Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Pathophysiology Of Anaemia

do not stop the thoughts.

being considered by the Minister Alfano the crime of Holocaust denial.

Minister Alfano, forget the crime of Holocaust denial. Would do harm to freedom, truth and dignity of all those who suffered massacres, the Jews in the head. I heard he set up a group to study a bill. Stop, the law would be unfair, would have a worse evil that wants to strike and ask to extend it to other Holocaust deniers. A tunnel without end. The views that deny the historical reality are different, sometimes damaged and otherwise despicable, but opinions are not punished with jail. First, because the words will condemn the words, acts with criminal acts. Second, why penalize the opinions means intimidated historical research which by its nature is brought to review the facts and judgments. Third, because it would create a cordon sanitaire around the Jews of untouchability which is dangerous because it threatens to topple over in his backhand. The aura of immunity could trigger you want to break the taboo, to violate the inviolable and create fanaticism of return and dislikes. Fourth, it creates the principle of inheritance of the sins and tragedies, with painful accounts, and the crime of complicity in the ideological, legal two monsters from the devastating effects and extensible. Fifth, it would be unjust to punish those who deny the Holocaust and not to punish those who deny other killings, before or More recently, the Armenians and the kulaks, the Russians and Chinese, and Indians Vendeans, Japanese, and of Istria, to colonize and Christians, and I may long continue. I do not propose to punish the other deniers, for heaven's sake, because even if we entrust the historical analysis in the courts and if we historians and teachers under supervision of the magistrate, in addition to killing the historical research, poisoned civic life and education. And devitalized righteous indignation, the impulse to respond with arguments to truth lies. No discussion, just the complaint, in our place we think the judge. I understand the reasons for this proposal and even the conveniences, but he left. The story is too many victims in its course to make again, babbomorto, 66 years later.

Marcello Veneziani


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