sacred to wear:
the hermitage another faceless
guard when the cup night
(hoarseness of salt )
lindissimo even the infant
bogeyman of prayer
stranded in a handful of nails.

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4. With the tides

peak and decline in
calendar impassive
always gives rise to the serfs to the little time
meals without love, without cunning
of losing my way. Model
been prudent to preserve the corridors of clerical

race where the pain of the race did not olympians the podium.

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The barrier of the protocol logic
havoc with the name of the substance inside
. At
thanks squirrel
the bitterness of the wood embers, saying black
the parsimony of the wood when
time it took to stretch believed
grown in the shade.
The crew of the swallows
wilted in a theater pinchbeck
parent has the stubble.

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6. He

ferry sleep in a ravine
even happier
weights between spikes and buds of the balloon festival

lands as best
with the din of the temple last
tortured poet.

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Joy of statelessness
leave the meaning of the earth
torches to the sides of the remains of

pains not to return.
Get out the round and finally
not fear the night when
gutters acoustics of the night screaming
the dying of the dark ... I of the ravine.

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I was a worm in a matter
blood worm always eclipse the brightness
bedside in shock
cliques of thefts hours
prohibits the coma without the syllables of the lectern.

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Prophecies of the lawn,
fatuous prophecies of fire:
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gaze from the face-blind

Esco Esco
only the fingers that are not late never
contraction. [Never left the keeper.]
single flight earrings when the beauty of cherry
angles capital the world.

side of the ice as brotherly meeting.

Knock, knock, do not open, nor dew
or with the leading ladies of the moons
full of cloves in outstanding!

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Wrongly waited for the grass grave
prohibiting self-nails
with stoles Penelope
a mo 'to save tonnage Financo
the well. Could not be confused
the archer of the sun when the pitcher

the dream began experimenting in the total ash.

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12. Season

the darkest
have you inside the tiny stubble herbarium
that put out the fire.
The owner of the damaged goods
grease the palms of the cool shadows of the fund
niche status.

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E 'born to sling
artificial respiration in the hearts of those killed, the dacha
Marina hungry
of spiders in the beams with no luck. Immediately in the trench
the pound in the dock and lace
in the roof of the ocean and ajar
not you noticed that you do not Sopi.

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Save tide half of
rusts when the mothers of the immortal joys!

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I must converge to the din of the swallows
against glass roof terraces. One wonders

age of clones of all hands.
lanes of veils on the corpses
live arrests rattles. In less than
I saw all across the dispensation of the cross
all the hilarity of the carousel
the Christmas illuminations frigid.

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I have a soldier that makes me side
but much less than unarmed recruits.
E 'intimidated fossil childhood
mop cut to offense.

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the sanatorium with the terraces of a clear light without darkening
weirdness of youth in the base controls
(freedom-walled courtyards
speakers made of children).
Matt called the rent of my friend we met in

fir resin for earthquakes of discovery of the penis just when you pick
encroached the world.
suffered sudden and the order of the nut
not confided luck.

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Light in October at the door of the apartment short

the short and quick with lots of turns the old bolt
decor without the chorus of the powder have been sad to

very real command of the bulb
wag born. It falls in the dacha of the poet
moves along the rope dancers
of joy, the joyful day

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19. With the provisions of almsgiving

the workshop of poetry. So great and prosperous

's legacy nothing
inert for the bell. It slowly dies
chrysanthemum and die suddenly the train rookie
swarm that time, on time,
returns so if nothing
thrift avarissima angel.

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These big eyes are scary lake
not bear the tram standing
reduce the blood stains do not handcuffed at the hour of the evening

stage trickery and privilege of touch
angels without the colonnade of St. Peter.
recruits to the blood that now leaves you
not sleep at night or ride the stone.

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The shingle nails

The neon lights of the metropolitan
bulls morgues
veins closed mud. The balustrades of parades

stunning, the lofts
commit adultery. At the national museum are statues
political shadow.
Patents men of genius
obscure the barley mild cappuccino
that you can afford to joke.

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22. In cypress

consent of the marine consuming
wall of the plant will
god shabbier
trudging URL. The thatched huts for

crippled children at the port of poisoned fish waste
lena mutilated comets
shoulders trembling
invite artists to prophecy.

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Neglect arc

Tired of all proportion and cancellation
acrobat stone
bit of black bread with
surprises in the grip of the first flock of hunter
agenda fate of the boat
slice of bread with fog
karma even in last place in a state of neglect of arc.

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The sound of the ticking
bloodless bloodless epiphany
tratturo theft
ecstasy of less
slingshot from Desco
dark dark brown bark scrap. Yesterday you
last republic of oak and wafer
woman's mother and father's hand almost bigger
during the mourning of the spear in the hole

the meal that grace
End Hunger.

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25. In the plan

hourglass you see the anchor
back to the matter of having twins
give up.
You entertain a culmination of a vendetta inherent rottenness
in the order. So the stars of illness

students the prestige of one who knows or knows?

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With the blood of the holiday
should not be born,
the avenue that was almost poetic in shame while
uniforms for young
barracks used by the dark dance halls
miserable lovers,
holds nuclear navies
fireflies in the dock weeping.

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Bread Sundays
lost clues
it was credulous.
From piggy shortages
nailed the vandal. By then the snow
the only cough syrup to calm
the scale of the fair dates
ceased to cultivate the soil.
the carousel never was and never meet.

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Maretta the pirate

meet you from the front of the dock to haul
sadness of losing. At the bottom of the stamp
not use the camp to remain
coma inconsumato
evil pitch black room.

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began to die at thirty
misdeeds of others.
In absentia since
tip the bartender you only
calm day. The ambush of the nut

stretch the sock fell
typical of ponds. The
Pico Mirandola had the look of the pergola
buggy malice
saucy grapes from the same country the rich.
In the blink of an eye the image forever
industry makes even the cemetery
around the corner as luck.

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Amara right:
grow hair cut. So the very serious joke

funnel. With the bad hip
my twin
managed to live well in spite of the stormy sea
was the fount.
You, you remember me?
now live in the ancient city on the sly
and I forget, to furtively
the vile sneezing, live
by TG.

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31. The jury of martyrdom

brawl without items
requires the cliff with a joke.
The carcass stands out there and where the jury

quote each other with cups of tea very harmonious.

