Saturday, December 19, 2009

Adding A Porch To A Raised Ranch

every Sunday lunch, though it is Saturday.

It 's a tradition that is to engage in a traditional institutional framework with the naturalness of the outburst of emotion.

I am of course talking about the
Breaking dishes in a family quarrel at the table. Usually the action is reserved for donnna. And 'action with a least two ways. On the one hand, it has become a symbol that expresses eclante a message to other individuals. Second, that message is reinforced and conveys precisely through the anger that is to meet and to establish itself in the destruction of the object. For
contour suggests pate hysterical, that goes well with tears and fists against the wall.
to drink? Docg threats to the family "one of these days ...", which they were left to settle for at least half an hour before being served at body temperature of 40 °. Syndrome of encirclement qb

Et voila ...: The dish is ready.
To be thrown.

Saturday, December 12, 2009

Invention In Biology In 2010

Pill n.1 [Notes for a law of the future]

make the bottom / spend money to have polished the car is yet another striking demonstration of imbecility of modern man.
justify this with "love and respect for their cars and love of self is forced to work with very direct rite.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Velba и Nadine Видео

tell me what you choose, I'll tell you who you are self-induced


------------- RAI HISTORY

08:00 Mendelssohn Stores Unpublished Einstein's life and music of Felix Mendelssohn, the most underrated and misunderstood of the great Romantic composers, author of the Wedding March. 08:27
Giuliano Scabia Writers for a year Scabia Giuliano talks about his journey theatrical, literary and poetic. Law Songs of stories and poems, remember important meetings: Luigi Nono, Franco Quadri, Leo De Berardinis Franco Dr. December 1 9:00
Hot Autumn The news of the trade union protests called hot autumn
Radiocorriere 1969 09:04 Radiocorriere TV Pick of the television programming of autumn 1969 09:34
Today Spring 1963 Wedding The Way We Were The story told by the old super 8: episodes of daily life as a grand event filmed by amateurs before the birth of the cameras
9:40 Res Gestae Res Gestae People, events, celebrations of December 1, 2009. Marcella Emiliani
09:49 100 / 2 The editorial Professor Emiliani the fact of the day. In the south
09:51 by Ernesto In South De Martino Ernesto De Martino activities, cultural traditions and popular beliefs of the peasants Lucania, with the help of E. De Martino (1977)
10:10 The first Top Secret Interview with Rose Rose Parks on racial segregation in the U.S. in 50 years, B. Sebastian F. Cirafici (1996) 10:15
Gorbachev and Pope John Paul II The East Wind Two key figures to tell, through the images of the collapse of communist regimes tg
10:45 The fashion of Luna Luna Bianca Maria Piccinino creates a service on evolution of fashion from the 50s to the middle-class space and youth 60 years
11:00 polite children and our children to tell Milanese Luigi Comencini dreams, interests personal and critical to schools (1961) 12:00
Aeneid Rewind, directed by Franco Rossi G. Brogan, O. Karlatos, I. Guerrini, M. Tolo, A. Haber. Third episode. Tomorrow at the same time the fourth episode
13:02 Famous for 15 minutes Twist (1997) - From the 'Dance of the Brick' to 'Renato', the success of Twist in Italian music.
13:12 Drive along the Tyrrhenian Who reads? Continue the journey of soldiers in the world of reading, Soldati M. (1961). 13:26
this century, the period of the Second World War told in ten episodes by Enzo Biagi (1983) 14:00
General Rewind, directed by Luigi Magni with F. Black, L. Morante, K. Rossi Stuart, P. Leroy. First episode
15:43 To each his post Law of the Road RESTORE - Television of the Past. "The Law of the Road" (1959), Vittorio Di Giacomo
16:00 The Battle of Milan Big Battles World War II, told in the 1995 program Gianni Bišić
16:45 Drive along the Tyrrhenian Who reads? A memory of Simon and Schuster, through the interview with Mario Soldati, D C. Zavattini, M. Soldiers (1961) Pablo Escobar 17:00
LSSN Docu-drama on the hunt for Colombian cocaine king of the quake, Pablo Escobar. The island in the island
18:00 Made in England series of investigations with which Italians Enzo Biagi told the Europe of that time, 1979. 18:29
Meetings: the protagonists Douce France of tomorrow between progress and pollution, Enzo Biagi said the change in lifestyle of the French in the late 70 (1978) 19:00
Lama ... and a fresco by Ben Shahn I e. .. Famous people get together to comment on works of art or architecture in their care, A. Zanoli and directed by L. Emmer (1972) 19:12
mangiadischi Rai Music History Twenty-five years of history through the music of the main Italian and foreign performers and the RAI newscasts. 19:27
Young We Were A selection of display cases dedicated to young people and various aspects of their lives. 19:42
Res Gestae Res Gestae People, events, celebrations of December 1, 2009. Marcella Emiliani
19:52 100 / 2 L Publishing Emiliani Professor of the fact of the day.
20:00 Yesterday and Today Dixit The characters of the television, song, theater and sports that have shaped the history of Italian television
21:00 Witness history Dixit The story of a man alone on skis across the Europe to tell everyone about the tragedy of the Holocaust, no one believed him. 23:00
December 1 Hot Autumn The news of the trade union protests called hot autumn
Radiocorriere 1969 23:04 Radiocorriere TV Pick of the television programming of autumn 1969 23:34
Today Spring 1963 Wedding The Way We Were The story told by the old super 8: episodes of daily life as a grand event shot by amateurs before the birth of the cameras.

