Saturday, July 31, 2010

Mainstream Whipping Movies

Vostok, Vostok

Way Horde

artery that enters from the south in the heart of Moscow is called Ordynka Bol'šaja Ulica, Via the Great Horde, because it came from that direction, seven centuries ago, the Golden Horde, at best, the Mongols, led by the descendants of Genghis Khan, were charged by the Grand Duke of Moscow in the price of non- belligerence, in the worst raiding the city.

My walk starts from the square sull'Ordynka Dobryninskaja, in an area dominated by the skyscrapers of the Sixties and Seventies, on which even the monument to Lenin hoisted on a column in the nearby Piazza Okt'abr'skaja can spire.

As if to remind that this path is left for the more remote provinces of the empire, sull'Ordynka overlook some restaurants Georgians and Uzbeks, who are the Russians in terms of the exotic cuisine as it is for all European people the food that comes from their former colonies.

Along the Ordynka Tretjakovskaja there is the subway station, near the homonymous gallery, as in other parts of central Moscow, even here on the surface to the underground station is a small square surrounded by stalls selling beer, snacks, phones and flowers. In the late afternoon, leaving the job, the Muscovites, both men and women, gather and linger in these squares, standing or sitting on the steps of houses and kiosks. The empty beer bottles, each pint, add up quickly, first on the windowsills and then to earth, and every now and then a guy with a cart to go pick them up, with the aim, I suppose, to sell them.

I decide to do I like the Muscovites: I bought a bottle of beer and a loaf of bread stuffed with dried apricots and sit on a step to drink and people watch. Even the man sitting next to me is just a few minutes later and asks me, "British?", "No, I'm Italian," I say, and toast with our beer. I offer a piece of bread man, after introducing himself as Sergei began to speak in Russian about his work of dentists, the Italian football and the Portuguese, they play some players who played in the team for which his fans in Moscow. Another man is part of the conversation: his name is Nikolai and congratulated me for the success of the Italian national team. "And Russia?" I ask, in Italian, as each follows its own language. Nikolai says, with gestures, that the Russian team has disgusted to the point that he threw the TV from the balcony. Let us return then to speak of Italy and the forthcoming World Cup final against France and ask: "Watch the game?" I can not, "answered Nikolay," Why? "I insist. "Because I have the tv thrown from the balcony. "

Sergei changes the subject and tells of the woman who makes him suffer, his tone becomes wistful and wet eyes. He opens his briefcase, in which there are only four bottles of beer, uncork it gives me two and one. This time, toast, and we agree that those women in Moscow are the finest in the world. It is now nearly nine o'clock, and I salute Sergei and Nikolai sull'Ordynka way again.

Moskva river before the bridge that leads into the Red Square I stop in front of what remains of the hotel Rossiya. Built in Soviet times, was the largest hotel in the world, with more six thousand rooms. The Russians have always had a weakness for this kind of primate, and over the centuries have built, among other things, the bell, the brass cannon and outdoor pool, but heated, the largest in the world.

Rossiya is now being demolished, I assume to make room for new skyscrapers. Around the central tower, still intact, we see a huge construction site, a Russian view of the applicant in the urban landscape.

on Lubyanka Square is surrounded by buildings from the most diverse content and history: the building of the Ministry of Interior, which were ordered by the Stalinist purges, the seat KGB, the "Children's World," five floors of toys from all over the planet, and the museum dedicated to Mayakovsky. The latter occupies the entire building where the poet lived, even if only one room was that he actually lived. And it is a room with original furniture, orderly and almost bare, with a sofa-bed gray with wide armrests, a desk with a criminal, a library, a blue traveling trunk, a tiled stove recessed into the wall. All twelve square feet, the colors are soft and clear and there is a picture of Lenin hanging on a wall.

The layout of the museum, however, is based on the tilt of the axis everything that is on display, furniture, chairs, letters, photographs, posters, and some items were constructed specifically for this purpose, or rotated ninety degrees, or even enclosed in glass "bent" along several lines cross. The setting is shining, but it grants too much to the easy association between advanced art and chaos, as if the revolution consisted in throwing, crying, buckets of colored paint on the walls of the house. Only the room of Mayakovsky has a connection with the vanguard, that is, emancipation from all that, in art as in life, is imitation. One can sense the search for pure form, abstraction who wants to break away from the heavy and opaque material, the one that failed to reach the Malevich Black Square , who at the Novaya Galerija Tretyakov, I appeared as a relic to the believer.

Lubyanka Square makes me think back to the crescendo of a poem by Mayakovsky, Yet , Angelo Maria Ripellino translates these words:

I went out on the square

a mo 'wig of reddish

placed myself on the head a neighborhood burned.

The men are afraid because of my mouth

swings tripped a cry not chewed.

But without blame or insult,

sprinkle of flowers on my way, as before a prophet.

All these sunken noses know:

I am your poet.

