Saturday, January 29, 2011

Mount & Blade Blueprint


Our way of being erected is a kind of calling card that declares who we are, what are our conditions and our way of life. Louder than words posture says about us and our history. It 'hard to take a certain attitude, if there is no personal relationship with the emotional reality: in fact the body has a remarkable sincerity and say what you would like to keep quiet. It 'also difficult to recruit a fully erect posture when there is nothing that can support it in our functional integrity, the quality of our way of moving.
The capacity of the star's back straight depends on the ability to bend without harm us, when necessary, or turn your head, or the way we breathe while practicing a sport, by the reaction of the knees when you jump from what happens in the muscles of the body in any action daily.
artificially constructed an upright posture means to make it even more obvious that our fiction. The posture is consistent with the mental and physical ecology.

There is a profound difference between East and West approach to the correction: In the West when you are not satisfied with their posture we often hear that we should do something to improve. In the East
instead you think that nature knows how to find the organization ideal. What ruins it is that something extra that we've added us too much food, too much noise, and more. The West urges us to act. The East advises us to understand and improve ourselves. E 'possible to combine both approaches without contradicting? What is this intervention in more than boycott the ideal posture?

Many complain of their posture, few are complaining instead of moving without providing adequate and effective responses. The posture is seen as a kind of photograph, frozen in time, separated from the flow of life.

We want to have a posture just as ideal as they are our capacity for social communication, our family relationships, our working competence, creativity, ability to enjoy the efficiency of our answers in every area of \u200b\u200blife.
worry only about our posture without considering what it expresses is how to give importance to one side only, continues to struggle with the difficulties of life instead of trying to improve our self.

There is a close relationship between the attitude and quality of body movement that it provides the organism.

What is the logic of a reluctant body to an upright posture if Nature had intended that it did? Star rights to what end? The ideal posture is perhaps only one standing, motionless, symmetric with respect to a central axis? Life is not static, flowing and constantly changing: the only constant is change. Our posture can be compared in its essence a fountain that changes appearance to the changing conditions that feed it. When we talk about body language change really begin to look for alignment in dynamic terms, making us aware of the qualities that create it and the process that powers it. Taking care of static product only brings frustration and a struggle without end.

In terms of dynamic posture is the starting point of every action. A posture is good when it allows us to move with minimal effort and is the organic instinct to organize this in view of the posture.
Each body is created with the knowledge of how to organize in order to pass from one state to another with minimal investment, then easily return to neutral position.
functional posture is not a pattern of alignments and angles, even if it may appear, but the expression of the guidance, organizational capacity that allows us to initiate any activity with the minimal energy consumption and minimal waste time in the preparatory phase.
If we lost this ability to be open to life, if we lost the ability to adapt to new challenges and we have limited the variety of our responses in the organization of our movements, even the vertical posture and property will be inadequate.

aspire to achieve a balance in various postures and configurations temporary does not preclude the ability to give that balance to make other changes and then return to the stable posture in a new form.
In other words, our stability is that insofar as we have the ability to risk losing it, relying on the possibility of finding, although in different forms.
Our stability is good insofar as we would like to demolish it and build another in its place.
Our posture is good insofar as we have a culture that motor struggles to find the easiest and most efficient.
conclude with a question, hoping to intrigue the reader: how do you schedule a task that is conducive to keeping your back straight? How can I determine a situation in which the body feels in itself the need to be right without charges?
will be the subject of which I'll discuss shortly.

Anna Torreggiani: dojo student of Eleanor, a graduate of Physical Education and teacher of the Feldenkrais Method ®

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Pathophysiology Of Anaemia

do not stop the thoughts.

being considered by the Minister Alfano the crime of Holocaust denial.

Minister Alfano, forget the crime of Holocaust denial. Would do harm to freedom, truth and dignity of all those who suffered massacres, the Jews in the head. I heard he set up a group to study a bill. Stop, the law would be unfair, would have a worse evil that wants to strike and ask to extend it to other Holocaust deniers. A tunnel without end. The views that deny the historical reality are different, sometimes damaged and otherwise despicable, but opinions are not punished with jail. First, because the words will condemn the words, acts with criminal acts. Second, why penalize the opinions means intimidated historical research which by its nature is brought to review the facts and judgments. Third, because it would create a cordon sanitaire around the Jews of untouchability which is dangerous because it threatens to topple over in his backhand. The aura of immunity could trigger you want to break the taboo, to violate the inviolable and create fanaticism of return and dislikes. Fourth, it creates the principle of inheritance of the sins and tragedies, with painful accounts, and the crime of complicity in the ideological, legal two monsters from the devastating effects and extensible. Fifth, it would be unjust to punish those who deny the Holocaust and not to punish those who deny other killings, before or More recently, the Armenians and the kulaks, the Russians and Chinese, and Indians Vendeans, Japanese, and of Istria, to colonize and Christians, and I may long continue. I do not propose to punish the other deniers, for heaven's sake, because even if we entrust the historical analysis in the courts and if we historians and teachers under supervision of the magistrate, in addition to killing the historical research, poisoned civic life and education. And devitalized righteous indignation, the impulse to respond with arguments to truth lies. No discussion, just the complaint, in our place we think the judge. I understand the reasons for this proposal and even the conveniences, but he left. The story is too many victims in its course to make again, babbomorto, 66 years later.

