Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Consume Alcohol After Smartlipo


(...) When Knight took him under his wing, Gianfranco was a picturesque and nostalgic Capataz a small party outsider who was inspired by fascism. Led by the hand from the villain who wants to purge today, has transformed the MSI in An and began to travel in Europe. His friendship, once limited to Le Pen, have dilated into the wide world. Unable in the past to get elected mayor of Rome is to be successful then Vice Premier and Foreign Minister. He shook hands with heads of state, was received with every honor in Jerusalem in spite of the early Mussolinism. Now, he is chairman of the House. But not a day goes by that does not attempt to bite, like the virgin pariniana kennel, the foot that has catapulted to so and so many heights. If there is a man who does not self-made, this is Fini. (...)
Il Giornale, July 28, 2010

We, meanwhile, sat by the river ...


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