As a tavern alarmed me your awesome review!

Only through the burning buildings,

prostitutes take me in his arms as a relic

to God for showing me their favor.

And God will break into tears over my little book!

Not words, but spasms pelleted;

and will race for the sky with my poems under his arm

to read them, panting, to his acquaintances.

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Consume Alcohol After Smartlipo


(...) When Knight took him under his wing, Gianfranco was a picturesque and nostalgic Capataz a small party outsider who was inspired by fascism. Led by the hand from the villain who wants to purge today, has transformed the MSI in An and began to travel in Europe. His friendship, once limited to Le Pen, have dilated into the wide world. Unable in the past to get elected mayor of Rome is to be successful then Vice Premier and Foreign Minister. He shook hands with heads of state, was received with every honor in Jerusalem in spite of the early Mussolinism. Now, he is chairman of the House. But not a day goes by that does not attempt to bite, like the virgin pariniana kennel, the foot that has catapulted to so and so many heights. If there is a man who does not self-made, this is Fini. (...)
Il Giornale, July 28, 2010

We, meanwhile, sat by the river ...

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Cut Necktie Restaurant

ninth part, Part VIII

Train number 1

At the train station in St. Petersburg I get on the train number 1, direction Moscow. Trains will take next trip on the Trans-Siberian railway to Vladivostok that will take me. This part of the trip and share with Gianmaria Barbara. My friendship with Gianmaria dates back to 1992, both arrived by train to Narvik with InterRail, we met on a bus heading north. Narvik, in fact, is the northernmost railway station in Europe, the last one for those of us that summer, is directed to the North Cape. It took three days to reach the destination by bus and ferry, and was sure then that we began to organize the crossing of Siberia.

The train of maroon both internally and externally, is of the same model on which I have already traveled during my first attempt to reach St. Petersburg. Everywhere in the compartments and corridors, there are carpets and potted plants. Find the same mattress, wrapped in heavy cylinders. This time, however, we are given a porcelain tea set, a box of yogurt, cereal, water, sandwiches, chocolate, pistachio and coffee, and a set including towel, toothbrush, toothpaste and comb.

The provodnitsa responsible for our coach does not stop a minute: I clean all surfaces with a cloth, wash cups and tea pots and clean the passenger door, vacuuming on the hallway carpet and the compartments, in order keep the toilet, change the garbage bags that contained in the baskets and fill up the bags that held in the passageway between the cars.

station arrival, Leningradsky Vokzal, is a building identical to where we started, the Moskovskij Vokzal of St. Petersburg. Stations are a bit 'dark, but neat, tidy and full of police who keep watch over the order and discipline. Do not let sit on the steps, on the other hand there are dodgy types around. We descend into the Metro, which carries more people per day than those in London and New York combined, and it shows.

Saturday, July 24, 2010

When Is The Best Time To Wax Hair

Gingko against Alceverde

In The City "Social Contract", Rousseau had kept distinct from the bourgeois citoyen. The nickname was given to Alceverde, the City, indicates a substantial overlap of the two concepts in their transmission, in particular the identification of the second with the first. When it comes to talking Alceverde Profile of bourgeois today. Responding to the question of which is Alceverde, inevitably means providing one of the possible answers to the question about how the middle class survives to this day. Borghese is now simply a comfortable posture in the middle of the existing, and the resulting ideology that makes this attractive posture. There are many variations of this fit in the current half. Represents a Alceverde.

Language idolatrous

The whole concept than on finely woven material, is expressed in the language with a crystalline purity. The Alceverde language, spoken, coming immediately from his body, and not writing, he still manages to mediate a good deal of reflection, is that the current educational system, dell'intelighenzia down from television, publications, cultural petty bourgeois, the bookish culturalame and film of the toy industry for educated-and not least, the language of ' information, masterly synthesis of all these trends. Alceverde use as soon as it can, acronyms, abbreviations, new coinages. Willingly cites, under a fragile veneer of irony, a vocabulary filled with imports outside world, mostly for short-lived. In particular, no more than he contradicts the commandment "You shall not make any likeness." He tasted it with delight, as if they had names and items of mass consumption, each with its own aesthetic taste of art from office clerk, names that belong to a technical language, whose referent can be known only to those who are immersed in actuality. And 'the jargon of the front pages of newspapers and, in spite of, not only considering that belongs in most inelegant form just too tabloid, Advertising, and comedy shows. In this language the reflection is cut off, the concepts used in their hardness of things, by the omission of the joint and the cut would only logical that such a language. Expressions like "gag-law" are the language of mourning. They arrogantly assume that the referent is known to the recipient as belonging to the sad community information. It 'true that these expressions luccichino; are images, idols, fetishes forged in the speed and guile rather than gold. Pronunciations given the appearance of the possession, ownership cosalismo pseudo-concepts. We know that the fact that the bourgeois can not live without the property, he is his property. Its language is that of the individual mass, confident, cocky and cunning enough to claim the right to use a language free to ignore the tradition, remaining so completely dominated, as the myopia of his language his horizons have significantly contracts.