Marcello Veneziani

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Wm Rodgers And Sons Silverware

The course of self-defense women also extends to Friday

Given the great demand for the course, we can to carry out the practical course of self-defense is on Thursday from 19.30 to 21.00 (as planned) on days 27/01 - 3 / 02 - 10/02 - 17/02, or to Friday from 19.00 to 20:10 28/gennaio days - 4/febbraio - 11 / February - 18 / February.

If you want to play the course on Friday for your convenience, I can send a confirmation e-mail address

Federal Instructor of Krav Maga Marco Ceccarini

Possibilities Of Number Lock 3 Digit

Note for the course of self-defense of Mantua

This course of self-defense was organized under the umbrella of the university Politecnico di Milano, Polo Regionale di Mantova, so the university itself will require all participants in the CUS membership name to the total cost of € 5 which will be made to first meeting.

For all those who were already provided will be sufficient to show it to the first meeting.

regard to the above, we apologize for not having informed during the promotion of the course.

Attached you will find all the information and facilities that you can tap into thanks to the membership.

Gentili ,

hereby inform you that this year's membership campaign CUS (University Sports Centre) 2010-11 was presented the project HEALTH-SPORTS-ENTERTAINMENT which operates a policy of extended synergies within the sport, but also entertainment and health. To this end have been activated several conventions usable with the card (see attached list conventions).

The green pass linked to sport can be acquired prior medical examination free of charge at the CUS point seat by paying a fee of 15 €, while the blue pass is also available to non-university and still allows the use of active agreements at a cost of only € 5.

The Regional Centre of Mantua will, in fact, alongside the offer regarding sports activities, offer covering one side activities specifically aimed at prevention and health promotion, the other activity that facilitates access for students (but also the teachers and all staff) to, fortunately, numerous cultural events and Mantua Mantua land is often not sufficiently known and frequented by students present in Mantua.

Each of the three sectors HEALTH-SPORTS-ENTERTAINMENT must exercise their autonomy in order to achieve the goals of maximum participation, however, in the knowledge that only the integration of the proposed activities can be achieved by the harmonization training of the students (and others) which is the main objective of the HEALTH-SPORTS-ENTERTAINMENT.

The Politecnico di Milano-Polo regional initiatives in Mantua CUS organized with the collaboration of State Police and the Police Mantua a course of anti-aggression based on self-defense system "Krav Maga" used and recognized by the Italian Army, the Police, by the Carabinieri, the Guardia di Finanza and special forces around the world.

The need stems from the desire to spread the techniques and effective basic survival instincts to any aggression, especially women and especially rape.

The course consists of a seminar on "Stalking and Violence " open to all to be held Thursday, January 20 from 15.30 to 17.00 at the House of Bertani Polo di Mantova and 4 practical lessons for free (just be in possession of at least the blue pass CUS) to be held in the days of Thursday, January 27 3,10,17 and February from 19.30 to 21.00 State Agricultural Institute at the gym "Strozzi" in via dei Toscani, 3 in Mantua. E 'can subscribe directly to the practical lessons after the seminar. The seminar will be held Chief Inspector Daniel Bellotto outlining the legislative part of the protection on the persecution Article 612bis CP, the Assistant Chief Marco Ceccarini explain that the defense system "Krav Maga" by psychologist and Vanni Jessica techniques that will psychological deterrent.

(for more info: or 331.3698208 or http://dojoeleonorablogspot. com / )

Monday, January 17, 2011 Unblocked

Journal of January 15, 2011 Thursday, January 20

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Fever Stomachache Head Ache

Fiat voluntas tua.

A Mirafiori is preparing a referendum among the workers or not to ratify the agreement on the conditions of halter Marchionne for the rest of the production car in Italy. The political class from our own, incapable of governing anything, let alone the great challenges of globalization, is limited to stutter for the apparent retreat of the rights of workers, refugees, at most, always reassuring in charge: methods from the fascist regime!
workers who will lose with the dictates of Fiat, among other things, the lunch break, we would like to know this telegram, sent July 16, 1937, the prefect of Turin by Benito Mussolini, who if I remember correctly was the most fascist of all ...

