Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Whipping In Mainstram Movies

a student of Dojo Eleanor, Anna writes Torreggiani

When you are faced with a discipline or technique that you know the attitude may be twofold: "All at once" or "I do not understand ...."

It 'easy to get excited and then de-motivate when they meet the limits or constraints on intrinsic and extrinsic.

The definition of learning that the more I like him as a paraphrase "To abandon a security framework to enter into a stream of possibilities."

We usually think of learning as something purely academic, cognitive, and not tied to a certain age.

But the evolution of our society and therefore of people who are looking at some how to address the "hypokinetic disease", sees more and more people starting to mature in sports and to take old and new disciplines and sports.

is also a characteristic of the human right to have a limitless capacity to learn over time, unlike animals that come with schematics of the data and if they are capable of learning in some species, this is still limited by gender human.

Unfortunately, as I wrote at the beginning, we are consumed by consumerism that instills the idea of \u200b\u200bdisposable or all at once, so we often claim to learn quickly and then eventually move on. Learning requires time, slowly, learning is repetition, variation, trial and error, from global analytics and vice versa, is trial and error ....

And almost a perverse mechanism of our nervous system when something is not clear is to hurry, as if we said "We do this as well then forget it ..." The rush does nothing but add to the confusion or unclear. It 'hard to stop in frustration, especially if it exceeds our need for security, but the good teacher knows how to calibrate the right dose in the two components.

remains implicit that each of us does have the right to try to understand and feel if a discipline or art can do for him, but we must give time, the right time to enjoy the experience and do not devour them.

Often people feel that after a while 'begin to experience pain due to inflammation or contracture, and the tendency is to consider the limit as an isolated body. I happen to see and feel difficulty in movement when it is required that such an action that ends with the arm has its beginning in the basin ...

And 'one of the many Copernican revolution that must take place in our body and first of all in our nervous system so that we will achieve a movement that flows, smooth and non-segmental. Another aspect I was most curious and interested when I started to get close to krav maga with the course of anti-aggression and anti-rape was to join the movement of the other, supporting him, does not oppose (the way of compliance) in order to have an efficient and which allows to get rid of an attack.

When you find the right lever when it feels like the kinetic chain works, the force is no longer the decisive factor is not negligible size and importance as a component of breath that necessarily contribute to the success of a movement-action . Carry out new and unusual movements often means holding your breath (apnea). It should also work on this feature that is so involuntarily (SNA) is voluntary but when we act on it through our awareness. If

breathe well, in line with the movement, the result will be better. It 's a universal principle, obvious "Maximum efficiency with minimum effort ... is another Copernican revolution for all of us that instead of having to always think one needs to struggle to get a result.

thank Marco Ceccarini and Athos Trevillion, teachers and friends, for giving me the opportunity to speak about this issue.


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