The fetishism of culture

The deeper truth of Marx's doctrine of the distinction between structure and superstructure is to have reported that the second is an unfair and violent isolation of an element from the totality in which it is inserted, and which takes its only real significance. Never before today has kept its totalitarian culture of its autonomy from the dialectical movement globally. The compactness of the false history of culture, in spite of Marx, Benjamin, Debord, has been further consolidated. The culture believes superb hovering above the mass cultural products, while only a moment in the dialectic of cultural poverty. It has failed so to form a false opposition between mass cultural products and cultural products of the author. It is not difficult to see that the latter are very effective sentinels of the first. This appearance is completely soaked Alceverde. I do not think it is very far from his belief that a large-scale reading of Stendhal, that maybe you could replace the Harmony or "Visa" the hairdresser, have a good part in the emancipation of humanity. Nothing could be more supportive of the status quo. The employee can read, if there are still a bit 'of energy between his stupid job, his wife, vacations, and purchases for the home, the legacy of "great cultural tradition" only because the worker is totally alien to this culture. This Alceverde not see it. The culture has become a fetish for him that someone does not bow before it, and perhaps continues to live football and magazines engine, is not explicitly considered unworthy of his company, but in each case for different lineage and fabric, or at the most relevant for a fun evening of his (and often of me). Then that person is someone who has nothing to do with him. But culture is not a plaything for drawing-room, as well as conscious or not, will Alceverde. The culture is the field of a fight. Even the great culture, could be born and will continue to do so only on the shoulders of servitude of millions of men. "There is no document of culture without being set document of barbarism" (Benjamin, Theses on the Concept of History, VII claim). Culture belongs to the great always a great pride, a reminder of the injustice on which it builds. Those who drank from the source of the material seen at every turn, in every great cultural product, traces of oppression. A society in which culture reached heights of excellence is a society where injustice reigns undisturbed evidence of cultural excellence not any of its conciliation with the other. A book of Marx will always be more harmful for the proletariat than a transmission Barbara Durso, until weigh on his shoulders and unsympathetic. This horrible truth is not known to Alceverde, for lack of materialism. The museum, a place of culture archetype of separation from the masses, where the real treasure is collected all the beauty that has been expropriated, there is no problem for him. He did not fully understand the essay on Benjamin's' work of art in the Age of Mechanical Reproduction, because it sees the expectations for him unbearable, the collapse of the great bourgeois culture, from whose perspective he speaks. He is not dialectical enough. He sees that the ageless beauty promised in the cathedral of Florence, is nothing but a cruel and cynical parody of beauty no more promise of happiness, but attainable in society reconciled, and without artists.

Body care

Alceverde is not one of those who follow in perfect sync to the frenetic pace of technological innovation. However, his body is the perfect intersection of all the technologies put in place by the bourgeoisie to massively increase the distance between himself and others, between himself and nature. In addition to the spell of art and culture that remain in torpor, he is the victim of a far more invasive, whose magic formulas consist of a number of scientific myths, legends and hedonistic at the same time fears hygienistic. The elk green just does not understand why you should suffer the heat when the torch victorious advance of technology with its air conditioners. Already does not see outside, and his body is fully invested (like the one of the most), a second nature that looks like the first and immutable. It also deals with the pain as well as the middle class is everything he encounters: utilitarian and finalistically. At that suffering in the heat? What good to give up something that gives us pleasure? What would be the end, now that the technique holds us up in his arms of her dead mother, a physical pain? The body is the tank instead of our whole being. What the middle-class calls are free or unnecessary suffering the blows of the chisel that mold. I am not referring here to the ideology of hardening steel typically fascist. Rather, Alceverde should learn to see technologies that prevent us from reminding us of our bodies, so many devices to a spiritual level. The spirit is not affected by the body, the spirit is the body, without mediation. His mania for the integrity of the food, his attention (albeit with modest capacity) with the distinction and the selection of flavors, his obsessive prophylaxis, almost exclusively psychological, because in the end rarely practice, fortunately, an extreme hygiene are part of the same inability to stand in front of the question of the body with a look that is different than utilitarian. This view extends to the very swampy propagini of his concept of death, that death is always a alceverde of death or leper hospital. But I think this is the side against whom he is impotent. For those, like the end of paid leave granted from above, grows in a series of attention and pleasure seeking in every possible way to foreclose a genuine relationship with your body and time-consuming, their termination becomes untenable, as well as what that is exciting in its not pander to the whims of spoiled children is known and felt as painful.