--------------- PROGRAMMING TODAY'S CHANNEL 5 (Flagship of the group Mediaset)
07:55 () 07:57
Weather 5 ()
07:58 Bags and coins ()
Tg5 08:00 - Morning () 08:40 AM
five ()
09:57 Big Brother pills ()
10:00 TG5 - At 10 () 11:00
Forum ()
13 : 00 Tg5 ()
13:39 Weather 5 ()
Beautiful 13:41 () 14:07 Big Brother
pills ()
Centovetrine 14:10 () 14:45
Men and women () and friends
17:00 PM 18:00 TG5 - 5 minutes ()
18:50 Who Wants to Be a Millionaire ()
19:44 TG5 - Anticipation ()
19:45 Who Wants to Be a Millionaire ()
Tg5 20:00 () 20:30
Weather 5 () 20:31
Striscia la Notizia - The Voice of influenza ()
suddenly Paradise 21:10 () 23:16
Waiting eye to those two ()
23:27 Matrix ()

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

What Does Cervical Mucus Looklike When Pregnant?

remarks in response to the post of Gingko "Considerations on art"

-post it on the comments seemed excessive even for this blog. So I put it here.

As usual, the depth of your post is such to be sure I understood just 1 / 3 of the message you're trying to convey.
by man in the street, I think

Perhaps art can best represent the link between public and private sectors. In fact, the experience of intimate, private, not neutral. As I said in a post of pilot, art can not project themselves politically even when it seems to convey an explicit political content.
small parenthesis
This is true because the political content for excellence is any perception of the world and society, for his reflections on the practice and theory felt by the individual. This should always be remembered. We should not necessarily draw the struggle between world views in the Cold War because it becomes apparent, nor terrorism, nor armed struggle (but here it is revealed that even the dumb).
In short, any private experience conceals the attitude of the subject and the social environment in which they live. Including private non-neutrality of the event, steeped in social relations, conventions (including language) and so on, then it is clear that the choice of the event represented and how to represent, along with the trial and disposition d ' author's mind, are the elements of its position, as implied, unspoken, unconscious, and yet observe and analyze. In the work

8E1 / 2, Fellini talking about this. The dialectical counterpart of the director-protagonist in the film, is just a critic. The assessment of these on film is merciless: lack the critical intellectual, the film is a mere subjective play of events in which you can not find a truly liberal political position.
He says the critic (cited)
"at first sight is plain to see that the lack of an idea problem, or if you want a philosophical premise, the film makes a suite of episodes absolutely free of charge, can also Maybe funny to the extent of their realism ambiguo.Ci wonders what the authors really mean. They want us to think? They want us to fear? The game shows from the beginning a poverty of poetic inspiration [...]"