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the dark cypresses time closed
has crushed the sport of your kisses
a malady of the chores chores

dawn in the evening (at best). Famous names of the months

not converge more
idea of \u200b\u200bbeing faithful in the perimeters of the fatuous

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in lies on the forehead
growth by dint of nails
with the halo ring of fire
insistence works soil
no rags no ashes.

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I'm tired of making myself the servant

the sinister farewell
decides not to rush headlong. Listening

privilege of the sword of the game so for the boy's finitude

swollen by blows with a heart of love in the attic

throat to his mouth to slide.

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Meringue rainbow
your visit. Zero rating of Master
elf you lived almost in spite of the temples in the blood

the skirmishes of the pebble.

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A patch of prophecy dismuove
the joy of sunflower
vastness of the principle of light
greedy land of the index kneels
mold of fakes.

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lights damaged anchor legs in the air rite
cliff of death rattle
worn steps of the injured Prince. The Franciscan of
twin brother of the rag bag

so worn out strand by strand
loss of amen
harp of the pick of nails
goodbyes nodes fingers.

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38. The agonies of the porch

wipe the weeping willows
Jackals of massacres
traits than pensions
in the doorway
compartment stepper
table prepared to ban bite
sometimes beyond
track the comet
goal of good-natured.

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39. In

skyscrapers without cornices
neglect the non-welcome.
stupid fairy tales from that fiasco stop the cave.

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The days of afternoon suspended loads
the daughter who complete
in ash cans to sneak halos
assassination. Appeals art
keep the hand as a prelude to the already
mourning. Running on cypress
want to touch the chair of this and that ryegrass

weed the garden of migraine headaches
the stupid nanny state.
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Dinner to heal
unlucky day

despite the failure to hold a small party of the obsession

sip of the swing when the body is the high jump
board of pollen to die.

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42. The most extensive

big room

By size to the cornucopia of pit
heirloom and indifference have
song mouth shut in the hermitage
miserable outpost of shell-debt. So
childhood or time zero
sent by the gods to farce
chirping in the branch that breaks
brother of the leaves one by one.
In less than a lot
the perfidy of the eternal city lying on the graffiti
underground lair of such sins
-hole layer of mother.

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E 'finished without a collapse, the shadows of tomorrow
discharge the mage tower
never Conversely headlong down.
sleeping in a box-within-the-other, the resistance of the pebble

peak that happens under your feet
tumble of exile based

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source is the fate despite
rouge d'
sunrise to sunset of the night while giving himself
butterflies audacious stops.

diluted in the success of the sun.

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The pin has cypress
straight from the first class.
The final certificate will be calculated innate

beast to start at least the shortcuts
love false or deluded sulfur. He
with gangrene in a dream
ocean, surf the sour smile of doubt
repeating again repeating the

oceanic basement of a room. Jupiters and benefits
halo of mourning in the door of the Executioner
of clothing and Marguerite.

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The abacus of the cornucopia

beautiful voice of the beloved parent with his feet frozen
despite the high mountain socks ...
encrusted with his throat, was,
fingers in the hovels of the ashes
quarrels for the god in copy.
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With the shroud in the chest mo 'primrose perennial
crippled as to cripple a lot of naked

the intent of the race with song lyrics by Canton
board for a stroll to find pride
sleep one name to the body
pomp of plaster wall to collapse. In

tip pen or pencil
the jump is the memory not just of ethics contained

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E 'passed the wafer from the body of the crystal
when promised
tale of the love I gave to the eye.

The new kiosk betting
not give you a smile on the vitality
to handle the grim underground of a dragonfly
luster Asolo ravelling
taken to coat all the bread
dud. Alone makes it a faint
without accessories
in weights at the end of war apex
pockets, patterns of stones.

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The delicacy of the sun is just a stunt
an abacus phosphorus
very nil.
devise a verb that can air
gestures of art for the love again
credulous and blasphemous
when the swallows fell in love with the foxes. And that scene
asthma outlet elbow
frogs in caskets of soldiers to torture
lightning round closed.

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heading in to the sea of \u200b\u200bstraw
the magnet to the broken kneecap
fate at the bar of the tricycle in need of repair
hyena laugh of the story of history without
find the tram stop
stuffed newspaper advertising, in direct
afternoon tea
if you allow only reality show.

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Surprises of surprises bread
fire fatuous
internal indexes gerund
glasses to a single shift
divisions of the moss. Roomba
the rope still
the beauty of the push and pull the roots
anything strenuous in the saddle in this stunning
mist of supreme shrine.

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The presidium of the year is to get the seed crock
Cinderella never ever
peaceful river chorus of geese
Silent happiness.
piles of miserable when they believe the fugitive to cut
dispatches from the sea of \u200b\u200bvines to their ankles
red halos of transparent

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53. Never baldness

the shroud
rhetorician and you give no
scassami the nape
door charm
empire basement
plate defendants without attorneys. All
invoked the clouds distracted
good aunts of pastarelle
when the lizards of the dark
mimicked the future. The game
the den with the tender love
voghe to the prison in preparation for

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With a pain to do with acrobat
a gerund of a hole
identity are coagulated
fingers spread with the cats to death.
Stratton gravediggers leaning over the corpse to the mixture
think of good food and hurried
exhale appetite
on making the body fit-sum cash
the bad with the megaphone.

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focused halo of
tear when the route has never had nor
the myriad of olives to be able to love
restlessness from living room. In
tinkling of the sea that does not give a dispatch agency shakes

lost this taste of blood in
sauce coup.
room supporting a shell
orphan. Oh! cakes of grandmothers
without doubt!

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Heart of the shadow to get away Arsione
outpost of the more dispersed
vitriol of betting. So
not tremble nor imitate the angel
jovial as a hermitage in disarmament
still stained with the cell death of
sweat of anxiety. The saint was not
closer to thrive. The tone of the salt
clogged chimneys
asphyxia and silence without adoration
autumn in spring fashion.

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In cradle of the next dive which shroud
anyone who knows what
celebrated in the swallow who knows who or brilliant. A top
between teeth nonsense
theft nell'occaso
to come home empty-handed the chorus of partisan
very hung, with the tonnage of the poems, then the
retoruzzo of memory.
The influence of the moon to luxury
round did not make love with the sun
rate of one year or
tides maternal ol'abaco
cash item related and similar and different.

