Friday, August 27, 2010

Vulval Hair How To Get Rid Of

part of the nineteenth, the eighteenth part

ontological error of Ceausescu

The night train from Varna leads me to Bucharest and Moscow as a destination belongs to the Russian railways. The two provodniki wagon are already drunk before departure and check what I can not read the ticket even after having put on his glasses and turned on the light of his desk. At the border will be groomed by police Romanians because they do not know how many passengers of the car will not be able to count (we are seven in all) and do not even find their documents.

Radu, one of the other six passengers, working in Bucharest for an MEP Romania. From the train station, along the center of town, where Ceausescu built the Casa del Popolo, a huge building and insignificant as Unirii Boulevard, the road that branches off from it. The intention of the dictator would have to obscure the fame of the Champs Elysees and to achieve it did raze one of the most beautiful in the nineteenth century Bucharest. The boulevard is actually longer than six meters in Paris, but the essence of the Champs Elysées is not in size, in the form of tree-lined avenue flanked by buildings or in the name of heavenly. Activities is that people will play, which, in turn, attract other people and so on. Nothing interesting, though, happens on the road that leads to the Casa del Popolo.

not even impressive Revolution Square, overlooked by the palace that was home to the Central Committee of the Communist Party here Ceausescu gave his last speech, before placing orders to fire on the crowd and groped flight. Radu tells me that is not a museum that tells the events of 1989 because "it is too early," and many consider nothing more than the revolution a coup organized by several generals, as there was no real opposition to the regime. With the execution of the dictator, however, the Romanians shrugged off a government that oppressed the people with oppressive policies such as no basis to meet the needs of people. The collectivization of agriculture, for example, was integral to the economy as was the Unirii Boulevard in terms of urban planning. The ethnographer and painter Horia Bernea use the term "deception" to define the communist regime, the word emphasizes the use of a system of deceit and lies, and evokes empathy for, the use of wild charges.

Ceausescu came to define 'Epoca de Aur "The years 1965 to 1989, during which, to pay the foreign debt, diverted to export agricultural production and forced the population to malnutrition . In Alba Iulia an exhibition tells the time in an essential but highly effective, combining propaganda and reality: the objects of the "social consumption", for example, are displayed alongside the reports of Securitate, the political police that controlling teachers "slanderers" and preparing "actions" against dissident intellectuals. The persecution of the latter, however, was not an invention of Ceausescu: Nicolae Baciu, whose work is now dedicated a room in the castle of Bran, was arrested and tortured in 1948, managed to escape, to swim across the Danube and repair in Yugoslavia. Also arrested there, then fled to Paris, where he published his research on the "betrayal" perpetrated at Yalta by Churchill and Roosevelt to the detriment of the countries of Eastern Europe.


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