Saturday, September 25, 2010

traitor and thief of dreams.

I know who is behind the papers accuse Fini. I know who inspires them, I know the customer. Not involved at all with the Palazzo Chigi, the secret services, the government of Santa Lucia. He is a boy of fifteen he joined the Young Italy. He dreamed of a better Italy, loved the tradition since the rebellion, he hated the arrogance of the protesters as much as the cowardice of the moderates, and sat in the wrong, for bitter taste of freedom. He wore the tricolor flag in the square, is excited by stories ancient and fiery speeches, thought that the curse could only tell the truth.
That boy together with other peers and established a section each month to pay for the collection were thirteen thousand pounds in rent, plus the cost of electricity, and water activities. Tax themselves from their pocket money but it was only a down payment, they were willing to give their lives. The boy had won a rich scholarship of 150 thousand pounds a year well and decided to spend it all to buy a press section and so pursue his passion for politics and even print. He spent whole days by militant, write, print and distribute leaflets. And with him his inseparable companions, Precchia, Martimeo the Canemorto, and others. School policy afternoon, evening, leaflets, posters at night, risk of beatings and sometimes pilgrimages in search of purity with tricolor and neckerchief. There were thousands of guys like him. There were some who lost their lives, a thirty I think, but does not remember their names; bothered him recall their names in the elections to wrest the applause or, worse, the elections to wrest votes. So do not mention them. He only knows that one of those guys could be him.
is he, the boy of fifteen years, the real instigator and inspirer of accusations Fini. Not spending the money wants it back for the press to keep the section, to buy glue. They were well spent, it is proud. Not even wants back the lost years that no one can give back, moreover, the burning passions of that time. It even claims that must be granted the waste of thought, energy, words, deeds and missions later in the year dedicated to the "vision of the world." The ideas were thrown to the wind but this is right, the wind is that ideas should be given. That label lay on him for a lifetime, and cost him greatly, but also knew how to build upon something. No, no calls back days, newspapers, books, opportunities, and much more.
But what can not bear to think that someone, after having thrown overboard his ideas and their witnesses, in the toilet after throwing those flags and those sacrifices, having forgotten faces, lives, deaths, histories, cultures and thoughts can use what remains of a patrimony of faith and his passion for the pigs comfortable and his family clan. He understands everything, exchange ideas, adapt to their own time, abjure, deny, even betrayal. I do not condone, but understand, not respect, but agrees. It is the policy, and beauty. And imagine if he thinks should be nailed Flame on which also has fields for a long time. But what goes down is not pocket money to see those guys who gave only policy and had nothing, the money rolled in poor robbing them and their families were proud to say, those pitiful collections of humble and honest, to keep alive the sections, ending up in that way. People who save money on gasoline to give two of his seventeenth money to the party that eventually ended up engulfed in a Ferrari. People who have left to good causes her apartment. People who hoped to see one day triumph over the idea, as he said with true faith and grotesque. Instead, Monte Carlo, the Caribbean, two, three parties dissolved into thin air, youth dissolved acetic. This is what the boy can not perdonare.Da Berlusconi the boy did not expect anything heroic, or even by Bossi or Casini. And even by Fini, after all. He understood the times, languages \u200b\u200band needs changed, the needs of policy, the future ... It could even finance the political intrigues and bribes with crap, but dreams of playing on the skin, the skin of poor play and kids to live their dreams had taken the money they had two, no, not acceptable. Tapping into the piggy bank
marginalized hopes that it is shameful, how shameful is to leave the floor with your ass so many capable and faithful over the centuries, who gave his soul to his party and was still waiting for a space for themselves to promote rapid appaltoni with millionaires and that the family clan. He does not believe that the meaning of life is, as said in an interview Mouthpiece, "Food, sex and travel" (you forgot the money).
The real inspiration and instigator of the transaction is he, that boy of fifteen. His name is Marcello, but could be named Mark or Pietrangelo. Not if the interests Gianfrego should resign and go abroad, the Caribbean, or Monte Carlo, or continue. The stove grattaefini this interminable. It is ready to discuss the political reasons, without a priori despise. Now hear his explanations (why a video message, it's not Bin Laden). But Fini has no right to steal the dreams of a boy, an old man, a fighter. Has no right to go and sell their dignity, their sacrifices, their ideas. Can not mess that Pound's motto was that the crest of those guys, they really have called us, he has gained. That boy now asks Fini only a little effort to adapt the slogan to the real situation and say, if a man is willing to sell off the house, or anything that is not home or he is not worth anything. And the house was worth.