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In a dash of salt
took shape around the end of
energy. In
prey to the slope of displacement
runs the wheel in advance of the season. From
sling here, from the awkwardness
tailoring silent predicate
the case of rotten acrobat fence.
shelf (just rebuke)
can not pacify the gallows
the pandemic of rag.
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Cypress brick
this stop into a thousand crumbs
rare morsels in the course of the sternum
the primer stuck to the letter A
powerless to deal with silence
and the twins scream.
include a signature of the command and a poem
shattered by the guest of his father.

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60. In a cypress

with room for your ankles to phosphorus of the vanquished quarry
swan who was shot and coping

masses borrowed against the pit. A ruin
The pain made live
the decay of the magnificent
vile pirate. Sarabande d'Occaso
now the mother
from first to last birthday.

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I'm ready to dig out my sword in the air passing

the use of the course. In short
soldiers in the gully of the throats of someone
the planetary god
nickname being foolish. Maretta
of the eye test in reverse
of stubble to meet again unknown.

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For the intrigues of mists and
prelude to breath in the dry

time I came to the stubble,
thanks for yesterday I had to instruct, even! But the defense to jump
abolished the arrogance of the interior lining
pleasing freedom of dawn.

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The den is inverted sign
disgrace that seduces
poppies softer
made only by naked short-lived. Shell Eco

you close to me over the memory to rust
breach of the antenna, liberating joy, liberating. So the
sternum is finally running out of the pit of self

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A slag for vengeance to be on the lookout den

strategist who was not the mother of concert gabbana.
The lecture has made me laugh
mail epiphany.
come home with the hovels of all time, almost
was less representative of yourself. The bowl of water on the bedside table

deadly. The thieves are tracked by the arrival of the last

periphery to slam the cash underground
focal ashes in the mouth.
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martyrdom that inspires
who smoke or just take it. Scolari admitted
justice to suppress the wisdoms. In the side sill which

lesson? In the bottom of the pyramid stock
hub hubs with you
gerund of stasis, verb
potato stall despite rising ocean. In the narrative climax
you were not told
or salaried by a halo flow.

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how to work the joys
the holidays and finally deleted

cut dell'acredine
where the contempt
sighs in the atom.
expected for days in the shelter of Nero and Zorro
it exhausts the shore dock and pimp
ciotolone the rust in the constancy
take bad luck.
you decide not to bare resin
indifference of the place, instead
chronic contact with sighs.

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not yet begun the remains
airy rooms of the broom to stop air
strenuous. Nival rides for children
sour the bitter afternoon. Valencia
Occaso of the dock of the distant past had zero
[As] a song of another life
Zarinas proletarian
by the fire that will command the eye.
crew of the twigs of yesterday
petals in the hands of the Executioner cornices.
Add a banner to the next line and
recurrence between the open sea.

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still buy colored chalk on the structure of these desperate
the disparate structure of the present.
The slate of games was bleached

all'idioletto calcified of mummies. Vaga
yesterday by the stork to take the day remained
cubicles musicians of mystics
kids scratched by pen unusable. In
back to your mud minnow
rovinasti the mathematical question of the theme
the grace of the living.

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69. The goal of turning

be deleted because you do not win the game so much.
Even the swallow has become dark and slow and slow
forced to fly on the stubble.
to be written and yet still just a list
indicates strength in a soup meal
in the current thresholds.

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70. But

is actually done by a piece
twinkle Home
case on the ground used to it. Calm down the steep face you dream
that always connects to all networks.
I will die with the breath despite the fact
virgin divas fan.

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's still born on the gimmick of stubble
Lucifer Executioner nell'agnellino
crammed down the most karst
where you sling tide and shore reaction.
E 'fever of the sun is the comet's dark
pulled groin zero flutter.
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The loneliness are irreconcilable
sewn on, made to measure.
quarrels with the wind from elbow
believe the myth of the massacre of so
time. Watch your ankles to each corner
. You know the dark home
of each snowflake. So you hurry
all'ordigno confiscation order.

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solicitude of zero
calendar stubble

duty at the mouth without ever hearing a ballad
high speed train so there's no
landscape to remember

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Beach to the shutters of the sick
losing consciousness is the sinking
neck nibbled by hedges
of complaints.
The Litany of the verbs in the area of \u200b\u200brestoration
steps at all of the systems under
much patience for anything
count does not count. The dead shells without
all knew
one by one in your pocket without
fire for a short hibernation elbow.

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We went with the soothsayer
last city park. The car burned trespass
hands of lovers as an own goal.
Unfortunately for the female
received were undermined by nineteenth-century swallow. In
frighten of the ditches that accumulate
liturgical round the carousel, a survivor.
The assassin is one of very well
approached by the head with the crickets could not venture
emphasis of mutanza.

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The dog on the mouth took home
long silence of the milestone. The coarse
seems not to understand
resins abbreviated hugs.
The child who loves piggy
bin with him a pain to
inlay craftsmanship.

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Without including dates falling off
is understood the luxury of disappearing
fully with the short darkness.
From curly chestnut gap
great enigma to suspend
admitted in the shuffle of the shadow.
of you grind the onion that stings me
candelabra ghost hound
temples without hail of fingers.

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Androni without compensation Core
these dull torches in power.
shroud you in a festive right index
to music and the theme of paternal
the sea behind. Sometimes the swell does not just funnel
raids is not only seizures but
weaves the fate of the large cliques
gangs with the thrill of great love.
Theft sit in the decrease in retrospect
known in the patrol of the puppet broken.

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79. In

ransacked the empty bread
desecrated the cave collapsed
the horizon greater than zero when the edge.
The code was coming without all the index

passed the blame of the faith when it took was a step of light
the mood of the sunflower.
all'inchino Corolla made by the heat of crack
anchor without resistance
crowd of us thousands and thousands of acid diets

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The case of the veto and turmoil
love embroidery
wave wave alert reminder
strolled best turmoil better.
Translate this misdeed of caustic soda in
oasis, from knobs made to beautify without
to open in a pencil in a bic pound
the orchestra pit.
Sculptures sand and glass cases of reorganization
without meeting the fodder of the nut section of meekness
despite the many chores
kisses and kisses and lots of babble tremulous
asylum battle of the contact.
The typical noise of the pencil was dropped and the oasis of
bear rattles
affix to a bath to relax bitch.
The big players were from the east
of great poverty where the train to the city

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After the fire the iris
example of a poet in the office of gorse broom
without gardens or friends. It
Barbic your voice as a blacksmith
to cook sweet salty against the greed of all the aunts
more and more rich. The swing of the flap ripped

birth when we wake, lost only losers in direct
tin tin
vulgar blood silence echo

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exploded on a mine to even the game
coil frost
no no answer. The saddle
ecumene died
your ash into the air saturated. He laughed again
laughs than most that blasphemous
motto of the world. Your mother is pregnant again
because it's just a woman born to be girding

basket of slate without petulance
by teacher or stature impression.

