Wednesday, December 29, 2010

The Your Version Lucisart Is Damage

Four questions for the new year.

Marcello Veneziani

I found it funny the fake scoop on fake fake ambush the leader, the president GianFitzgerald Fini. After the mock indignation now look to claim the fake attack, and maybe the false arrest, so we complete the cycle of fiction. But I would like to return to reality to understand what's true and I live in right now, after a terrible year that has beheaded, torn and severed. I say it right, not the center as a whole, not Berlusconi's PDL. It traces the history to understand the present. There was once a little girl right but compact, but reduced the most extensive and varied little world right at the MSI, animated by longing and a radical political, ethical and ideological typical of those who want to witness an idea and a membership without changing the reality. At that time there was a thriving galaxy of small newspapers, magazines, who called themselves the right areas. Then the mutation was necessary and healthy in a wider right-wing party and not retrospective, called the National Alliance. A party that could not give content at the time of the activity, but took a step back in time and in the way of thinking about politics. His role in the center was never dominant but gradually decreasing, until it becomes almost irrelevant on the political, cultural and practical. An Approval of went hand in hand with the growing impatience of its leaders to Berlusconi, to row up against (remember the elections of 2006). Has become a pale clone of Forza Italy, unable to balance the role of the League, warning of impending hemorrhage consents, An melted and flowed like butter in the PDL, half happy and half unwillingly. Won the election, received dividends and commissions, starting with the presidency of the Chamber, began the march against Berlusconi. Its operation was unprecedented media support, wolf packs have been formed to attack the government, newspapers, parades, parties, lobby, powers. But after the defeat of the December 14 wolves have dispersed or have returned to their burrows. And the leaked Finian had to give up even the comforting story that they were creating a new right, independent and modern, because they are finished as an offshoot of what remains the old DC, under the leadership of Casini, alongside Rutelli, La Malfa and Lombardo (kiss the hands). Certainly, the fragmentation of the right occurred in parallel with the mortification of the left. And all this happened to a paradox: the transition from bipolarity to the attempted bipartisanship has resulted in the disappearance of the right and left. For the first time any political party in Parliament clearly defines right or left. Veltroni dismissed the left, giving rise to the PD and eliminating the left. And Fini has completed work on the other side, dismissing the right in three steps: An melts, smashing the PDL and carries the residue of fli in the third pole. Both blame the Berlusconi the double homicide, but they are two suicides. Now there is a problem: failed Fli, what is left of the right in Italy? I see individuals, sometimes respectable politicians who come from the story and do their job. I see fragments, small foundations that follow the last remnants of the old school of AN, but there is a subject that coordinated, area, not a newspaper, a magazine, a foundation, a control room in which the center- constitutes its reference. Nothing. Then I put some final questions to the lords of the right, top and base, including voters. We're all right? Do you think the right has now exhausted its historic mission and political and other Today should be the sources of policy and, if I may know what? Prefers to recognize in a large container and then each cultivates private predilections and flirting? You are covered under watchful waiting and waiting to resurface when it will end this cycle and then must be some fixed point must leave? Respond to your choice in only one of these questions. Whatever the answer will be welcome, because it will mean that in the meantime there are liquefied or frozen. PS To go back to having fun as the beginning, I think back to the fake encounter with a self-styled leader of the fake escort. The story seems fake for many reasons, but for one above all: a woman should never Fini named Rachel. His anti-fascism would prevent him from imitating the creator of Absolute Evil.


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