Tuesday, December 7, 2010

How To Trade Pokemon Desmu

The real scandal is the president of the Chamber.

of Giancarlo Perna

Every day there is a silly controversy. Verdini is targeted for a word too, giving it an importance it did not. Then, are the close ties with Moscow and Putin Cav indignant at the ex-communists who idolized the Moscow of Stalin. And down a grulleria after another. But no one notices the real scandal in the sight of all: the indignity constitutional, political and moral Gianfranco Fini to preside over the House. The abuse of
gianfry was already evident in recent months with the business of the house, creating a rival party in the PDL file that had been elected, the guerrilla war against the government. He has now culminated with the signing of a motion of no confidence which, flowing in the opposition, threatens to scuttle the legislature. Never the president of a branch of the Parliament was put across with the leader, even at the cost of dissolving the House in advance entrusted to him.
Normally, in a role Fini is on the parties, alienating itself from the political wrangling, peaceful. Gianfry has instead spread discord, hatred vented, pursued their own personal ambitions. Not by mere politician - something that would be legitimate even if they still would have made poor in the eyes of many - but remain glued to the throne of the third position in the State. From these heights he winked at opposition lost, encouraged her to revive, incited against the government with the promise of help in our common fight against Berlusconi. Without Fini, Bersani would still immersed nell'abulia last year. If today the Left of all colors - communist, former communist executioner - are ringalluzzite, it is thanks to the former fascist. This is to understand what normal country and we are heading in the pit which lead if this were to prevail Bazzoffie scratch. Fini
ago sausages charge. After him, the House will never be the same. Imagine if Renato Schifani, chairman of the Senate, was the whim to imitate him. The Bersani is obnoxious? Tomorrow morning attacks him, ordering him to do as he says, doubts of his sanity, the advise the patient in the hospice reached retirement age. The Constitution does not prevent him, nor is there any way to stop it. Tap swallow. Just as now you have to do with mattan of gianfry.
In the past, only Fausto Bertinotti in the last parliament had approached him from afar. Incattivito against Prime Minister Prodi, told the Corriere della Sera that his government had "failed." That's it. For the rest it was a normal speaker of the House. Many noted, however, the lowest anomaly criticism. When he was forced to resign, Prodi took off, however, the stone must be that if the government had fallen was the fault of those who (Bertinotti, ed) had made statements "institutionally questionable. A clear role for treason for having violated the neutrality. This trifle, incomparable to rags flown by Fini, the former is worse. Before the advent of
pataccari, number one of the House felt the dignity of the office. Pertini resigned from the presidency - was 1969 - just because it unified the Socialists (PSU), on behalf of which he was elected, returned a split in the PSI and PSDI. "It changed the parliamentary situation - said the old Sandro -, fairness wants resign the office." This provoked a debate on his person. Friends and foes confirmed the confidence and Pertini, comforted, was left in place. Imagine you, Fini asking the House to verify the estimation of which is surrounded? It would be a pretty sight. But with all the skeletons he has in safe, gianfry crouches, holding tight to benefices and pulls out stiffly. Rules if they impipa. He has already announced that if the spins, in the case of elections, will step down to devote himself to campaigning. So, leave the House without driving for over a month, creating another unprecedented havoc. Adamantine use on a personal confirmation of the institution that embodies unfortunately. The characteristic of
gianfry is the face of bronze. Yesterday, at a school who asked why the government crisis, he replied briefly: "For a Shoes (Cav ed) it had to do all the things he thought only about his business. " To say it is him! The same was to be the jealous guardian of the apartment by An inherited Monaco and has instead succumbed to the putto Tulliani at prices from junk. The same recommendations that by dint of arrogant mother-in-law has turned the home into a producer of "scemeggiati" Rai. The same that created the small parties for personal use, is about to draw money Italians to launch electoral arena. Just dare him to accuse others of using the charges for your convenient. He does not see the difference between himself and the Cav. Berlusca, in the light of the sun, calling for a law to govern without fear of prosecution partisan, as is the case elsewhere. He, in the shadow of the subterfuge, the system for a couple of generations your privacy.
What is surprising, so to speak, is that so many take the drone. We neglect the friends - Casini, Rutelli, Di Pietro, Bersani and various companions - that just to pick up another in the war on Cav are the three monkeys. But mammasantissima they do? Disconcerting President Napolitano, a genius at finding the nit. Reveres the Constitution as Dante Beatrix, but not out of breath on a weak point of a House speaker who led the revolt to the government. Idem constitutionalists, usually to the foot with the weapon in defense of American Charter. Cossiga pickaxe when they put us in the Quirinale guard on the survival of the Republic. And they were just mocking utterances. Now, however, who finished top of the seat cripples a government and a legislature sends to the dogs, they are silent. They say that the rule does not prohibit it and shrug their shoulders. For them, a chairman of the House to act as Pertini or Fini, are equal. Then, one of two things: either something wrong with the Constitution or something goes wrong in their heads. And finally, what about the judges? The appropriation by the Monegasque cognatino is proved. But i am not find anything strange and ask for absolution. The court more than a month, waste paper and does not decide. Greetings and sons. Meanwhile, we resign from citizens.


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