"What I may hope?" (1)

Those who speak of revolution and class struggle without referring explicitly to everyday life, without understanding what is subversive of love and positive elements in the radical rejection of all the constraints, fill the mouth of a corpse.
Committee Enrages - Internationale situationist
Paris, May 1968

It is tempting to answer this question with "love" in the sense in which the pregnant used Jesus of Nazareth, in the wake of what Marx and every philosopher who conceived of the liberation of the revolution, and that the Situationists have taken up the call in the text "The town is not dead (who's afraid of town?). Except that Alceverde not appear to have any knowledge about this love and revenge unravels the oppressed from their sufferings. When he speaks of love, the love between two covers, of which the highest ideal that is able to achieve is to enjoy the other in an aesthetic cultural entertainment, the petty bourgeoisie can think of as an exchange of souls, and communicative. Alceverde sometimes speaks of liberation, revolution, or whatever concept you want to instances fastened her emancipation. But his supreme confidence in the technique prevents him to draw on a credible happiness. He inherited the worst of Marxist historical materialism: the naive dialectics that sees in increasing technical capitalist production and the resulting change in the relationship between productive forces and relations of production, the necessary first step which preceded the emancipation of the proletariat. E 'at the bottom of this dogma of the left main current in this fully compatible with the existing production system. According to this dogma emancipation from nature and hard work is already in itself outright emancipation. But not only without a radical destabilization of the means of production remain in the hands of the class that oppresses, the speed and convenience of production and consumption supported by technology, have in themselves a potential destructive of nature and man. The man needs a transformative practice on. Automation expropriation man of his activities, makes simple function of the overall process, and worn-out altering the quiet rhythms of nature. The complete socialization of the work called for by Marx through the spatial pattern of large industry has proved full of expropriation man, that today could only survive potentially manipulating his mobile, while his right hand tied to the movement of the material it encounters are inexorably shrink.
But happiness is not something original, new, totally revolutionary, a cultural heritage. The wind always blows of salvation already the spaces between the meshes of coercive social fabric tight around the throat. Where a fifteen blurts out a rare irony of rice among the poster idols vampires, where the housewife plunges into the breathing passages of a more coarse Renato Zero, in the lightning-fast for the eye contour happiness clerk office purchase of his new television, there is the nucleus for the release. If you keep waiting for her in an alleged movement of augmentative and cultural treasure of the "mental horizons," is collaborating with the enemy without knowing it, which perpetuates the hierarchy of aesthetic values \u200b\u200band "taste" the class division.

Can Herpes Live In The Stomach

Vostok, Vostok

Singing Revolution

The Soviet Occupation Museum in Riga highlights some historical facts, the first of the alliance between Hitler and Stalin which resulted, after von Ribbentrop-Molotov Pact, the end of the independence of the Baltic States, occupied by the Red Army in 1940. The Soviets and the Nazis, who will take their place in 1941, had similar plans: to exploit and colonize the three countries, or Russified Germanization. The Germans, however, were smarter and win the hearts of the people by restoring the small real estate and riding the hatred of Jews Bolsheviks. It also stresses that the attitude of the Allies after 1945, the three republics abandoned to their fate, and Sweden, which many repatriated escapees surrender to the Soviets. The postwar period was marked from deportation to the gulag of the opponents of the regime and the museum displays a significant object: a metal bin that the deportees were forced to use as a toilet, with the edge roughly cut to make it inconvenient and dangerous to use them.

Riga know my age who was a hero of the independence achieved by Latvia in 1991. We meet in the offices of the Popular Front, a grouping of political forces that led the country to independence from the Soviet Union, and tells me the support of the Latvian community of immigrants in the U.S., Britain, Sweden and Australia, the return of some of them in the decisive period, non-recognition of the incorporation of Latvia into the USSR by a score of countries (among which did not include Italy), which served as a valuable legal reference for the independence movement.

Not only could the Popular Front, as the Italian CLN, to unite disparate political forces, but he managed to coordinate its actions in Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia and maintain until the end of a non- -violently. In the late eighties, for example, the main meetings of supporters of independence of Estonia took place during the national festival of song, to which attended by thousands of people chanting pro-independence reasons. On August 23, 1989, in occasion of the fiftieth anniversary of the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact, was organized a human chain that united the three capitals, with an area of \u200b\u200bsix hundred kilometers and the participation of two million people. In Estonia the process that led to separation from the USSR in 1991 occurred within the institutions, namely the Government, the Supreme Soviet of Estonia and the Communist Party of Estonia, and was on the PFLP, who knew how to build a coalition across the population of Estonia which constituted the vast majority of the inhabitants of the Estonian Soviet Socialist Republic.

The Civic Museum of Tallinn reconstructed through original movies, the steps that led to independence: the introduction of Estonian as the official language, the changing of the flag and currency. Honestly, are also shown the protests of the Russian minority who did not want separation from the USSR. I used a kind of museum confirms the key role that Gorbachev had in initiating the chain of events that led to the independence of the Baltic Republics. Already Jarrek, Poland, stressed this, while, in a newspaper stand, stared stunned the disclosure of a series of DVDs celebrating Pope John Paul II as the sole maker of the disintegration the Soviet empire. The museum also displays pictures of the barricades erected in January 1991, when it was feared a Soviet military crackdown, the declaration of independence on August 20 and the column of tanks that had been underway to prevent this, then called by Yeltsin.