"Tell Senator Agnelli and new Fiat plants should be comfortable and decent canteens for the workers. Tell him that the worker who eats in a hurry by the car, not of this time fascist. Add that ' Man is a machine used to another car. "

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

On The Sims 2 For Pc Can You Get Prams?

begins 2nd year of free anti-aggression - Anti-rape for women

is organized by the 20th of January a free course of anti-aggression - Anti-rape female, carried out by qualified personnel of the State Police.

The course is divided into 5 classes: on Thursdays January 20 to January 27 - February 3 to February 10 - 17 February / 2011

lezi The first one is theoretical and will be made at the ' Polytechnic University of Milan detachment of Mantua, at 15.30, while the other four practical lessons will be carried from 19.30 to 21.00, at the gym Technical Institute State Agricultural Strozzi, located in Mantova, Via dei Toscani 3.

attending this course please contact us at e-mail: - or call 331.36.98.208

not required to participate in the lecture.

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Games To Play In The Bus

Mitsuo Aida

the person who starts a new life

opens a new route

Mitsuo Aida was born May 20, 1924 in Ashikaga, Tochigi Prefecture, Japan. Teenager, is attracted to the art of calligraphy and poetry tanka, generally characterized by short essays. In 1942 he met the priest Zen Tetsuou Takei, who became his mentor.

met by chance a person can change the course of your life

welcome those occasions

Develops its original style: short poems composed autobiographical and transcribed on canvas with brush and ink.

benkai (1987 , rationalization, justification, excuse)

In 1954, Ashikaga, exhibiting for the first time his works, in a exhibition entitled My words - my handwriting.

The following year he began to draw bookmarks, wrapping paper and printed fabrics, popular articles in Japan.

happiness is always determined by your heart

In the seventies, sets out his thinking in different cities giving lectures and publishing the news of the lay Buddhist Enyu -kai, which he founded in 1974 and in 1984 published a collection of poems Ningen damono ( Because they are human), which will be sold over a million copies and in 1987 released another collection, Okage san (Thank you ).

The here and now, bilingual in Japanese and English, appeared in 1996, five years after his death due to cerebral hemorrhage. That same year, was opened in Tokyo the Mitsuo Aida Museum ( ).

preceding and following translations were made by the writer from English versions of some of Mitsuo Aida works available at the Museum of Tokyo, titles and dates of composition are reported when present.

no matter what, no matter

and property most important

that we must continue to devote our important lives

flowers bloom on new branches always

new branches

inevitably grow on old trunks

my flower (1970)

also brings weed unnamed fruit

its flower buds


the way (1980)

somewhere in our long life

there is a path we must take as we strive to avoid

at that moment, all that one can do is keep quiet and walk on the path

without complaining or whining

walking without saying anything

only remain silent and never show tears

is then, as human beings,

that the roots grow deeper in our souls

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

How To Hook Up A Pyramid Amplifier Pb-300g

Monday, January 24, the world champion in kumite host Angelo Scutaro Reflection of the Dojo Eleonora

Monday, January 24, 2011 will be hosted in our gym world champion Kumite (combat racing) Angelo Scutari, that will be a lesson for all of us, describing methods and techniques of combat.

from 21 to 23 November 2009, Guadalajara (Mexico) has played in the 3rd World Karate Championship WUKO (World Union Karate Organization) one of the most important organizations in the world of karate.

For the occasion of the Italian National Fesik (Educational Italian Sports Karate Federation) has selected, after extensive evaluation, done on results competitive, Angelo Scutari 4th dan black belt, to represent the flag, trust accordategli is not lost nothing.

Angelo Scutari already the Italian and European champion thanks to his great competitive experience, despite some mishaps capitategli during the long journey and after a minor accident during training with his teammates, beating all competitors and has proven to masters , managers and coaches from around the world present for the big event, the strongest in the specialty of Ippon Kumite was he, Angel, one after another has put all his opponents in a row winning the title of "Champion of the World heavyweight karate. "

Curriculum Angelo Scutari

2006 Join the Italian national karate combat specialties

2006 1st place at the European Championship WUKO

2007 2nd place at World Championship WUKO

2007 instructor qualification in Krav Maga

2008 1st place at the European Championship WUKO

• 2009 1st place in the world championship WUKO

2009 diploma of master in karate

2009 He joined the board of the SECURITY FORCE ACADEMY

TODAY I am currently KARATE with the degree of Master 4th Dan

and Krav Maga with the level of master