Sunday, December 12, 2010

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Violence to women - The hot line number

- Call the number 1522

If you have suffered violence, in the past and only now have decided to seek advice. Get in touch with the national freephone number 1522. It 's a welcome service toll free, with only women and specially trained staff, operating 24 hours at 24 to 365 days per year, plus languages \u200b\u200b(Italian, English, French, English, Russian). Provides an initial response and possible activation of services of help, ensuring privacy.

- Call the number 118

If you're hurt, if you have bruises or welts go to the emergency room of a hospital. If you are serious call 118 directly.

- Call the number 113/112

If you've just been raped, you have you feel threatened or in danger call 113 or 112 Carabinieri police for help or for reporting.


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