In Latvia, not all deal with the Soviet past were closed. In the news these days political report a case of the President of the Foreign Affairs Committee of Parliament, Aleksandrs Kiršteins, who was forced to resign and expelled from his party for having declared that the Jewish community should no longer behave as in 1940, when "greeted" with Soviet tanks. Kiršteins is also known for his controversial stances on Russia and the Russian minority in Latvia. The same route of the border with Russia, moreover, is not yet defined, although now it is the eastern border of the European Union. The area of \u200b\u200bcontention is the region abren, now inhabited mostly by Russians. Before the Second World War belonged to Latvia, but during the Soviet occupation of the border was moved and the area handed over to Russia. The Latvian government, which supports the validity of the peace accords of 1920, and Vladimir Putin, who has called that statement a "foolish" have not yet agreed.

Today the Russians make up about one quarter of the population. Those of them who were born before August 21, 1991 must take an examination to obtain Latvian citizenship, unless they have not already before 17 June 1940, the date of the Soviet invasion. Examination must demonstrate mastery of the language, knowledge of Latvian history, the Constitution and the national anthem. Who does not support or do not pass the exam remains a "non-citizen permanent resident in the country" and, therefore, has no passport and no right to vote. If you think the policy of Russification imposed by the Soviet Union to the countries Baltic, the tradeoff is clear. Many Russians have decided to try the exam, especially attracted by the prospect of work and movement in other European Union countries. Dima and Zurab, two young men in their thirties, I tell a political motivation: the former wants to vote to influence the choices of the country, the second said he felt the need to belong to a state. Others refuse to take the test, perhaps because of pride. The impression you get in shops and restaurants, however, is that the Russians carry out the work will end up less profitable.

Every autumn, a little old man with gray hair show Ülemiste lake near Tallinn, and in the night, reaching the gates of the city. Calls to the guards: "It's over the construction of the city?" The guards have to say no, that there are still many years, so the old man returns to the lake, or if you accidentally say yes, he would plunge down to the lake the hills to the city, destroying it and drown the inhabitants.

Friday, July 23, 2010

Burned Skin From Waxing

Part VII, Part Six

L Iberian

Gedimino Prospekt, the main boulevard of Vilnius, is dedicated to Gediminas, Grand Duke philosopher who founded the city in 1323. At that time, according to Saulius Žukas, religious peace reigned in the cities and countries. The tradition of tolerance inherited from pagan times and the defense of religious minorities by the aristocracy made Lithuania a European center of liberalism. In 1563 was officially proclaimed for the first time in Europe, which recognized the privilege to all equal rights to profess and propagate their faith. The document became the law of the State and the community prospered Vilnius Calvinist and Lutheran, Catholic and Orthodox. Press freedom was absolute and the city offered shelter to Ivan Fyodorov, the first Russian printer, forced to leave Moscow by the crowd, instigated by the monks orthodox scribes, had destroyed the printing press. The atmosphere of tolerance in the seventeenth century encouraged the development of Jewish culture, the expression of a community that Grand had invited to settle in the country in the fourteenth century. On the outskirts of Vilnius came too Caraimi, a people of Turkish origin who had embraced the Jewish religion of the most ancient tradition, before the introduction of the Talmud. An area of \u200b\u200bVilnius, then housed the Tartars and their mosques, in which they kept on display portraits of Grand Duke Vytautas, who had called them in Lithuania to serve in the cavalry regiments of his army.

On the avenue, at the height of Lukiškiy aikšte, a square a few years ago dominated by a statue of Lenin, is a palace, built in 1899, which has always been chosen as a residence by the invaders of Lithuania: headquarters of the Poles after World War I, then the Gestapo, and finally the KGB. Of the latter, in the basement, you can visit the prisons. Infernal is a torture chamber with water: at the center of the cell is a metal disk of even half a meter in diameter, raised above the floor and connected to an underlying engine, the detainee was placed on the disk, surrounded by icy water , and rotated about himself until he lost his balance and fell into the water and the procedure was repeated until failure of the prisoner. Now the building's ground floor houses the Museum of Genocide Victims, which has an exhibition on anti-Soviet resistance. The first reaction of the Lithuanian occupation by the Red Army was organized by its diplomatic serving abroad: 19 September 1940 they gathered in Rome and formed a National Committee Lithuanian (LTK), which was to coordinate efforts for the liberation of the country. Internal divisions between pro-German and pro-British, however, this embryo paralyzed government in exile. On November 17, in Berlin, was born, however, the Lithuanian Activist Front of (LAF), which organized the revolt of June 1941, in coordination with the German plans to invade the USSR. After three days of guerrilla insurgency, June 26 the German army came to Lithuania, welcomed by the people with tears of joy and throwing flowers. The Red Army reoccupied the country July 13, 1944 and began a methodical repression of any attempt at resistance. The partisans, then, sought refuge in the forests, which remained their base of operations until 1953.