And again, referring to a particular episode of the film:
"What does it mean? it's just a character in your childhood memories. It has nothing to do with a real critical consciousness .[...] His little wet memories of nostalgia, its evocation harmless, and basically emotional reactions are an accomplice. "
Finally, inexorable
" We intellectuals have a duty to remain lucid until the end. There are already too many unnecessary things in the world. No need to add another disorder to disorder .[...] Destroy is better than creating when you create a few necessary things. And then there's something so clear and fair in the world who has the right to live .[...] We are suffocated by the words, images, sounds that have no reason to live. Coming from the vacuum and go into space. For an artist truly worthy of the name should not ask for this act of loyalty: to educate silence .[...] If you can not have everything, nothing is true perfection ... "The

response to the acute critical Fellini is clear: Fellini made the film.
"This confusion is me, not me as I should be. Telling the truth: what you do not know, I try, I have not found it yet. Only then I feel alive. "

Who is right?

If Gingko allows me to superimposition its position with that of the critic (forcibly, I am aware, citing the Situationist arises well beyond the coarse position of the critic),
I would stay in the defense. (There are a thousand straining, for example, Gingko spoke specifically of poetry, and I do not know what it was referring to can be extended to the film industry)

In defending what Fellini.
What saves the film by Fellini is the fact that the problem is philosophical, even if it receives a response at least ambiguous. It is called a doubt, misunderstanding, creeping nihilism. The answer that I seem to find in Fellini is a way to resolve the issue lies in the acceptance of this human condition. Find enjoyment in the draw. It 's a win surrendering. E 'individual response. There is no progress. The director-star agrees to be beaten by history, passive. The inability to assume a position of activist fervor translates into the inevitable choice to sign the package that history and the life they gave us. You subscribe to oblivion, and die.
And it's still a way to respond, quite decent. It 's a choice but to pay a substantial size intimate and individualistic.
The man is alone, no matter how many participants make their own affairs.
has a second level of interest also. The sensitivity of the author, that vomits on her privacy, provides the material. Precious material, material to ponder. Sometimes it is important to re-live through the experiences of others to guess things. If only for this, such works are crucial.

Then, oh, the film is directed by Fellini with such mastery that would be worth anything anyway. Of course most of the disaster that appears on the rooms every week. Ensure that those images are just poison.

This is the moral of the sermon.

Period Week Late Cervix High Soft

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Dry Heaving In The Morning Male

the political arena

Annozero look.

But I'm not against the law to the fighting between roosters?

Monday, October 12, 2009

Dbz - Kamehasut­ra

Deregulation? Realpolitik

Saturday, October 10, 2009

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Basketball Shoe Problem

Trotta pony!

yourself a favor, take a walk on this track.

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Restaurant Sayings And Phrases

Bau? I do not seem to Bau. Cursed be everyone who hangs on a tree

... Woof Woof! ...

... Woof Woof! ...

... Woof Woof! ...

... Woof Woof! ...

... Woof Woof! ...

Among the many things that I convey a sense of futility and stupidity, is surely at the top you have a regular dog.

gloglotta The turkey, the peacock paupula, potpotta the ferret, rabbit Ziga, goldfinches trill. And the cow? The cow is ...


Dolce young cow.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Whitestrips Gums White

We grow ashamed of his death and insignificance, and we're showing these days than ever.

The rhetoric surrounding the death is not an innocent face that TV woven around the events that can engulf. It 'a political tool that is exercised against anonymous death and no value (from the worldly perspective, and then, in hindsight, from the perspective of each "value" itself).