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The hour the bird sings
nobody is happy. Expires
the despot is now the treatment of delirium is

the book does not help the situation.
Beetle dismissed
year just slamming the pavement is
sfa nullity. The clearing of the river has chipped
has injured
has flexed the power of the whisper whisper
believed horizon.

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[E 'too big to understand the sky to fly]
Roberto Vecchioni

ALMS verb

arrogance of the way the huge trees next to the power of representation
temples pierced by the simulation. In turn
keyboard is stuck
career canonical
the ABC's overall space of the abacus. The
March 21 authorizes the petals
terminal spur of the moment of prosthesis zero.

°°°°° °°°°° °°°°°


At the time of the small intestine after years of eclipse
chores surrounding
are aching to live alive to joy. On
machete on the catapult without drawbridge
the tribulations of loss of oxygen.
Yes the drop in the sternum to the name is in love
mockery of fate rattle, Bandol stranded
nexus puff of dust. True
on the rise of last spy to blow
're timeless space
host of yourself with nothing but the torment
the scream and the snail
always too fast
always too slow in such slow and this still wake saber
is everything.
°°°°° °°°°°


atrium antrum of your disaffection
the towel on the hook of a thousand
beats and pieces. The fray of a thousand
alms to, nor crippled or healthy
today yesterday of Pius the bitterness in his face.
Rent is a cot in the bottom of the well
to pull up to throw down streams of comets
Natalini, greedy
jam with a spectrum of hope.

°°°°° °°°°° °°°°°


it hard to track your charm
your face pockmarked cherry
for lack of kisses.
The steps of the monumental cemetery
stride with the randomness that you were, elf
poet hosannas of the root ball.
The dance of the tops with the roots receive
usual, the cypress grove, taking the nth
jar. In direct contact with the pack of stray dogs
fades, the night is.

°°°°° °°°°° °°°°°


garbage so as to withstand the company's library.
Neither silence nor the word
writhing fish spear just doubled.
dialect and sings in the believer
the offender at the bottom. The sky in
value is the value of others when dawn
no one can cheat in
hit the curb to wait. Dear
love that you were not dear
we did the balloon paper
sternum puddle of war surplus.

°°°°° °°°°° °°°°°


Hoarseness shadow tendon sky
old child guest of hospice.
two decades is expected to face the
shot. But from malcerto
ceremonial rooms and survive the cutlery
not expunge the dead. In the bustle of the complaints against the cornices

saw a girl buried in rubble

The beautiful hamlet of quarrels
of love has been broken by the whips of all
all desperate.

°°°°° °°°°° °°°°°


names from families of early
you were lonely, lonely resin
tricks on dry ends of the branches of Christmas trees

slow to condemn, sylvan compartment
hoax breeze. If children live with you
circle and you are in need of repair seems to blush ...
glow of the wood that you defeated.

°°°°° °°°°° °°°°°


Tarlo wind your fan
(With great fanfare the lives of others).
Prayers, prayers
chores which is not
nor sorrow, nor the mouth. However
gendarme looked, the source

jumps in the Mall to eat in the home end.

°°°°° °°°°° °°°°°


hermitage of Occaso I scattered the high-voltage pylon

the anchor finally dies laughing uproariously

the fairy faithful
lisa force from nothing to nothing.
The arcades of the international station
droppings cements. The halo
crops the limp home
kills unarmed remnants of facts, Aunt Tweedy
with kisses mo 'Illuminations.

°°°°° °°°°° °°°°°


annuities are perhaps the well
of unhappiness.
The bittern is just a toy for

forgotten the killings of mothers and babies.
For effigy of the hero
cancel Christmas. The

guard has fallen asleep in front of the monitor. It 'came out the angel
is the devil. The shield under cellophane
many years ago makes the waking of waking life without
neither dream nor a great fan of Sgobba of great faith.

°°°°° °°°°° °°°°°


Marina Pizzi

Surprises of black bread
[2005 -

Prophecies of the lawn,
fatuous prophecies of fire


Rose thorns
thunder of words in the cellar
rose thorns.
The scale of evil from the face inside
telephone out of order.
°°°°° °°°°°


Surprises of black bread
aloud the cicada
plaster dying.
Bread honesty of tracks
convert shadowing the mercy but not to the abandonment

a promontory at the mercy of Understanding elbow
myth solved the embrace addressed.

°°°°° °°°°° °°°°°


During the actions of the cypress
(the turmoil of the suspensions ...)
stacked high and low parameters

are no sacred to wear:
hermitage another faceless
when the guard the cup night
(hoarseness of salt)
lindissimo even the infant
bogeyman of prayer
stranded in a handful of nails.

°°°°° °°°°° °°°°°


With the tides in peak and decline
calendar impassive
always gives rise to the serfs to the little time
meals without love, without cunning
of losing my way. Model
been prudent to preserve the corridors of clerical

race where the pain of the race did not olympians the podium.

°°°°° °°°°° °°°°°


The barrier of the protocol logic
havoc with the name of the substance inside
. At
thanks squirrel
the bitterness of the wood embers, saying black
thrift wood
so when we began to tighten believed
grown in the shade. The crew of the swallows

wilted in a theater pinchbeck
parent has the stubble.

°°°°° °°°°° °°°°°

6. He

ferry sleep in a ravine
even happier
weights between spikes and buds of the balloon festival

lands as best
with the din of the temple tortured
last poet.

°°°°° °°°°° °°°°°


Joy of statelessness
leave the meaning of the earth
torches to the sides of the remains of

pains not to return.
Get out the round and finally

acoustics do not fear the gutters when the night of the night screaming
the dying of the dark ... I of the ravine.

