Sunday, December 12, 2010

My Bf Needs A 9 Inch Dick


Marcello Veneziani

What is the difference between the son of the ATAC caposcorta Veltroni's taken when he was mayor Veltroni and the son of caposcorta Alemanno took ATAC when Mayor Alemanno? An abyss. The first is business as usual, the second is a disgrace and should resign Alemanno.
What is the difference between a deputy elected from the lists of the PDL and changing party withdraws its confidence in the Prime Minister who was tied and a deputy elected from the lists IDV that change is the opposite party and to his colleague? An abyss. The first is a hero turned, the second an infamous traitor. And as if to one behind the other one can assume that there is a personal interest (to ensure an uncertain future with seats appointments, benefices), the first is an unimpeachable political, the second is a corrupt to be allocated to the pillory and the court.
And again. What is the difference between a director of Tg1, spending 7 thousand euro per month for entertainment expenses and a director of Tg1, his predecessor, who spent twenty thousand a month for a suite? An abyss, the first is a criminal hunting and censoring company, Board of Supervisors, in court and in the editorial board, the second is a gentleman that he had to find a roof to carry out its job.
The examples could go to infinity, including relatives of politicians from the left and then placed in the public sector relatives of right-wing politicians who enjoyed the same privileges. If we were really honest people among those left-of-pocket paying their views should be especially outraged leftists who lives behind them, and vice versa right ones. From the Republic of rogue spear judges, shame and condemnation for those on the right to imitate their predecessors left and adapt all'andazzo. But exempts predecessors.
This campaign against corruption is sick. I have no other word to sum it up better. I am ashamed for them. But who goes with Fini, they say, believes in a modern and democratic right? There is almost no doubt that the voters prefer Berlusconi a responsible government in charge of a crisis in the dark? But no, it's just a paid servant. You who hold both the Constitution, is not a tear to its rules on the government to deny people who have been elected by the people and let the president of the Chamber also acts as a faction leader and wants to smash the government? Yuck. There have always been dishonest, but the novelty of our times is that dishonest people have a monopoly on honesty.
from newspapers these days it seems that a few months has been imposed on an Italy malpractice despicable: patronage, nepotism, corruption, the market for votes, the transformation. All diseases unknown in this country healthy and honest, imported from Berlusconi, the Northern League and even the ex-Fascists. Mind you, the fascists are gone with Fini fine gentlemen redeemed because their code of honor includes a point, indeed unique smash Berlusconi and his government, regret having lived all these years with that leader, with that program, and therefore they were elected, making even the majority and force the government (who would have thought, comrades). Now, it is well known that corruption is not born with the right or to the government with Berlusconi and even with the left, to be honest. There was already the time of the DC and even before. In fact if you want the utmost honesty, the only period in which corruption will not prevail on the honesty and it was during Fascism. Sheldon say but true. But someone is willing to give up freedom and democracy to an authoritarian regime and peck for honesty and efficiency, less mafia and more public works, less than thieves and social policy? No, and then the conversation ends there, back to the present. So, what Famo? We hit on a criminal corruption, malpractice in the civil and cultural patronage in the political, but let us not establish theorems ethical and ideological racism: there is no breed of corrupt and uncorrupt right to left. The responsibility is personal and will proceed case by case basis and not according to race.
The crooks on the right, but let me say one thing to know that the discomfort "own" elected not better than others, shall conform to the previous standard of power, Democrats and the left. And there is not an excuse comforting to say yes in terms of patronage and crony acting as the others, but at least admirable in other fields leave marks, footprints of large companies, shining examples, symbols, ideas and principles already trampled. No, everything is so small, everywhere.
Then see what the newspapers, what does the party politics, what do the judges see that dishonesty blind-sided and activist who determines who are corrupt and who's exempt, and you have to choose the lesser evils, and even ask the arbitration Mastella. Italy, ora pro nobis.


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