The soldiers killed were not good, good, and humans. L 'attribution of these qualities should perhaps validate their death? In this case it would only be a blatant display of cynicism, declaring they could not grasp the mystery of death if not under consideration or under the salary value. So hum patriots, humanitarians, and all that good to sit right and the left: "Everything has a value, then also its end has no value. Otherwise our tears would be wasted." Here's how the logic of 'order and that of' balance oikonomia break into matters that do not concern them. The 'real tragedy is missed and unrecognized by the media, that in order to collect material suitable to them are forced to build a homeostatic (' s identity between value and value in life of death).

The scoop and scandal are not taken in the face of real tragedy and real death. For this reason I say that these military from the perspective are not truly dead and have not suffered, as well as their families and decent conservative. They just received their compensation; the Taliban first and then media were there to supply it. The scoop and the scandal may be activated only there where c 'is the symmetry of this fee. "It 's death, the Pope", "E' dead Berlusconi", "They died six brave men of the Fatherland", here the dirty value of a worldly individual enters into business with his death and tries to go home with a gain equal to value of what has sold.

The real tragedy, and those are the real death of Christ. The death of Christ is not the biggest scoop of the story, but exactly the 'greatest opposition takes all 'society homeostasis between value and value of death. Christ has died of an anonymous death, like a piece of bloody flesh, nude, pee pee for terror, cursing the God of Abraham. Jesus dies on the cursed by 'man and the gods. His death is such a drag, a death vile, wretched. The world's gave as the value of a criminal ("Cursed is he who hangs on a tree"), his death is worthless, shameful. E 'insignificant, in front of men. In short it is a real death. And is this death that you should remember about the paratroopers, to drown in their blood as children crying and cursing against the homeland, denying all their militaristic arrogance.

In "Homo Sacer" Giorgio Agamben argues that it should be remembered that the victims of the Shoah are not the victims of a sacrifice of worship, on the contrary are dead "like lice." Well, Christ died as a louse, as well as the six military are, and just remembering what we can render justice, not vergognadoci of this death. Why is not the value of the world to make meaning full of their death, and those who have lice in front of the satanic ruler of this world, are transformed to the regent of the kingdom to come.

Two millennia of Christian culture facade did not teach us anything about the scandal of the detector cross. It causes an imbalance between revenues and death, leaving disappear in the first terrifying glut of the second difference. Where c 'was symmetry, has brought the sword el' asymmetry. It also reveals just how terrible and noble suffering of the victims. It 's a genuine war machine against identity ideology, militarism, and against all sacralization of power. The power is impotent in the 'last hour.

L 'blast ripped off the medals to paratroopers, who is dying in convulsions and fear, that curse this world, oneself and for one last time, God, before joining him for' eternity.


Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Pain In Left Sholder Breast Cancer

tonight. Italy
1. Third
Chiambretti NIGHT.

PS If they can convince him to the sound of bucks, as a guest tonight will be number 1 no-poo-for-less-than Her Excellency Quentin Tarantino.

plasibilmente conversation will take place between a couple of months:

Michele (returned from Vienna): So what? What happened since I left?
Alceverde (left near Rome): well, it's finished Chiambretti and began the summer.
Michele (returned from Vienna): ah right. And then?
Alceverde (left near Rome): Well, then it's over the summer and started the Chiambretti.
Michele (returned from Vienna): There are between seasons.

---- Update ---- I would be wrong, but it seems to me that you're a bit Chiambretti 'coarsening and becoming grotesque. He lost the edge, of course, along with part of that delicate balance between irony and trash.

further aggiormanento ---- ----

I was wrong.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Do Women Like Guys Genitals Shaved?

is coming back as it turned out

seems a hundred years ago.

Confidentiality Clause To Add To Emails

to TG4 Emilio Fede yesterday: "certain press - which denies the reality of self-mortification, really."

But he is unaware or what?

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Infection From Pedicure Cut Cuticles

the holy words I want also

Navarre WEEE put on a killer beard.

I'd give a finger to her as his maroon and green.