°°°°° °°°°° °°°°°


I was a worm in a matter
blood worm always eclipse the brightness
bedside under
shocking cliques of thefts hours
prohibits the coma without the syllables of the lectern.

°°°°° °°°°° °°°°°


Prophecies of the lawn,
fatuous prophecies of fire:

°°°°° °°°°° °°°°°


gaze from the face-blind

Esco Esco
only the fingers that are not late never
contraction. [Never left the keeper.]
single flight earrings when the beauty of cherry
angles capital the world.

side of the ice as brotherly meeting.

Knock, knock, do not open, nor dew
or with the leading ladies of the moons
full of cloves in outstanding!

°°°°° °°°°° °°°°°


Wrongly waited for the grass grave
prohibiting self-nails
with stoles Penelope
a mo 'to save tonnage Financo
the well. Could not be confused
the archer of the sun when the pitcher

the dream began experimenting in the total ash.

°°°°° °°°°° °°°°°


season have you in the darkest
the tiny stubble herbarium
that put out the fire.
The owner of the damaged goods
grease the palms of the cool shadows of the fund
niche status.

°°°°° °°°°° °°°°°


E 'born to sling
artificial respiration in the hearts of those killed, the dacha
Marina hungry
of spiders in the beams with no luck. Immediately in the trench
the pound in the dock and lace
in the roof of the ocean and ajar
not you noticed that you do not Sopi.
°°°°° °°°°°


Save tide half of
rusts when the mothers of the immortal joys!

°°°°° °°°°° °°°°°


I must converge to the din swallows
blowing against the glass roof terraces. One wonders

age of clones of all hands.
lanes of veils on the corpses
live arrests rattles. In less than
I saw all across the dispensation of the cross
all the hilarity of the carousel
the Christmas illuminations frigid.

°°°°° °°°°°

°°°°° 16.

I have a soldier that makes me side
but much less than unarmed recruits.
E 'intimidated fossil childhood
mop cut to offense.

°°°°° °°°°° °°°°°


the sanatorium with the terraces of a clear light without darkening
weirdness of youth in the base controls
(freedom-walled courtyards
speakers made of children).
Matt called the rent of my friend we met in

fir resin for earthquakes of discoveries penis pick
just when it encroached the world.
suffered sudden and the order of the nut
not confided luck.

°°°°° °°°°° °°°°°


Light in October at the door of the apartment

short of short and quick with lots of turns the old bolt
decor without the chorus of the powder have been sad to

very real command of the bulb joker
born. It falls in the dacha of the poet
moves along the rope dancers
of joy, the joyful day

°°°°° °°°°°

°°°°° 19. With the provisions of almsgiving

the workshop of poetry. So great and prosperous

's legacy nothing
inert for the bell. It slowly dies
chrysanthemum and die suddenly that train rookie
swarm to time, on time,
returns so if nothing
thrift avarissima angel.

°°°°° °°°°° °°°°°


These big eyes are scary lake
not bear the tram standing
reduce the blood stains do not handcuffed
hour Evening
stage trickery and privilege of touch
angels without the colonnade of St. Peter.
recruits to the blood that now leaves you
not sleep at night or ride the stone.

°°°°° °°°°° °°°°°

21. The shingle nails

The neon lights of the metropolitan
bulls morgues
veins closed mud. The balustrades of parades

stunning, the lofts
commit adultery. At the national museum are statues
political shadow.
Patents men of genius
obscure the barley mild cappuccino
that you can afford to joke.
°°°°° °°°°°

22. In cypress

consent of the marine consuming
wall of the plant will
god shabbier
trudging URL. The thatched huts for

crippled children at the port of poisoned fish waste
lena mutilated comets
shoulders trembling
invite artists to prophecy.

°°°°° °°°°° °°°°°


Neglect arc

Tired of all proportion and cancellation
acrobat stone

bit of black bread with surprises prey to the first flock of hunter
agenda fate of the boat
slice of bread with fog
karma even in last place in a state of neglect of arc.

°°°°° °°°°° °°°°°


The sound of the ticking
bloodless bloodless epiphany
tratturo theft
ecstasy of less
slingshot from Desco
dark dark brown bark scrap. Yesterday you
last republic of oak and wafer
woman's mother and father's hand almost bigger
during the mourning of the spear in the hole

in the meal than the end of the grace

°°°°° °°°°° °°°°°

25. In the plan

hourglass you see the anchor
back to the matter of having twins
give up.
You entertain a culmination of a worm
vengeance inherent in good. So the stars of illness

students the prestige of one who knows or knows?

°°°°° °°°°° °°°°°


With the blood of the holiday
should not be born,
the avenue that was almost poetic in shame while
uniforms young
used for barracks in the dark from dance halls to
miserable lovers,
holds atomic
fireflies in the marine dock weeping.

°°°°° °°°°° °°°°°


Bread Sundays
lost clues
it was credulous. From piggy
nailed in the vandal. By then the snow
the only cough syrup to calm
the scale of the fair dates
ceased to cultivate the soil.
the carousel never was and never meet.

°°°°° °°°°° °°°°°


of Maretta corsair

meet you from the front of the dock to haul
sadness of losing. At the bottom of the stamp
not use the camp to remain
coma inconsumato
evil pitch black room.

°°°°° °°°°° °°°°°


began to die at thirty
misdeeds of others.
In absentia since
tip the bartender you only
calm day. The ambush of the nut

stretch the sock fell
typical of ponds. The
Pico Mirandola had buggy eyes
malice of the grape arbor
robbed by the same saucy
The rich peasant.
In the blink of an eye the image forever
industry makes even the cemetery
around the corner as luck.

°°°°° °°°°° °°°°°


Amara reason
grow hair cut. So the very serious joke

funnel. With the bad hip
my twin
managed to live well in spite of the stormy sea
was the fount.
You, you remember me?
now live in the ancient city on the sly
and I forget, to furtively
the vile sneezing, live
by TG.
°°°°° °°°°°

31. The jury of martyrdom

brawl without items
it requires the cliff
with a joke.
The carcass stands out there and where the jury

quote each other with cups of tea a very harmonious.