Marcello Veneziani

Friday, September 10, 2010

Warts/underneath Finger Nail

inheritance. Interview with Mark

leader and leader. To emphasize the difference between Gianfranco Fini and his "master" Giorgio Almirante - Panorama this week - is the widow of the latter: "My husband has had fewer than 22 apartments in the donation and was always confined to call a lawyer and make a change of ownership from himself to the party, and any money sales administrator will collect the party itself. "
Certainly in those properties are not finished "in-laws."

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Men Flashing Women At Work

Vostok, Vostok


Braşov, apparently, was not affected by the short century. Its center is a pedestrian any central, crowded in the late afternoon by its inhabitants. A man over sixty sits alone on one of the many benches in the square Sfatului. On a short-sleeved pink shirt wearing a gray vest and a red tie, pants and shoes are blacks, but not by the clothes denotes wealth. The gray hairs are imbrillantinati back and smoke a cigarette with the mouthpiece. A family enjoys a bench front of her, about five meters: father, mother and child of two years crying out loud. The man gets up, pulls out a candy and goes to the child. Attracts his attention and hands her candy. The child stops crying. The man turns and goes back to the bench, with a broad smile of satisfaction on his face.

A couple sits on another bench, browsing with a tabloid scandal. Read and comment aloud, with the participation, at times it hotly. He has at least seventy years, the skin is dark and wrinkled, his beard and white hair, faded jeans door, a black leather jacket and green cap with a visor. At his feet was placed a leather handbag clear. She looks older, has a male face, lengthened, with the same signs of the time, and the mouth is toothless. A woolen cap on his head, held by a pink scarf tied under the chin. He wears a shirt with a burgundy floral printed on a gray vest and a black bag over your shoulder. Peep under the skirt thick brown socks, another pair of socks that divides the men's fashion shoes. He would say both dressed recovered from some charity.

The children who received the candy by the smoker with the mouthpiece comes running in front of the pair, the stumbles and falls and starts crying loudly.

In Biserica din Deal, or the church on the hill, there are encounters Sighişoara unusual: a fresco in which the Trinity is represented by a head with three faces and the Holy Spirit has the appearance of a girl, a crucifix carved from a tree whose branches were trimmed only, a caretaker who wants to know what is known about the Dacians in Italy. He is keen to stress that Transylvania has always been an economically developed region with the presence of a large community of German origin. Unlike the principalities of Moldavia and Wallachia, Transylvania in the Middle Ages belonged to the Hungarian crown, after being tax was the sultan after the Turkish occupation, in 1687 it became part of the Austro-Hungarian Empire, which Romania has taken away after the First World War. The presence of the Germanic peoples, however, predates the Hapsburg period, dating from the twelfth century, when the Hungarian king Géza II did arrive in the region a group of Saxon colonists. The first document is in Brasov, 1235, when the city was called Kronstadt. A second contingent of Saxons was called to defend the south-eastern flank of his estates by King Béla IV after the devastating Mongol invasions of 1241. Since then, the ethnic composition of Transylvania is the result of three elements: Hungarian, Rumanian and German. The Lutheran Reformation was introduced there in 1542 by Johannes Honterus, a humanist who had studied in Krakow and Vienna and taught at Basel. Geographer, cartographer, cosmographer and jurist, was launched in 1539 in Kronstadt the first printing of south-eastern Europe and in 1547 staged the largest library in the area. A small museum has been dedicated within the Biserica neagra, the Gothic church which was named after the fire that blackened in 1689. The floor of his bare interior is light wood, unpolished, and the columns and walls are, respectively, latte and ivory white in color. The walls of the nave are decorated with dark wooden stalls, while the ribs of the ceiling of the apse are of a pale green. The harmony of colors is improved by 119 Turkish carpets, hanging everywhere, who are mostly ocher with a mihrab red brick in the middle. Were donated to the church in the eighteenth century by the local traders returning from the Ottoman Empire.

