Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Combat Action Badge Star Periods

Renegades and dumb.

Dear Mr Mirko Tremaglia, she concluded her speech at the historic meeting with a Bastia Umbra "Berlusconi's face!" By coming down the magnificent and technical theater (yes, but who paid all that Berlusconi grace of God?) for the applause.

thing left me a bit 'confused. Perhaps in his old age has not forgotten one particular its negligible. It is only thanks to the despised Berlusca that you, an 'ex-boyfriend of Salo', is able to rise to the glories of a minister without portfolio, although in 2001-2006, and most of the Abominable Arcore defended it when it was accused of did the government get the first "ex Republican" in the history of the Italian Republic founded by the resistance. " It is thanks to this unexpected chair that she was able to realize his dream of his long life: that of granting the vote to Italians abroad, albeit with a bad law in both its mechanism and its implementation in practice he could bear - with suspected fraud - the most votes in the center-to center in the 2006 elections, contribute concretely to win the Prodi's Olive Tree & C. Nevertheless, it was hunted to raspberries from the same center.

Today, therefore, Mr Tremaglia, she breaks into a "Berlusconi's face," to let the people of liberty and freedom and change to the Future. Very good. But he never asked who is leading the Fli? It will not be the case for the gentleman who led her and many others the same PDL dissolving the National Alliance, and with this PDL win the 2008 election and have it re-elected to Parliament? Maybe. Honourable and distinguished, dear, old, forgetful 'boy Salo, "the father of one and the irreplaceable Marzio fate has taken away from her and us too soon, you do not remember what assumptions to this guide, this leader, this leader democraticissimo said about certain topics to which you should be particularly sensitive? For example, fascism: "It was the absolute evil", he said in 2003.

For example, worse, the Social Republic army in whose ranks she served in the army: "A shameful page of Italian history." And finally, to close the circle with dignity, "Anti-fascism is a value" is synonymous with democracy, and the resistance it was also, apart from some minor exceptions that would make us a Stalinist country. But despite everything, as he wrote the PNA to Bologna a few days ago, "commemorating the heroic fighters who opposed the partisans of the anti-Fascist raids is a duty of the institutions."

Mr Tremaglia, I infer that she now thinks so, despite the fact that maybe he also participated in these raids. So, does Mr fillin that his son Marzio, who as commissioner for culture of the Lombardy Region wanted to create - perhaps thinking of his father - an institute for the history of CSR, now directed by Professor Roberto Chiarini, is turning in his grave?

Gianfranco de Turris


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