Saturday, July 10, 2010

Can You Do Circuits When Pregnant

Park-to-Park: Itinerary 2

For travel arrangements see the post through Italy "park-to-park"

Day - Friulian Dolomites Natural Park

Longarone Railway Station - Bridge Campelli - Codissago - CAI 395th - San Antonio - Casso - Trui from Sciarbon - Erto

Day Two - Friulian Dolomites Natural Park

Cimolais (Camping Bresin) - Bridge Compol - 374 CAI - Casera Lodine - Fork Lodine - Cimolais

Third day

Cimolais - S. Floriano - Pinedo - Claut - Lesis - Casera Casavento - Dinosaur Footprints - Claut

Q uart day - Ravine Nature Reserve of Cellina

Andreis - Osteria Molassa Road - Dint - Visitor Center Barcis - Dint Trail - Old Street Cellina - Osteria Molassa - Andreis

Day Five

Andreis - Bosplans - Pala Barzana Fork - Plan D. Merie - Poffabro - Frisanco

Day Six

Frisanco - Navarons - Romanis - Redon - Tramonti di Sotto

Seventh Day

Tramonti di Sotto - Campone - Pradis di Sotto - Zuaniers - Clauzetto - Vito d'Asio

Eighth day

Vito d'Asio - Pradis di Sopra - path battle of Pradis - Oven - Pielungo - Castle Ceconi - Pielungo - Via Regina Margherita - Anduins - via Gleris - Vito d'Asio

Day Nine

Cerdevol - Cuel of Forks - Avasinis - Alessi - Lake of the Three Towns

Tenth day

Lake of the Three Towns - Interneppo - Board - Pioverno - Venzone - Gemona

Eleventh Day - Natural Park of the Julian Alps

Resiutta - Povici - CAI 703 - S. Giorgio - Meadow Resia

Twelfth day - Natural Park of the Julian Alps

Meadow Resia - CAI 638 - Raccolana - Sella Nevea

Thirteenth day - Natural Park of the Julian Alps and Triglav Narodni Park (Slovenia )

Sella Nevea - Lake Predel - Predel Pass - Strmec - Log pod Mangartom - Klu ž and - Pot Miru (Peace Path) - Bovec

Fourteenth day

Bovec - Naklo - If ezso d a - Podnjivce - Z aga - Srpenica - Trnovo - Napoleon Route - Kobarid

Quindicesimo giorno

Kobarid - Ladra - St. Lawrence - Kamno - moving changer e - Volarje - Gabrjie - Dolj - Tolmin

Sedicesimo giorno - Path of Peace

Tolmin - Modrej - Most na Soci - Modrejce - Mengore - Vol is and - Tolmin

seventeenth day - Natural Reserve of lakes and Doberdò Pietrarossa

Redipuglia - Dolina Bersaglieri - Doberdò - Gradina Visitor Center - Marcottini - Monte S. Michele - S. Martino del Carso - Devetachi - Visintini - Palchische - Mico - Berne - Black Hill - Visitor Center Gradina

Eighteenth Day - Reserve Natural lakes and Doberdò Pietrarossa

Visitor Center Gradina - Castellazzo - Cadorna House - Doberdò - Pietrarossa Lake - Visitor Center Konver - Monfalcone - Theme Park World War

nineteenth day - Nature Reserve Regional Foce Isonzo

Monfalcone - Cona Island - Punta Edge - Isola della Cona

Where a stage start in a place other than that which had ended the previous means which was a transfer bus.

I am grateful for the precious material given me the Cultural Consortium of Monfalcone (


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