In the period of Nazi occupation are not talking and to find some information I move to the Jewish Museum Vilna Gaon . At the beginning of the twentieth century Vilnius was one of the main Jewish centers in Europe and had given birth to many Zionists, experts and scholars of the Bible and Talmud to the painter Chaim Soutine. In 1941, anti-Semitism was widespread and insisted on the presence of some Jews among the Bolsheviks Lithuanians who collaborated with the occupying Soviets. The killings of Jewish citizens and the theft of their property began before the arrival of the German army and SS not struggled to find collaborators, some of whom called themselves "Freedom Fighters", exactly as they would have some anti-Soviet partisans years later. The museum's curators explain that "the Nazis were welcomed as liberators Lithuania, deserving of eternal gratitude of the country and the Catholic Church." A small number of members of the clergy condemned the behavior of Lithuanians, however, no member of the religious authorities did nothing to stop them. The attitude of the provisional government was benign neglect. In 1995, however, opened the Gallery of the Righteous in Lithuania, where they remembered the 2300 citizens who aided Jews during the Nazi occupation.

The Museum hosts an exhibition of Lithuanian Jews who fought against the Nazis, armed groups of resistance fighters were built, between December 1941 and January 1942, in the ghettos of Vilnius and Kaunas, devoted mainly to sabotage. In the next two years about 1,800 Jews fled from the ghettos and labor camps, fled into the woods and joined the partisans. Has become the legendary flight of 15 April 1944 by the extermination camp of Paneriai eighty prisoners escaped through a tunnel they had dug in the ground eight meters deep. Only eleven of them managed to reach the base of the partisans. Like other refugees, became part of Lithuanian resistance, organized into four detachments: The Avenger , Victory , Fight and Death to Fascism . Later, the partisans came together in the Lithuanian Division XVI dell'Arma Red. Four of these Vulf Vilenski, Kalman Shur, and Grigory Ushpol Berel Cindel, received the title "Hero of the Soviet" war on their own merits.

Even Napoleon, as explained by a temporary exhibition staged at the National Museum, had aroused the enthusiasm of the Lithuanians. Their state was formed in mid-thirteenth century, bringing together samogiziani, the Semigallia, the cure, the Suduva, and part of the iotvingi please, and, having assumed the form of the Grand Duchy, had become one of the largest states of ' Europe in 1398, in fact, had its southern borders in the Crimea and east extending to about one hundred kilometers from Moscow. In the eighteenth century, however, had been occupied by Russians, Austrians and Prussians. Since the French victories against Prussia in 1807, therefore, the Lithuanian nobility was in favor of military action in support of Bonaparte, but was held back by the peace agreement they signed with the Tsar and had to wait until 1812 to see Napoleon to attack the Russian Empire. The French army crossed the river Neman in Kaunas on June 24, 28, arrived in Vilnius, which became his administrative base, and July 1 Bonaparte created the Provisional Government of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania, formed by a group of citizens that included the separatist rebels of 1794. On 8 December, after the disastrous defeat of the Berezina, Vilnius was crossed by the French in retreat, but expectations of freedom excited by Napoleon antizariste enliven even the rebellions of 1831 and 1863.