°°°°° °°°°° °°°°°


the dark cypresses time closed
has crushed the sport of your kisses
a malady of the chores chores

dawn in the evening (at best).
Famous names of the months do not converge over the idea

of being faithful in the perimeters of the fatuous

°°°°° °°°°° °°°°°


in lies on the forehead
growth by dint of nails
with the halo of the circle of fire works
insistence soil
no rags no ashes.

°°°°° °°°°° °°°°°


I'm tired of making myself the servant

the sinister farewell
decides not to rush headlong. Listening

privilege of the sword of the game so for the boy's swollen finitude

from the barrel of love with your heart in the attic

throat to his mouth to slide.

°°°°° °°°°° °°°°°


Meringue rainbow
your visit. Zero rating of Master
almost pixie
you lived despite the temples in the blood
the skirmishes of the pebble.

°°°°° °°°°° °°°°°


A Patch of prophecy dismuove
joy of the sunflower
vastness of the principle of light
greedy land of the index kneels
Die false.

°°°°° °°°°° °°°°°


lights damaged anchor legs in the air rite
cliff of death rattle
worn steps of the injured Prince. The Franciscan

twin brother of the rag bag
so worn out strand by strand
loss of amen
harp of the pick of nails
goodbyes nodes fingers.

°°°°° °°°°° °°°°°

38. The agonies of the porch

wipe the weeping willows
Jackals of the massacres
traits than pensions
in the doorway
compartment stepper
table prepared to ban bite
sometimes beyond
track the comet
goal of good-natured.

°°°°° °°°°° °°°°°

39. In

skyscrapers without cornices
neglect the non-welcome.
stupid fairy tales from that fiasco stop the cave.

°°°°° °°°°° °°°°°


The days of afternoon suspended loads
the daughter who complete
ash cans in halos to sneak
assassination. Appeals art
keep the hand as a prelude to the already
mourning. Running on cypress
want to touch the chair of this and that ryegrass

weed the garden of migraine headaches
the stupid nanny state.

°°°°° °°°°° °°°°°


Dinner to heal
unlucky day

despite the failure to hold a small party of the obsession

sip of the swing when the body is the high jump
board of pollen to die.

°°°°° °°°°°

°°°°° 42. The most extensive

big room

By size to the cornucopia of pit
heirloom and indifference have
song mouth shut in the hermitage
miserable outpost of shell-debt. So
childhood or reset the time
sent by the gods to make a farce
the chirping of the branch that breaks
brother of the leaves one by one.
In less than a lot
the perfidy of the eternal city lying on the graffiti
underground lair of such sins
-hole layer of mother.

°°°°° °°°°° °°°°°


E 'finished without a collapse, the shadows of tomorrow
discharge the mage tower
never Conversely headlong down.
sleeping in a box-within-the-other, the resistance of the pebble

peak understood that under the feet of exile
based shroud.

°°°°° °°°°° °°°°°


source is the fate despite
rouge d'
sunrise to sunset of the night while giving himself
butterflies audacious stops.

diluted in the success of the sun.

°°°°° °°°°° °°°°°


The pin has cypress
straight from the first class.
The final certificate will be calculated innate
beast to start at least
false love or the illusion sulfur. He
with gangrene in a dream
ocean, surf the sour smile of doubt
repeating again repeating the

oceanic basement of a room. Jupiters and benefits
of mourning in the door of the clothing of the Executioner and Marguerite.

°°°°° °°°°° °°°°°


The abacus of the cornucopia

beautiful voice of the beloved parent with his feet frozen
despite the high mountain socks ...
encrusted with his throat, was,
fingers in the hovels of the ashes
quarrels for the god in copy.

°°°°° °°°°° °°°°°


With the shroud in the chest mo 'primrose perennial
crippled as to cripple a lot of naked

the intent of the race with song lyrics by Canton
board for a stroll to find pride
sleep one name to the body
pomp of plaster wall to collapse. In

tip pen or pencil
the jump is the memory not just of ethics contained

°°°°° °°°°° °°°°°


E 'passed the wafer when the body of the crystal
the tale of the love I gave to the eye.

The new kiosk betting
not give you a smile on the vitality
to handle the grim underground of a dragonfly
luster Asolo ravelling
taken to coat all the bread
dud. Alone makes it a faint
without accessories
in weights at the bottom of the height of war
pockets, patterns of stones.

°°°°° °°°°° °°°°°


The delicacy of the sun is just a stunt
an abacus phosphorus
very nil.
devise a verb that can air
gestures of art for the love again
credulous and blasphemous
when the swallows fell in love with the foxes. And that scene
asthma outlet elbow
frogs in caskets of soldiers to torture
lightning round closed.

°°°°° °°°°° °°°°°


heading in to the sea of straw
the magnet to the broken kneecap
fate at the bar of the tricycle in need of repair
hyena laugh of the story of history without
find the tram stop
stuffed newspaper advertising, in direct
afternoon tea
permit only if the reality show.

°°°°° °°°°° °°°°°


Surprises of surprises bread
fire fatuous
internal indexes gerund
glasses to a single shift
divisions of the moss. Roomba
the rope still
the beauty of the push and pull the roots strenuous
void in the saddle in this stunning
mist of sovereign shrine.

°°°°° °°°°° °°°°°


The presidium of the year is to get the seed crock
Cinderella never ever
peaceful river chorus of geese
Silent happiness.
piles of miserable when the fugitive is believed to cut
dispatches from the sea of \u200b\u200bvines to their ankles
red halos of transparent

°°°°° °°°°° °°°°°

53. Never baldness

the shroud
rhetorician and you give no
scassami the nape
door charm
empire basement
plate defendants without attorneys. All
invoked the clouds distracted
good aunts of pastarelle
when the lizards of the dark
mimicked the future. The game
the den with the tender love
voghe to the prison in preparation for

°°°°° °°°°° °°°°°


With a pain to do with acrobat
a gerund of a hole
identity are coagulated
fingers spread with the cats to death.
Stratton gravediggers leaning over the corpse to the mixture
think of good food and hurried
exhale appetite
on making the body fit-sum cash
the bad with the megaphone.

