Thursday, February 3, 2011

Fashion Tv. Without Clothes

Other poems by Mitsuo Aida (1980-1987)


as we walk, it becomes a path

if I do not, the weeds grow

if you get used to things around you do not let more

without renewal

there is more life

You said: "I do not want to wear a ring on her finger

not hurt when I wash my face in the morning."

You said: "I do not want to wear a ring on her finger

not hurt when you lift off the bed."

Now, in the morning light

that filters through the curtains,

you get close to me and hands

draw water from the cold basin.

I watch the drops of water falling from the tip of

your ten fingers are the most beautiful gold

and silver.

on rainy days, you're in the rain

on windy days, you're the wind

anxiety will always exist as long as we live

only human after all

because they are weak

because they are a weak person

is very difficult for me

be with normal people

with anyone I'm

I can not keep up

because they are so slow it takes me more


others to do the same things

because they are so shy

situations in which I am extremely concerned about me

because they are so lazy

despite getting old I need a teacher


because I can not hope

I need to have faith that a Kannon


everywhere no matter what happens I need


to Watch Over me

(In Japanese Buddhism, Kannon is the goddess of mercy, bodhisattva associated with female gender compassion)

believe that only what is experienced becomes really our

a flexible mind

a tender heart like a young bamboo

even one simple thing

is always how we want

so I do my best

to do one simple thing

the roots of life

when bear pain without crying when

endure hardship without complaint when

bear criticism without looking for excuses when

not bear the humiliation angry

the color of your eyes becomes deeper

the roots of your life become deeper

if you are not yourself

who else can become one?


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