Thursday, March 3, 2011

Thai Curry Should Be Watery

reach the mental state of the warrior

In the previous post we looked at the condition mind that the warrior wants to reach to deal with the struggle. In this post we seek to understand how this state of mind can be achieved.

In our imagination when we think of the warrior, we have the archetypal hero's deadpan and brave, ready to face any opponent. What comes to mind of this character? The condition that led him to take this attitude is the result of a difficult personal history, or everyone is able to reproduce this state? What feelings and emotions involves taking this attitude?

In modern action films have often motivated by a desire for revenge hero, resentment and hatred. This is very thrilling and exciting, too bad that these films do not take account of reality.

The presence of strong emotions destabilizes performance during a struggle, and emotional state should be as flat and calm as possible. The presence of emotions is not important if they do not involve the creation of thoughts, uncontrolled and often negative matrix.

We realize when we pass through a difficult period and we are making the mechanical actions. For example, in the aftermath of an event that has shaken us, while we wash the dishes or driving a car (mechanical actions), our mind tends to produce in an uncontrolled way thoughts about that event: and if I had done so, and if I told you so, and if this had happened, etc. ...

thoughts favor the creation of such negative emotions, which in turn drive the process mental images, like a dog chasing its tail.

The only way to stop this emotional storm is the presence and the capture of awareness. A mechanical process is like an autopilot that takes action without that we want it and the only way out is to remember the mechanical nature of themselves and be present in the here and now, to manage our potential as desired.

The warrior in battle is not motivated by hatred or revenge, is not scared and does not judge the enemy looks like, his thoughts run unchecked, do not expect his actions occur mechanically. The Warrior is pure awareness, there is action, is sure of himself, because he has full control of his body and his mind.

In the ancient esoteric practices (= esoteric secret teachings handed down from master to student), mind control is initially managed through the practice of presence.

Operation of the memory of oneself is a practice that requires a lot of dedication and provides to examine the thoughts that go through your head, trying to eliminate as much as possible the moments of "sleep" or when the arguments run without our control.

is initially a difficult practice and makes us realize what a low percentage of our day is spent under our control. When we get a good grasp of this practice we also have the ability to better focus on our goals and achieve them more easily. This applies both to the struggle for life.

Dr. Alessandro Ceccarini


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