°°°°° °°°°° °°°°°


focused halo of
tear when the route has never had
nor the myriad of olives to be able to love
restlessness from living room. In
tinkling of the sea that does not give a dispatch agency shakes

lost this taste of blood in
sauce coup.
room supporting a shell
orphan. Oh! cakes of grandmothers
without doubt!
°°°°° °°°°°


Heart of the shadow to get away Arsione
outpost of the more dispersed
vitriol of betting. So
not tremble nor imitate the angel
jovial as a hermitage in disarmament
with mortal cells still stained with sweat
anxiety. The saint was not
closer to thrive. The tone of the salt
clogged chimneys
asphyxia and silence without adoration
autumn in spring fashion.

°°°°° °°°°° °°°°°


In cradle of the next dive which shroud
nobody knows celebrated
who knows what in the swallow or brilliant. A top
between teeth nonsense
theft nell'occaso
to come home empty-handed the chorus of partisan
very hung, with the tonnage of the poems, then the
retoruzzo of memory.
The influence of the moon is not made for luxury round
the only rate for one year or
tides maternal ol'abaco
cash item related and similar and different.

°°°°° °°°°° °°°°°


In a dash of salt
took shape around the end of
energy. In
prey to the slope of displacement
runs the wheel in advance of the season. From
sling here, from the awkwardness
tailoring silent predicate
the case of rotten acrobat fence.
shelf (just rebuke)
can not pacify the gallows
the pandemic of rag.

°°°°° °°°°° °°°°°


Cypress brick
this stop into a thousand crumbs
rare morsels in the course of the sternum
the primer stuck to the letter A
powerless to deal with silence
and the twins scream.
include a signature of the command and a poem
shattered by the host father.

°°°°° °°°°° °°°°°

60. In a cypress

with room for your ankles to phosphorus of the vanquished quarry
swan who was shot and coping

masses borrowed against the pit. A
ruin the pain made the most vile rotting alive
the magnificent
pirate. Sarabande d'Occaso
now the mother
from first to last birthday.

°°°°° °°°°° °°°°°


I'm ready to dig out my sword in the air passing

the use of the course. In
brief soldiers in the gully of the throats
of someone at the planetarium
nickname god being foolish. Maretta
of the eye test in reverse
of stubble to meet again unknown.

°°°°° °°°°° °°°°°


For the intrigues of mists and
prelude to breath in the dry

time I came to the stubble,
thanks for yesterday I had to instruct, even! But the defense to jump
abolished the arrogance of the interior lining
pleasing freedom of dawn.

°°°°° °°°°° °°°°°


The den is inverted sign
disgrace that seduces
poppies softer
made only by naked short-lived. Shell Eco

you close to me over the memory to rust
breach of the antenna, liberating joy, liberating. So
sternum is finally running out of the pit of self

°°°°° °°°°° °°°°°


A slag for vengeance to be on the lookout den

strategist who was not the mother of concert gabbana.
The lecture has made me laugh
mail epiphany. Come home with the hovels of
ever, almost
was less representative of yourself. The bowl of water on the bedside table

deadly. The thieves are tracked by the arrival of the last

periphery to slam the cash underground
focal ashes in the mouth.

°°°°° °°°°° °°°°°


martyrdom that inspires
who smoke or just take it. Scolari admitted
justice to suppress the wisdoms. In the side sill which

lesson? In the bottom of the pyramid stock
hub hubs with you
gerund of stasis, verb
potato stall despite rising ocean. In the narrative climax
not You were told
or salaried by a halo flow.

°°°°° °°°°° °°°°°


how to work the joys
the holidays and finally deleted

cut dell'acredine
where the contempt
sighs in the atom.
expected for days in the shelter of Nero and Zorro
it exhausts the shore dock and pimp
ciotolone the rust in the constancy
take bad luck.
you decide not to bare resin
indifference of the place, instead
chronic contact with sighs.

°°°°° °°°°°

°°°°° 67.

not yet begun the remains
airy rooms of the broom to stop air
strenuous. Nival rides for children
sour the bitter afternoon. Valencia
Occaso of the dock of zero
had the remote past [as] a song of another life
Zarinas proletarian
by the fire that will command the eye.
crew of the twigs of yesterday
petals in the hands of the Executioner cornices.
Add a banner to the next line and
recurrence between the open sea.

°°°°° °°°°° °°°°°


still buy colored chalk on the structure of these desperate
the disparate structure of the present.
The slate of games was bleached

all'idioletto calcified of mummies. Vaga
yesterday by the stork to take the day remained
cubicles musicians of mystics
kids scratched by pen unusable. In
back to your mud minnow
rovinasti the mathematical question of the theme
the grace of the living.

°°°°° °°°°° °°°°°

69. The goal of turning

be deleted because you do not win the game so much.
Even the swallow has become gloomy and slow and slow
forced to fly on the stubble.
to be written and yet still just a list
indicates strength in a soup meal
in the current thresholds.

°°°°° °°°°° °°°°°


But it is actually done by a piece
twinkle Home
case on the ground used to it. Calm down the steep face you dream
that always connects to all networks.
I will die with the breath despite the fact
virgin divas fan.

°°°°° °°°°° °°°°°


E ' still born on the gimmick of stubble
Lucifer Executioner nell'agnellino
crammed down the most karst
where you sling tide and shore reaction.
E 'fever of the sun is the comet's dark
pulled groin zero flutter.

°°°°° °°°°° °°°°°


The loneliness are irreconcilable
sewn on, made to measure.
quarrels with the wind from elbow
believe the myth of the massacre of so
time. Watch your ankles to each corner
. You know the dark home
of each snowflake. So you hurry
all'ordigno confiscation order.

°°°°° °°°°° °°°°°


solicitude of zero
calendar stubble

duty at the mouth without ever hearing a ballad
high speed train so there's no landscape to remember

°°°°° °°°°° °
° ° ° °

Beach to the shutters of the sick
losing consciousness is the sinking
neck nibbled by hedges
of complaints.
The Litany of the verbs in the area of \u200b\u200brestoration
steps at all of the systems under a lot of patience

counts for nothing does not count. The dead shells without
all knew
one by one in your pocket without
fire for a short hibernation elbow.

°°°°° °°°°° °°°°°


We went with the last guess
city park. The car burned trespass
hands of lovers as an own goal.
Unfortunately for the female
received were undermined by nineteenth-century swallow. In
frighten of the ditches that accumulate
liturgical round the carousel, a survivor.
The assassin is one of very well
approached by the head with the crickets could not venture
the emphasis of mutanza.

