Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Pain In Left Sholder Breast Cancer

tonight. Italy
1. Third
Chiambretti NIGHT.

PS If they can convince him to the sound of bucks, as a guest tonight will be number 1 no-poo-for-less-than Her Excellency Quentin Tarantino.

plasibilmente conversation will take place between a couple of months:

Michele (returned from Vienna): So what? What happened since I left?
Alceverde (left near Rome): well, it's finished Chiambretti and began the summer.
Michele (returned from Vienna): ah right. And then?
Alceverde (left near Rome): Well, then it's over the summer and started the Chiambretti.
Michele (returned from Vienna): There are between seasons.

---- Update ---- I would be wrong, but it seems to me that you're a bit Chiambretti 'coarsening and becoming grotesque. He lost the edge, of course, along with part of that delicate balance between irony and trash.

further aggiormanento ---- ----

I was wrong.


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