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Shower With Sterling Silver

Vostok, Vostok


from Lodz, Tezew away, I reach Kaliningrad, Russian city after the 2004 enlargement, is surrounded on all sides by European Union countries. The importance of Kaliningrad for Russia lies in its harbor, overlooking the Baltic Sea in winter, alone among the western ports in Russia, is not blocked by ice. The peculiarity, however, is that it is a city that has completely replaced a preexisting directory. In this same place, in fact, until 1945 there was the Prussian Königsberg. On April 6, 1945 the Red Army showed up at the city gates and, after a first attack carried out by artillery and aviation, General Vasilevsky orders the garrison to surrender German, said that displaying a banner reading "We shall never surrender." Thus begins the battle for the city streets. The Soviets had the upper hand at 9:30 am on April 9, when the German General Otto Lasch agreed to surrender; transferred to the USSR as a prisoner of war, remained there until 1955. During the assault were dead soldiers and 42,000 German officers and 60,000 Soviets. The bombing had destroyed all the buildings, the ruins of the thirteenth-century castle were demolished with dynamite, as documented by the photographs on display in the museum. The cathedral, which is of modest proportions, the adjacent tomb of Immanuel Kant and the railway station are only surviving structures in the battle area. Underground, however, you can visit the bunker which was installed in the command of General Lash. At the entrance, a guide asked me if I'm German and my negative response indicates to me with enough captions in English and reconstruct the stages of the battle. Shortly after, you see a group of German tourists and the guide, cheered them on a tour recounting the events in their own language, with a complacency that seems to arise from the awareness of rage on the enemy defeated. To maintain your grip on the masses the power does not hesitate to substitute their own icons: the statue of Lenin was removed from the main square, officially because bad condition, but on the same square is nearing completion with an impressive gold-domed Orthodox church. She was, however, the statue dedicated to Soviet cosmonauts also present in the photographs on display at town museum, one of which is titled "Viva la amistad Soviet-Cuban," and depicts a mixed crew. The shops, including food, are centered around the covered market and on the streets of downtown is nearly impossible to buy food, because the restaurants are rare. There are, however, many kiosks that sell beer and it seems almost compulsory for men, especially young people, keeping a bottle in his hand walking. At Yuzhni Vokzal, the station south of Kaliningrad I bought a ticket to St. Petersburg. Sighted as the mythical Epimetheus, I had imagined, watching the railway lines drawn on my map of the area, the train would have crossed the Baltic Republics, which would follow the most direct route to reach St. Petersburg. I did not ask, nor confirm the ticket office or the police that I have reviewed the paperwork prior to departure, and even the train crew. The first stop was Vilnius, hold my beliefs. Contrary to what I thought, the train is not at all inaccessible during the Lithuanian stretch. In the compartment that deal, in fact, take place a very sweet-faced old lady, her daughter and grandson of six years. They are Russians, but the two women have lived in Lithuania until 1989. Leaving Vilnius, the train turns south-east and soon I find myself struggling with a Belarusian border guard who invites me to get off the train with all their luggage. My compartment mates I translate into English the speech of the policeman and the train will go to Minsk and I do not have a transit visa for Belarus, so I have to get off and return to Vilnius. The Belarusian border station consists of two small buildings, one housing the ticket office and the other border police, and is not close to a city or country. The police accompanied me to their station, make me sit on a bench and I seize the passport. A few minutes later, comes a policewoman who tells me in English, my situation: I can not get a visa at the border, I have to wait for the train to Vilnius in Lithuania and return of the 21. It helps me to change rubles and buy a ticket, but I do not return the passport. I'm not allowed to get away from the station and there are not even passing trains. If there were at least I could spend the afternoon watching their passengers arrive and depart. A couple of minutes before the 21 police officers accompanying me to the train and there I only return the passport. The train that takes me back in the European Union is the most different places you can imagine for an international connection between Minsk and Vilnius are similar to a three-car underground, in which dozens of women are crowded with bags full of vodka, cigarettes and clothing that will sell in Lithuania. From the bench on which I spent the afternoon I could not see, but next to the ticket office there is a duty free shop, where women are sourcing their merchandise .

Belt Hairbrush Paddle

Hello Gino, Indomitable Lions.

August 22, 1962 July 21, 2010

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Implantation Bleeding Five Weeks

Part Five, Part Four

You can not sedate all the things you hate

are in Łódź to review a friend, Jarrek, which met in 2000 in India. Invited to attend a conference in philosophy, we had, unknowingly, the same plane from Amsterdam to Calcutta. Landed at three in the morning, we had to find a car waiting for the Ramakrishna Mission Institute of Culture. On leaving the airport, however, there was no trace of our Indian guests and that was how we met, wandering in a parking lot in search of their car. Lacking this, we took a taxi together to achieve Golpark and through a city already in full swing for the arrival of the goods they supply the markets and shops.

Raised agnostic, in the nineties Jarrek studied in Sweden where he became a Lutheran. Today in Poland, his point of view, Protestant, liberal, eccentric, and is therefore especially valuable. The work of the conference alternate with long conversations and walks, we took an afternoon the monsoon in the city center, which was quickly flooded. The streets disappeared beneath two feet of water, but we found a taxi driver in bold evening brought us back to the Institute. There, with their shoes and pants rolled up above the knee, I understood why the buildings in Calcutta are the main entrance floor of a few steps to the road surface.

This time the arrangement is much simpler: Jarrek is waiting at the station and takes me to his house, where we expect Magda, his wife, and Szymon, their child. Their apartment is in one of the top ten rectangular planes, thousands of them, surrounding the cities of the Soviet empire. In the Czech Republic had not impressed me negatively because they were usually painted with attractive colors and surrounded flower beds neat and tall trees. In Poland, however, exposes the neglect of the poor quality of construction materials. My friends are both university professors, but house prices are too high for them and, therefore, have withdrawn into a suburb. The common areas like the stairs are not owned condominiums and are left in total abandonment, all the care of owners for their homes occurs behind the heavy doors of the apartments.

