Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Restaurant Sayings And Phrases

Bau? I do not seem to Bau. Cursed be everyone who hangs on a tree

... Woof Woof! ...

... Woof Woof! ...

... Woof Woof! ...

... Woof Woof! ...

... Woof Woof! ...

Among the many things that I convey a sense of futility and stupidity, is surely at the top you have a regular dog.

gloglotta The turkey, the peacock paupula, potpotta the ferret, rabbit Ziga, goldfinches trill. And the cow? The cow is ...


Dolce young cow.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Whitestrips Gums White

We grow ashamed of his death and insignificance, and we're showing these days than ever.

The rhetoric surrounding the death is not an innocent face that TV woven around the events that can engulf. It 'a political tool that is exercised against anonymous death and no value (from the worldly perspective, and then, in hindsight, from the perspective of each "value" itself).

The soldiers killed were not good, good, and humans. L 'attribution of these qualities should perhaps validate their death? In this case it would only be a blatant display of cynicism, declaring they could not grasp the mystery of death if not under consideration or under the salary value. So hum patriots, humanitarians, and all that good to sit right and the left: "Everything has a value, then also its end has no value. Otherwise our tears would be wasted." Here's how the logic of 'order and that of' balance oikonomia break into matters that do not concern them. The 'real tragedy is missed and unrecognized by the media, that in order to collect material suitable to them are forced to build a homeostatic (' s identity between value and value in life of death).

The scoop and scandal are not taken in the face of real tragedy and real death. For this reason I say that these military from the perspective are not truly dead and have not suffered, as well as their families and decent conservative. They just received their compensation; the Taliban first and then media were there to supply it. The scoop and the scandal may be activated only there where c 'is the symmetry of this fee. "It 's death, the Pope", "E' dead Berlusconi", "They died six brave men of the Fatherland", here the dirty value of a worldly individual enters into business with his death and tries to go home with a gain equal to value of what has sold.

The real tragedy, and those are the real death of Christ. The death of Christ is not the biggest scoop of the story, but exactly the 'greatest opposition takes all 'society homeostasis between value and value of death. Christ has died of an anonymous death, like a piece of bloody flesh, nude, pee pee for terror, cursing the God of Abraham. Jesus dies on the cursed by 'man and the gods. His death is such a drag, a death vile, wretched. The world's gave as the value of a criminal ("Cursed is he who hangs on a tree"), his death is worthless, shameful. E 'insignificant, in front of men. In short it is a real death. And is this death that you should remember about the paratroopers, to drown in their blood as children crying and cursing against the homeland, denying all their militaristic arrogance.

In "Homo Sacer" Giorgio Agamben argues that it should be remembered that the victims of the Shoah are not the victims of a sacrifice of worship, on the contrary are dead "like lice." Well, Christ died as a louse, as well as the six military are, and just remembering what we can render justice, not vergognadoci of this death. Why is not the value of the world to make meaning full of their death, and those who have lice in front of the satanic ruler of this world, are transformed to the regent of the kingdom to come.

Two millennia of Christian culture facade did not teach us anything about the scandal of the detector cross. It causes an imbalance between revenues and death, leaving disappear in the first terrifying glut of the second difference. Where c 'was symmetry, has brought the sword el' asymmetry. It also reveals just how terrible and noble suffering of the victims. It 's a genuine war machine against identity ideology, militarism, and against all sacralization of power. The power is impotent in the 'last hour.

L 'blast ripped off the medals to paratroopers, who is dying in convulsions and fear, that curse this world, oneself and for one last time, God, before joining him for' eternity.


Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Pain In Left Sholder Breast Cancer

tonight. Italy
1. Third
Chiambretti NIGHT.

PS If they can convince him to the sound of bucks, as a guest tonight will be number 1 no-poo-for-less-than Her Excellency Quentin Tarantino.

plasibilmente conversation will take place between a couple of months:

Michele (returned from Vienna): So what? What happened since I left?
Alceverde (left near Rome): well, it's finished Chiambretti and began the summer.
Michele (returned from Vienna): ah right. And then?
Alceverde (left near Rome): Well, then it's over the summer and started the Chiambretti.
Michele (returned from Vienna): There are between seasons.

---- Update ---- I would be wrong, but it seems to me that you're a bit Chiambretti 'coarsening and becoming grotesque. He lost the edge, of course, along with part of that delicate balance between irony and trash.

further aggiormanento ---- ----

I was wrong.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Do Women Like Guys Genitals Shaved?

is coming back as it turned out

seems a hundred years ago.

Confidentiality Clause To Add To Emails

to TG4 Emilio Fede yesterday: "certain press - which denies the reality of self-mortification, really."

But he is unaware or what?

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Infection From Pedicure Cut Cuticles

the holy words I want also

Navarre WEEE put on a killer beard.

I'd give a finger to her as his maroon and green.