Friday, August 6, 2010

Dry Hair Before Period

final destination. Air

For those who dabble in the umbrella to follow the Italian politics and, in this case, the pirouettes evolutionary former comrade Fini, some pearls worthy of reflection.

Luca Barbareschi: Future and Freedom is not a political party right. These categories are outdated. I, who are proudly Craxi, I want to speed up the process of destruction of Berlusconi, now at sunset. "

Chiara Moroni: "With Fini can finally be implemented socialist reformism. I want to continue to express my identity, voice and representation to many socialists in Italy and there are still those young people who are also without knowing it. And I Fini seems that outlining is a political project innovative. Where could find citizenship a new social identity. "

Italo Bocchino:" The elections? She did not want and probably do not even agree to Berlusconi. But if you will go 'to the polls, I believe that the figure of Fini will be' more 'expendable for a new alliance along with moderate separatists, of the centrist Democratic Party, leaders of the moderate right. "

Pier Ferdinando Casini," Fini is the victim of a squads intimidating. "

Fabio Granata:" We ask the Italians, the right and left and all those good people who claim a new policy, not to put on the cross for a vote. From today in Parliament, thanks to our initiative, there was a large area of \u200b\u200bParliament. In September we will see some good ... "


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