Jarrek step with Magda and three days to speak even though we've written often, they are five years that we meet and the issues to be discussed with the utmost urgency, we seem endless. The evening we are at the table until late, drinking vodka Zubrowka (flavored with the herb that is preferred by the European bison living in the Bialowieza National Park) and called Krupnik, a honey liquor, but the euphoria is due, above all, that the cartel defascistizzazione found by comparing the failure of the corridors of power in post-war with the non desovietizzazione in contemporary Poland, the economic and political patronage, the lack of civic sense and a disregard for the public good in both countries. I was told of the fears that Russia still arouses public opinion Polish auction to Germany which is still widespread, the support that Poland has since the peaceful revolution in Ukraine in 2004, receiving it from Russia for alleged expansionism, superficial attitude of many Poles towards the European Union, seen only as the bearer of economic well-being and shopping centers. Jarrek disputes the term "Eastern Europe", referring to Poland and the Czech Republic, denied that Russia is part of Europe, he explains that once occupied his country, was the abolition of private property that the Soviets have eradicated Poles any personal interest and, therefore, the very possibility of democratic demands. Inevitably, we end up talking about Locke and the right to property, the link between Protestantism and democracy, Italian amoral familism and the Polish, the first educational reforms undertaken in Poland, and Italy will remain dreams.

"We can not sedate all the things you hate," is written on a wall near Wrocław. So we talk about it, confident of success, with this sort of exorcism, to alleviate the weight.

Saturday, July 10, 2010

Can You Do Circuits When Pregnant

Park-to-Park: Itinerary 2

For travel arrangements see the post through Italy "park-to-park"

Day - Friulian Dolomites Natural Park

Longarone Railway Station - Bridge Campelli - Codissago - CAI 395th - San Antonio - Casso - Trui from Sciarbon - Erto

Day Two - Friulian Dolomites Natural Park

Cimolais (Camping Bresin) - Bridge Compol - 374 CAI - Casera Lodine - Fork Lodine - Cimolais

Third day

Cimolais - S. Floriano - Pinedo - Claut - Lesis - Casera Casavento - Dinosaur Footprints - Claut

Q uart day - Ravine Nature Reserve of Cellina

Andreis - Osteria Molassa Road - Dint - Visitor Center Barcis - Dint Trail - Old Street Cellina - Osteria Molassa - Andreis

Day Five

Andreis - Bosplans - Pala Barzana Fork - Plan D. Merie - Poffabro - Frisanco

Day Six

Frisanco - Navarons - Romanis - Redon - Tramonti di Sotto

Seventh Day

Tramonti di Sotto - Campone - Pradis di Sotto - Zuaniers - Clauzetto - Vito d'Asio

Eighth day

Vito d'Asio - Pradis di Sopra - path battle of Pradis - Oven - Pielungo - Castle Ceconi - Pielungo - Via Regina Margherita - Anduins - via Gleris - Vito d'Asio

Day Nine

Cerdevol - Cuel of Forks - Avasinis - Alessi - Lake of the Three Towns

Tenth day

Lake of the Three Towns - Interneppo - Board - Pioverno - Venzone - Gemona

Eleventh Day - Natural Park of the Julian Alps

Resiutta - Povici - CAI 703 - S. Giorgio - Meadow Resia

Twelfth day - Natural Park of the Julian Alps

Meadow Resia - CAI 638 - Raccolana - Sella Nevea

Thirteenth day - Natural Park of the Julian Alps and Triglav Narodni Park (Slovenia )

Sella Nevea - Lake Predel - Predel Pass - Strmec - Log pod Mangartom - Klu ž and - Pot Miru (Peace Path) - Bovec

Fourteenth day

Bovec - Naklo - If ezso d a - Podnjivce - Z aga - Srpenica - Trnovo - Napoleon Route - Kobarid

Quindicesimo giorno

Kobarid - Ladra - St. Lawrence - Kamno - moving changer e - Volarje - Gabrjie - Dolj - Tolmin

Sedicesimo giorno - Path of Peace

Tolmin - Modrej - Most na Soci - Modrejce - Mengore - Vol is and - Tolmin

seventeenth day - Natural Reserve of lakes and Doberdò Pietrarossa

Redipuglia - Dolina Bersaglieri - Doberdò - Gradina Visitor Center - Marcottini - Monte S. Michele - S. Martino del Carso - Devetachi - Visintini - Palchische - Mico - Berne - Black Hill - Visitor Center Gradina

Eighteenth Day - Reserve Natural lakes and Doberdò Pietrarossa

Visitor Center Gradina - Castellazzo - Cadorna House - Doberdò - Pietrarossa Lake - Visitor Center Konver - Monfalcone - Theme Park World War

nineteenth day - Nature Reserve Regional Foce Isonzo

Monfalcone - Cona Island - Punta Edge - Isola della Cona

Where a stage start in a place other than that which had ended the previous means which was a transfer bus.

I am grateful for the precious material given me the Cultural Consortium of Monfalcone (