Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Blue Screen On Tv When Recording

Doppifini. Indeed, three.

Yet there is still someone who is listening. "If I leave the policy fails Fli" he said. But those who think they take the piss out of this clown? But you can still give credit to the political circus performer? The worst policy? Apart from the fact that we are still waiting for the resignation which he had solemnly promised to the Monte Carlo Affair. For the home, the assets of the former community MSI AN, removed from party into pleasing tribute to the elegance of his brother. But he takes us all for fools own? The Gianfrego has strangely forgotten to define the concept of "failure." A modest electoral result? Under the ten, five or two percent? Who determines the measure would take effect dell'asticella under which the return, which is desirable, the caghetta to privacy? But that question himself! And considering the tough man and his attachment to the chair and on the vanity, it is to imagine that for him, whatever happens, it will be a success!
This clown has already scuppered two parties. He wanted to destroy a third. He has argued over the years and denied everything that could support or deny. He admitted he had been wrong more times: on Mussolini, on gays, on assisted procreation, on immigrants, on the electoral law, Berlusconi.
really need another defeat to retire from politics?


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