Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Wgy Does Clarticymicin Leave A Bad Taste In Mouth


intolerance for dissent, it is precisely now that the complaint within the PDL Fini ...
"Of this I have also written in scientific circles. In the book by MSI to AN, I wrote that MSI was, and after An even more, a plebiscite centralism in the party. The management was entrusted to a leader regarded as a sort of absolute monarch. Fini has exercised these powers in a very dramatic, having great resentment in any form of dissent "

In 1987 there was a party in celebration of Mirabello, with Fini Almirante designating his heir. The genesis?
"remember what we wrote 87 papers, such as Panorama, which Fini called" the miracle of the Assumption. " That is, Assunta Almirante who had convinced her husband to appoint his heir Fini. I do not know if it were true but that's the interpretation that he gave. Certainly Fini was appointed by others. He did not have to do anything, others were doing for him. "

And now?
"Now you must stand alone and find the appropriate line. However it is now (I say this as a political commentator for years), that his position is that those who do not think you get the legitimacy of leaders from within the political force to which it refers. It has long been presented as reasonable at all costs, moderate, politically correct because he hopes in a confused or difficult phase of a post-Berlusconi to be legitimized by the other, opponents, and so build something more solid. "

Today, 23 years later, another Mirabello, the waiting to find out which way to choose Fini. His nemesis?
"A Mirabello there will be a showdown. Throw the stone but withdraw his hand. I do not think that will make a new party, he tries to work the hips, to erode, but it has all the convenience of staying in the PDL. "

During his secretary, Fini has managed to gobble up opponents or to purge. Fini Msi system or system?
"In 1995 I called the dominant mindset among the cadres and militants" complex of Moses, "that is entrusted to the head, like a prophet, all responsibility for the life of the community of activists and supporters. Now, if you think that Fini, more on the circumstances for his ability, was able to ferry out of the period of captivity that world political and human, you can see why open intolerance towards dissent has found in him an interpreter even more rigorous. "

Many call for his resignation, the question for the Monte Carlo and incompatibility between political leaders and constitutional position.
"I have a different position. On policy I follow a realistic approach. I would scrape a lot of hypocrisy from the establishment figures: they all have a political history behind it. You do not change drastically because we pass on a stool significant. Of course, the overexposure and the internal clashes do not make credible Fini as a referee in the eyes of the majority that elected him. "

stabbed and diplomacy: the PDL is at an impasse. The majority will finish the term?
"A Fini and his government agrees that the worn-out day after day, not falling. If Berlusconi REACHED exhausted at the end of term, the Finian could claim several good reasons to establish alliances. In short, they have a clear interest in playing against the PDL, but if you accelerate too may be forced to submit to the test before the time of the polls without being prepared. And their expected low weight make them attractive to sponsors of third pole. "

And the PDL which cards are left?
"Although it is a gamble, I think Berlusconi would have an advantage and brought to the Fini to ferret out evidence of the polls. The attrition used for purposes not in Berlusconi '

(Il Giornale)


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