One of the centers spread of Gothic architecture in Transylvania was the Cistercian monastery of the Charter, founded in 1202 along the Olt River. Today it is included in the tourist circuit that allows you to visit the fortified churches over twenty of the region, the central element of the villages Saxons. As you can see well Mosna, the plant of the villages reminiscent of a fish bone, in which the church is the head of a road from which the sides of which there are two rows of houses from the narrow and elongated. On the way, graced by a canopy of vines, facing the short side of the houses and their back there is the strip of land that was allocated to each family according to a criterion strictly egalitarian. The ethnic Germans were in the early twentieth century, ten percent of the population of Transylvania, but many of them have left Romania after 1989 to move to Germany. There is, however, a movement in the opposite direction: Germans are the funds that support the maintenance of fortified churches, as well as those that allowed the renovation of a building that now houses the hostel of Sighisoara.

View from the Balkans, the European geopolitics of the late nineteenth century resembles a game of Risk in which two players, France and Russia, are trying to weaken the other two, the Ottomans and the Habsburgs, that at the beginning of the game, have occupied the strategic territories. In an attempt to strip the flesh off their possessions will serve the appetites of the weaker players: Bulgaria, Romania, Serbia and Kingdom of Sardinia, then in Italy, whose moves are often surprisingly similar and coordinated. After the Crimean War and with the help of the French principalities of Moldavia and Wallachia gave birth to Romania, whose independence was recognized at the Berlin Congress with the support of Russia, just as was Bulgaria.

During World War I, then, the exchange of courtesies became even more concrete. In November 1915, when the Serbian army was in full dissolution and sought refuge in Albania with the hope of reaching the Adriatic coast, Italy sent an expeditionary force to occupy the port of Durres to protect the right flank of the Serbian army routed.

In June 1918, concentrated among the prisoners of war in Avezzano, there were also Romanians, who formed a legion of volunteers for the purpose of fighting alongside the Italians. In the Historical Museum of Alba Iulia, you can read a letter in November of that year, Sidney Sonnino writes to the National Council of Unit Romena: "Italy has not forgotten how patriotic zeal with which the nobility of sacrifice Romania participated in the bloody struggle, now successfully closed, for the liberation from the yoke of common enemy and for the triumph of freedom and justice in the world. To the achievement of the most secure political and territorial rights of the people and the government of the nation Romania Italian will give its full support. "Similar support gave the French government and 1 December 1918 it came to the declaration of the union of Transylvania to Romania. Another bite of the defunct Austro-Hungarian Empire by the victorious powers was given to Romania in 1920: the Crişana and part of the Banat (Serbia went to a slice), regions that had become Hapsburg territories in 1718 with victories Military Eugene of Savoy. Today, following them, it is hard to think that they ever belonged to others, so the imprint is evident in the appearance of their Austro-Hungarian city.

Criteria admission imposed by the European Union have led Romania to restore officially bilingualism, multilingualism, and sometimes, in these areas, as seen from the train boards in which appear the names of cities next to those Hungarians in Romania. This should highlight the nature pluralistic and respectful of the diversity that characterizes the European Union. However, there are some who are skeptical about the prospects that the entrance will open in Romania.

in Sibiu, in 2007, the European Capital of Culture, ARTVO visit, the first private gallery of contemporary art. Daniela Turcu, curator and painter herself, shows me a series of paintings of the thirties Ciprian Muntiu, the theme is the entrance to the Union and the painter decided to treat it by painting a series of fish swimming in a blue that is the European flag. European commissioner is, for example, threatening the big fish that passes next to small fish. The title is more explicit than a painting in which three fish are stacked, respectively red, yellow and blue stripes of the flag of Romania: The Same shit .

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Free Shrilipi For Winxp

the opossum legendary

"I wanna hear some revolution out there, brothers. I wanna hear a little revolution!
Brothers and sisters . . . the time has come for each and every one of you to decide, whether you are going to be the problem or whether you are going to be the solution!
You must choose brothers, you must choose...
It takes five seconds . . . five seconds of decision . . . five seconds to realise your purpose here on the planet . . . I give you a testimonial - the MC5!"

