Friday, August 6, 2010

Can Retin A Help Folliculitis On Face

eleventh part, the tenth part

Steaks bear

Oleg teaches English at the University of Krasnoyarsk and takes us to get around the city, the park Stolby and some peaks of Russian humor.

The city is a succession of sites. Rise skyscrapers and shopping malls, built with high-grade materials, which are in addition to the three previous layers Siberian town planning: the nineteenth-century wooden houses with one or two floors, Art Nouveau buildings the early twentieth century and building popular with his Soviet counterpart of public buildings in neoclassical style. In the central streets, dedicated to Marx, Lenin, Peace and Dictatorship of the Proletariat were opened several shops selling goods and all necessities.

leave the center of Krasnoyarsk for Osvianka, a village along the Yenisei River where the house is now a museum, the writer Victor Astafev. Rehabilitated with the perestroika, had long been marginalized because it is not aligned with the Communist Party. Thanks to his past as a fighter in World War II, however, had enjoyed a certain freedom of expression and denounced the environmental hazards caused by the industrialization of Siberia. One of his famous poem is devoted to the sturgeon disappeared from the waters of the Yenisei after the construction of dams. A few years ago, a monument to the sturgeon, with the poetry of Astafev engraved on the pedestal, was erected at a point along the scenic river. Gorbachev and Yeltsin came to visit him and on those occasions the writer, now very old, was brought into the home, where, to use the media, he pretended was still alive.

Today the village is a fashionable place for those who want a second home, but the door of many of the old housing is a red star metal, affixed to remember that a member of that family has fallen in the Great Patriotic War, as World War II is called in Russia.

sailed up the river, the dam of direct Dvinogorsk, and we find many abandoned factories. They are especially steel and chemical industries, explains Oleg, still fifteen years: it is cheaper to buy Chinese goods rather than producing them and the same holds true for fruits and vegetables. The dam, begun in the fifties, came into operation in 1971, one hundred meters high and can produce six million kilowatts. Its construction resulted in the birth of a town whose thirty Thousand, but now work mainly in Krasnoyarsk, as twelve people enough to run the hydroelectric plant. In the squares of Dvinogorsk there are two monuments: the first is dedicated to the trucks which were transported the materials for the construction of the dam and is obviously one of those vehicles hoisted on a pedestal, while the second, a stylized metal tent was erected to commemorate the workers who first came to work here, living, even in winter, in tents. They were volunteers who had come to 'build communism. "

Oleg, meanwhile, complains of invasion of the American hamburger and asks us Even if Italy is affected. I tell them it's burgers are, but eat them especially the teen-ager, while adults prefer traditional foods. His comment is: "Patriotism comes with age." Gianmaria questions him on the regional dishes and he says there are none, perhaps, the specialty is a piece of bear hunting in the forest.

Stolby Nature Reserve is a popular destination for picnics of the inhabitants of Krasnoyarsk and is famous for a huge area littered with basaltic rocks that have become anthropomorphic or zoomorphic forms. Oleg I ask if there are stories and myths concerning the origin of these rocks, as is for those in the Sierra Tarahumara of Mexico, and he replied: "No, Indians Have a lot of time for dreaming." Then, perhaps sorry for the abrupt denial or perhaps because he realizes that he has irrevocably excluded the Russians from the category of dreamers, adds that there is a story, and said that Lenin, before the revolution, had organized a gathering of Bolsheviks in their this forest, with lots of songs and a red flag hoisted on the rocks. Achieved by the Tsarist police, the subversives were saved after dispersal in the forest.

A man is climbing in a crevice of a group of rocks. We look to reach the top and then sliding back down along another slit nicknamed Grattapelle. The man is then to meet us and discover our nationality, reveals that every morning pastry from a magazine photo of Florence, the Pieta of Michelangelo, of Mount Titano and Rimini. So that takes us under a rock, with the two that support the sides, forming an arch called the Porta dei Leoni. Being there in the past, we learn, there is the removal of all sins. Purified, we do to get away, but it still offers the climber a number: Elephant climbed on the rock, which actually looks like a pig, it follows making slide upside down. "You're lucky, the n'ya pas toujours Le Cirque ici, "says Oleg.


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