Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Can You Geta Wart On Your Lip

antifascist late.

"If you think about the fascist regime becomes a humiliating confrontation with the present: the fascist dictator was attentive to his image as a friend of the people, private life was modest, of secret sin. Some may say that the fascist regime was stealing just because there was little to steal and that the current abundance is one of the reasons of general corruption, dictatorship, but also in some restraint, no shame, no fear of punishment remained. The waiter who passes you just heard the praise of the scheme is Giorgio Bocca and the quote does not go back when he was a young fascist. But it is the last "Friday" the newspaper La Repubblica.
is coupled with the recovery of fascism in comparison with Berlusconi, who made the Grand Old Communist Alberto Asor, that fascism was within a national tradition, had a close relationship with the resurgence. And what does the interior with Andrea Camilleri said recently: "Under fascism was freer than today's youth." I could go up to the symbolic gesture of Napolitano that the other day went to visit the hall of the Palazzo Venezia and the Globe, to overlook the historic balcony, without leaning, for fear of lurking photographers. It says: "How small."
I enjoy, especially when I think of the poor Fini, who became anti-fascist right now reassessing the leader. Always travel with a system of delay.

Marcello Veneziani


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