DETROIT, 1968.

"Kick Out The Jams" is loud, proud rock and roll madness from an era when we thought that if we were weird enough, resolute enough, stoned enough and together enough we could make the establishment curl up and die by sheer good vibrations.Listening to the MCS, I can not believe we lost. "

Elsewhere decades later.

Revolution, cleaned up the rhetorical elements, youth, academics, is as striking clause (try to construction) of an alternative.
It is based on the assumption that the organization and dynamics of the company are not necessarily given. They are not the best. are replaced in so many ways to be imponderable in advance.
I've already been writing it, but I want by return to reiterate: we are not talking only of economic relations. Indeed, it would be fair to say that we talk about "even" in economic relations as the basic core is an afterthought in interpersonal relationships, which today are hypocritical, morbid, conflicting. In today's society it is normal that we can find comfort only in isolation. Isolation of an individual or small group of individuals with respect to complex aggregates. In this context, however, room for maneuver is granted to each of us. The question becomes to find a crowbar and use it.

Wgy Does Clarticymicin Leave A Bad Taste In Mouth


intolerance for dissent, it is precisely now that the complaint within the PDL Fini ...
"Of this I have also written in scientific circles. In the book by MSI to AN, I wrote that MSI was, and after An even more, a plebiscite centralism in the party. The management was entrusted to a leader regarded as a sort of absolute monarch. Fini has exercised these powers in a very dramatic, having great resentment in any form of dissent "

In 1987 there was a party in celebration of Mirabello, with Fini Almirante designating his heir. The genesis?
"remember what we wrote 87 papers, such as Panorama, which Fini called" the miracle of the Assumption. " That is, Assunta Almirante who had convinced her husband to appoint his heir Fini. I do not know if it were true but that's the interpretation that he gave. Certainly Fini was appointed by others. He did not have to do anything, others were doing for him. "

And now?
"Now you must stand alone and find the appropriate line. However it is now (I say this as a political commentator for years), that his position is that those who do not think you get the legitimacy of leaders from within the political force to which it refers. It has long been presented as reasonable at all costs, moderate, politically correct because he hopes in a confused or difficult phase of a post-Berlusconi to be legitimized by the other, opponents, and so build something more solid. "

Today, 23 years later, another Mirabello, the waiting to find out which way to choose Fini. His nemesis?
"A Mirabello there will be a showdown. Throw the stone but withdraw his hand. I do not think that will make a new party, he tries to work the hips, to erode, but it has all the convenience of staying in the PDL. "

During his secretary, Fini has managed to gobble up opponents or to purge. Fini Msi system or system?
"In 1995 I called the dominant mindset among the cadres and militants" complex of Moses, "that is entrusted to the head, like a prophet, all responsibility for the life of the community of activists and supporters. Now, if you think that Fini, more on the circumstances for his ability, was able to ferry out of the period of captivity that world political and human, you can see why open intolerance towards dissent has found in him an interpreter even more rigorous. "

Many call for his resignation, the question for the Monte Carlo and incompatibility between political leaders and constitutional position.
"I have a different position. On policy I follow a realistic approach. I would scrape a lot of hypocrisy from the establishment figures: they all have a political history behind it. You do not change drastically because we pass on a stool significant. Of course, the overexposure and the internal clashes do not make credible Fini as a referee in the eyes of the majority that elected him. "

stabbed and diplomacy: the PDL is at an impasse. The majority will finish the term?
"A Fini and his government agrees that the worn-out day after day, not falling. If Berlusconi REACHED exhausted at the end of term, the Finian could claim several good reasons to establish alliances. In short, they have a clear interest in playing against the PDL, but if you accelerate too may be forced to submit to the test before the time of the polls without being prepared. And their expected low weight make them attractive to sponsors of third pole. "

And the PDL which cards are left?
"Although it is a gamble, I think Berlusconi would have an advantage and brought to the Fini to ferret out evidence of the polls. The attrition used for purposes not in Berlusconi '

(Il Giornale)