°°°°° °°°°° °°°°°


The dog on the mouth took home
long silence of the milestone. The coarse
seems not to understand
resins abbreviated hugs.
The child who loves piggy
bin with him a pain to
inlay craftsmanship.

°°°°° °°°°° °°°°°


Without including dates falling off
is understood the luxury of disappearing
fully with the short darkness.
From curly chestnut gap
great enigma to suspend the
admitted in the shuffle of the shadow.
of you grind the onion that stings me
candelabra ghost hound
temples without hail of fingers.

°°°°° °°°°° °°°°°


Androni without compensation soul
these dull torches in power.
shroud you in a festive right index
to music and the theme of paternal
the sea behind. Sometimes the swell does not just funnel
raids is not only seizures but
weaves the fate of the large cliques
gangs with the thrill of great love.
Theft sit in the decrease in retrospect
known in the patrol of the puppet broken.

°°°°° °°°°° °°°°°

79. In

ransacked the empty bread
desecrated the cave collapsed
the horizon greater than zero when the edge.
The code was coming without the index spent the entire blame

of faith when it took was a step of light
the mood of the sunflower.
all'inchino Corolla made by the heat of crack
anchor without resistance
crowd of us thousands and thousands of acid diets

°°°°° °°°°° °°°°°

80. The case of the veto

love and confusion
wave embroidery wave alert reminder
strolled best turmoil better.
Translate this misdeed of caustic soda in
oasis, from knobs made to beautify without
to open in a pencil in a bic pound
the orchestra pit.
Sand sculptures and display cases of reorganization
without meeting the fodder of the nut section of chores

gentleness despite the many kisses and kisses and lots of babble tremulous
asylum battle of the contact.
The typical noise of the pencil was dropped and the oasis of
bear rattles
affix to a bath to relax bitch.
The big players were from the east
of great poverty where the train to the city

°°°°° °°°°° °°°°°


After the fire the iris
example of a poet in the office of a broom
gorse without gardens or friends. It
Barbic your voice as a blacksmith
to cook sweet salty against the greed of all the aunts
more and more rich. The swing of the flap ripped

birth when we wake, lost only losers in direct
tin tin
vulgar blood silence echo
°°°°° °°°°°


exploded on a mine to even the game
coil frost
no no answer. The saddle
ecumene died
your ash into the air saturated. He laughed again
ride over rather than blasphemous
motto of the world. Your mother is pregnant again
because it's just a woman born to be girding

basket of slate without petulance
by teacher or stature impression.

°°°°° °°°°° °°°°°


The hour the bird sings
nobody is happy. Expires
the despot is now the treatment of delirium is

the book does not help the situation.
Beetle dismissed
year just slamming the pavement is
sfa nullity. The clearing of the river has chipped
has injured
has flexed the power of the whisper whisper
believed horizon.

°°°°° °°°°° °°°°°


[E 'too big to understand the sky to fly]
Roberto Vecchioni

ALMS verb

arrogance of the way the huge trees next to the power of representation
temples pierced by the simulation. The keyboard
shift is stuck
career canonical
the ABC's overall space of the abacus. The
March 21 authorizes the petals
terminal spur of the moment of prosthesis zero.

°°°°° °°°°° °°°°°


At the time of the small intestine after years of eclipse
chores surrounding
are aching to live alive to joy. On
machete on the catapult without drawbridge
the tribulations of loss of oxygen.
Yes the drop in the sternum to the name is in love
mockery of fate rattle, Bandol stranded
nexus puff of dust. True
on the rise of spying last
're timeless space to blow
host of yourself with nothing but the torment
the scream and the snail
always too fast
always too slow in such slow wake saber
anyway and that's all.

°°°°° °°°°° °°°°°


atrium antrum of your disaffection
the towel on the hook of a thousand
beats and pieces. The fray of a thousand
alms to, nor crippled or healthy
today yesterday of Pius the bitterness in his face.
Rent is a cot in the bottom of the well
to pull up to throw down streams of comets
greedy traffic jam with a spectrum of hope.

°°°°° °°°°° °°°°°


it hard to track your charm
your face pockmarked cherry
for lack of kisses. The steps of the monumental cemetery

stride with randomness that you were, elf
poet hosannas of the root ball.
The dance of the tops with the roots receive
usual, the cypress grove, taking the nth
jar. In direct contact with the pack of stray dogs
fades, the night is.

°°°°° °°°°° °°°°°


Angle garbage in order to endure the company of
Neither silence nor the word
writhing fish spear just doubled.
dialect and sings in the believer
the offender at the bottom. The sky value is the value of other

dawn when no one can cheat in
hit the curb to wait. Dear
love that you were not dear
we did the balloon paper
sternum puddle of war surplus.

°°°°° °°°°° °°°°°


Hoarseness shadow tendon sky
old child guest of hospice.
For two decades it's expected to face
shot. But from malcerto
ceremonial rooms and survive the cutlery
not expunge the dead. In the bustle of the complaints against the cornices

saw a girl buried in rubble

The beautiful hamlet of wrangling
of love has been broken by the whips of all
all desperate.

°°°°° °°°°° °°°°°


names from families of early
you were lonely, lonely resin
tricks on dry ends of the branches of Christmas trees

slow to condemn, sylvan compartment
mockery of a breeze. If children live with you
circle and you are in need of repair seems to blush ...
glow of the wood that you defeated.

°°°°° °°°°° °°°°°


Tarlo wind your fan
(with great fanfare the lives of others).
Prayers, prayers
chores which is not
nor sorrow, nor the mouth. However
gendarme looked, the source

jumps in the Mall to eat in the home end.

°°°°° °°°°° °°°°°


hermitage I Occaso of the scattered high-voltage pylon

the anchor finally dies laughing uproariously

the fairy faithful
lisa force from nothing to nothing.
The arcades of the international station
droppings cements. The halo of the flaccid
crops native
kills unarmed remnants of facts, Aunt Tweedy
with kisses mo 'Illuminations.

°°°°° °°°°° °°°°°


annuities are perhaps the well
of unhappiness.
The bittern is just a toy for the forgetfulness of

killings of mothers and babies.
For effigy of the hero
cancel Christmas. The

guard has fallen asleep in front of the monitor. It 'came out the angel
is the devil. The shield under cellophane
many years ago makes the waking of waking life without
neither dream nor Sgobba big fan of great faith.

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