Wednesday, March 16, 2011

How Much Light Are We Gaining

Come on Japan! Bad weather

日本 で!
There are no words to describe what is happening right.
My beloved in Japan is a very difficult time. On TV you only see the devastating images and a great strength of character of the people there.
After Hiroshima and Nagasaki, earthquakes, tsunamis and the nuclear danger will not bend this wonderful country.
Gambatte na!

Saturday, March 12, 2011

On The Sims 2 Is There Prams?

this winter unusual, consisting of little, indeed, very little snowfall, has also been characterized by certain days ... bora! Sun
beautiful, but to die hard snow that we could do holiday on ice and wind that swept away .. not bad, right?!

Friday, March 11, 2011

Supplementary Examples In Real Life

Standing ovation!

We have resisted Br: Mouthpiece makes us laugh.
Paul Granzotto

Italo Bocchino is a fool. Not wishing to aggravate my position as a defendant: a ruling by the Supreme Court relating to that which gave Piero Ricca, in fact, the buffoon Silvio Berlusconi, in turn provides that this sort to a politician is not a crime, being only a 'strong criticism that may exist in the form of the more incisive and penetrating, the higher its position public. " And Italo Bocchino, who is of high public position, nothing less than the Vice President of the House, then you take from me the fool. We
past the beautiful, here in the Journal. Initially treated by prick the fray (they gave us to fail within sixty days), then by denying that plague not say the word, but the simple hello and then as enemies to be killed by any means. Were subjected to wildcat strikes in typography, boycotts on newsstands, for preparing attacks by packs of hooligans armed with wrenches and sharp objects of different nature. Montanelli he gets even bullets. To say the climate, we had to take the carriage of weapons - now granted to manifest a state of danger - and turn the gun in the holster. And all this was nothing compared to the daily pounding, arrogant, violent and uncouth verbal aggression and journalism. Other than stalking. The freedom of press and speech, the rights recognized in the Constitution "the most beautiful in the world" bandied about yesterday and today by those political forces that have the diversity and journalistic, anthropological, to us the newspaper was not restricted. For lorsignori, or sang in the choir or willy-nilly you cap your mouth.
But in those days were at least a bite hyenas, wild animals with strong teeth. Today we leave the sheepfold and bite or try to do sheep, Italo Bocchino. What a good fascist, though denied, freedom of press and speech does not even know where he is at home and then you get angry, just bringing an action before the court, if a newspaper like the Journal did not say the critics, but it raises - as they did at first, dreaming of the turnaround, La Repubblica, Santoro and TG3 - a statesman of high rank, of great culture and with an excellent intelligence. Do not feel vilified, Bocchino. Has found nothing in what I write or have written my colleagues sued dishonorable special about him, they hurt the reputation of having. What we have written is just that his lucid mind has led the ambitious future plans to take out the Berlusconi government to Kobarid no ifs, ands or buts. Anyone try to deny it. To bite, with its bite of sheep, is due therefore to resort to stalking, accusing him not only to lose sleep, but had, along with wife, decay and weight loss. It is therefore fortunate that come to our aid the Supreme Court (Case 19509 of May 4, 2006) allowing us to give, 'established the factual substratum of social criticism and usefulness of the same, "the fool who challenges mezzucci like to join all 'by those who wanted and still want to silence the voice of the newspaper. We were able, by means far more devastating in the years of lead. Imagine if we succeed, pulling the ball in his silhouette and his wife, a policy void as Italo Bocchino.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Images For Making A Curtain For Cupboard

The spiral of violence in 14 years

Domestic violence includes various forms :
physical, psychological, economic, sexual and otherwise often mix and match between them, there is also a witnessed violence: the one suffered by children who attend the ill-treatment shake on the mother.
The climate of violence in the couple develops over time, gradually through discussions that are becoming increasingly common and dangerous.
The violent episodes are triggered often for trivial reasons and are followed by an apology and repentance from the partner. "Never again" is the most common phrase you hear again from their husbands and partners violent.
Thus began the "honeymoon" period in which the relationship seemingly most solid and resumed as if nothing had accaduto.La woman who suffers, often unable to admit even to herself the gravity of the situation or the frequency of attacks, is to minimize tensions and hide outside their discomfort, living with guilt and inadequacy which is subjected to violence.
Only time you realize it could no longer control the increasingly aggressive behavior of the partner. The fights become more frequent and intense and it triggers the "cycle of violence", better known as "spiral of violence."