Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Ta Primer Temperatures

serious stuff ...

The judges give pensions to non
Anna Maria Greek (the Journal 26/05/10)

for INPS is a hard blow. The Constitutional Court guarantees the monthly disability allowance to foreign immigrants. Not just to those who have obtained 5 years after the residence permit, as expected so far, but to all those who qualify (not sure illegal immigrants) and can not work for a handicap.

So while the government and Parliament address the crisis squeezing the welfare state and pulling the strap for the benefits to disabled, goes against the Browse and expands the number of beneficiaries of the check.

So much so, that some schemes of the risk a form of a sort of "benefit tourism" in Italy, with the arrival of foreigners who knows how many disabled or assumed, attracted by the opportunity to be maintained at the expense of the state, without working.

The decision has already been taken by the 15 Constitutional Court judges, although still not public. There was a split at its meeting at the Palazzo della Consulta, but in the end, the majority upheld the appeal of the Court of Appeal of Turin, declaring unconstitutional the provision which confers on disability allowance, in Italian, EU and non EU citizens only if holders of residence permits.

is too early to assess the economic consequences of this verdict, but certainly our already shattered Institute for Social Security will have to jump through hoops to even meet this burden. The allowance is low, € 242.84 for 13 months, but you have to see how it multiplies. And then, once declared invalid calendar, an immigrant can obtain other benefits to fall relative to status, as well as attendance allowance and substantial tax deductions related. (...)

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Throbbing Pain Below Shoulder Blade On Left


Sometimes it takes ...

"When the curtain is lowered, in a spirit of determination and enthusiasm, the XII National Congress of the MSI-DN, it became clear to all that the largest meeting of this movement was not useless. Declaring open and without hypocrisy, reached after three days of intense debate and national secretary of the mouth, our direct lineage from Fascism understood in a revolutionary, that is modern and young, choice and at the same time guarantee of freedom, has represented for each room, regardless of age or deployment inside, a magical moment, and always dreamed for a long time, until then, forcibly abandoned. The thunderous applause that greeted "Fascism is here" and then launched from Almirante has marked a turning point in the life of the Right of alternative. "

Gianfranco Fini - Dissent n.52 of March 10, 1982


The case is original.

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Sword Backstamp Figurine

Slam, Bernardo!

"Get in, Bernardo", Italian translation of the movie "You are a big boy now", is intimately related to the theme (but not for representation) to "The Graduate." It 'really a beautiful film and I highly recommend viewing. Second work of Francis Ford Coppola, is characterized for a series of gags are funny and light that make the theme of love and independence initiation of a boy over the top.
The dog dick or rover according to the point of view, is a marvel.