Friday, June 4, 2010

Penis Bigger Than Toilet Paper Roll

The mousetrap

Slaves lose everything in their chains, even the desire to get rid of them.
Rousseau, The Social Contract

From a certain conception of power gives rise to a totally unrealistic way to combat it. And so, those who believe fight does nothing but strengthen it. We will show indeed that intuition is that the power produced by the strategies that derive from the structure of power is real and genuine. The confusion stems
exclusive undeniable power. There is no denying fact that among the main benefits of power there is no exclusion. One can not fully comprehend the essence of this exclusion if you are not including the first essence of sacrifice and the sacrificial structure. Anthropological foundation of this power we will not deal here, but only its morphology, which in any case comes from that foundation.
From the unique quality of power, we infer too hastily that the power has a repressive character. Both exclusion that repression carry with them a negative sign, and then falls very easily into the danger of confusing them. Hatch schematically the morphology of the repressive conception of power.
The repressive power comes from above. Coming from a hill can not crush, push down. It is assumed therefore that there is something potentially dangerous to the power that should be de-at. The power must prune, reduce, crush. It would be too easy to refute this view ex-negative, showing only too clearly of the psychologist. Then take another route.
wedge to apply the crowbar to overthrow this idea, we offered through it. The design repressive power, as we have just shown, presupposes that there is something to be repressed. In truth this is not something to which it applies the power to stifle it, but the outcome, the purpose and the only goal of power itself. It 's the power that should bring out all those instances that usually believes that it has the task to suppress. And, therefore, is the power that conceals the face of the repressor, so as to bring out more clearly in those instances. Let's see how and why.
power works like a mousetrap. Far from suppressing the hunger of the mice, it stimulates the trap with the smell of cheese. The mouse is stimulated to express his hunger, to head cheese, and to take all effective measures to achieve it. And when he finally reaches, here, wham!, The trap has captured. The key provision of power is not the capture and prosecution. In a sense, the trap is always already active, and the mouse always already captured, since the pleasant smell of the cheese begins to stimulate the olfactory organs.
In power it is essential that whoever is subject to express it. Only if the subject is expressed, he may be caught. Otherwise it has no power on which to take hold. All what we call instinct is the smell of cheese emanating from the trap. Out of metaphor, the instincts are the measures taken by the power because the person may, by following them, incurring his capture. Desires, volitions, dreams and collective dreams (such as the dogma of the most popular religion of our time: the glorification of the fun), the most secret desires, are effects that the power has on our bodies, bring into form our forces conduct identifiable, manageable, maneuverable, pre-calculus. The key issue is that we recognize the power that knows who we are, we say "the truth about ourselves." It must break the cages to measure, it does not do anything without an individual forms, and that ultimately is not even an individual. He needs a finding preliminary.
now more evident how the concept of power as repressive power is produced by the same owner (who is not repressive). The power penetrates so deeply into our every fiber, that locating the same look that it has on us, we ourselves about ourselves. We think the way that we think the power, indeed, we are designed by power. We have the firm conviction, and it bother anyone that crept up the slightest doubt, that the individuals endowed with instincts of self-determination and desires are already given, almost by nature. What am I, but what I aspire to? If not what difference and what I choose? If not my innermost drives? If you want based on the assumption that there are by nature, and the real power to monitor this belief persists, we can only have a repressive image of power as that which stifles the individual.
We are in a situation that common sense is paradoxical. This allows us to express ourselves is really oppressive. But if this appears paradoxical only because our image of power is fiercely repressive. One of the objections that might be raised here is: so as to escape the grip of power? Inhibiting their will? But here it is easy to see how this objection it's all internal to the paradigm of repressive power, and sees nell'elusione capture a mere inhibition.
This objection is raised by those who identify with the liberation of the expression of their desires, as if they were not the lure of power. The free agent is a product of liberal power. And 'now that it discards.
Whatever anyone says, the true asceticism is the real bane of power, his grip on it constantly slips. E 'inevitable that the events in his early resistance to power as by-catch is present as asceticism. Asceticism as the domain of the forces, coldness towards himself, contempt for the pleasures provided by the discovery, which are substantially satisfied with their employment status, consumption of cultural products, the prestige. The fight can only have negative abatement detection systems. You must have the courage not to be themselves. "Our" self, "our" individuality, which is actually the less it belongs, and that makes us more slaves. The more we struggle, raising his voice, the more we wiggle with mindless acts of rebellion, the more we demand our "rights" and our will rather than be caught in our chains. We learned to love them, our chains; the point of believing that they will make us free.
How can you not think the revolution as a more action aimed at a purpose to come, so you can not think of as an expression, manifestation, claim. The revolution will rather look like suicide, self-destruction, the dissolution of self, of the shipwreck. How else to make ineffective the trap? You might think to disable the trap directly. The very nature fluid and elusive of power prevents a unique location of the target. Much more effective would seem to make the slippery escape the grip, absorb the impact of neutralizing the effect of harassment (and boldly show that the shot went empty), immune to show that logic and that economy of forces. And, last but not least, do not forget that mice lose out the skin.



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