Friday, December 31, 2010

Swimwear For Incontinence Users

Who dreams can move mountains

Glasgow, April 1873. Henry Dyer is about to leave his native land, Scotland to Southampton awaits a ship for Japan. He knows that he will not feel the lack of green and gray skies and landscapes of Scotland because his classmate all'Anderson College, Yōzō Yama, assured him that they find it. What Dyer (a surname meaning "dyer") does not know is that its activities will trigger the transformations that permanently change the landscape itself in Japan and in some cases, literally, its hues.

twenty-five, Dyer has just graduated in engineering, has always been a brilliant student and, therefore, her teachers have shown a particularly challenging task. The new Japanese government has launched a plan to recruit foreign experts for the transfer of technologies needed to modernize the country. After the Restoration of imperial power in 1868 and the consequent end of the feudal system and the isolationist shogunate , came to power the most progressive members of the class of samurai . In 1863, when they were in their early twenties, five of them, from the city of Hagi, had managed to secretly leave the country to study in Britain. Ito Hirobumi, Inoue Kaoru, End ō Kinsuke Yakichi and Nomura would become, respectively, the Prime Minister, Minister of Foreign Affairs, Director of the Mint and the Director of Railways. The fifth group, Yamai Y ō z or would, as Deputy Minister of Public Works, the founder and Rector of Imperial College of Engineering T ō ky or, at whose graduates are largely due to the industrialization of the country.

On June 3, 1873, Yamai Y ō z in Japan or to welcome his friend Henry Dyer, who landed from the steamer British Avoca from Hong Kong. In the nearly two months of travel, Dyer has prepared the curriculum to be adopted by Imperial College of Engineering: based on teaching methods considered revolutionary at the time, the degree course will be developed over six years, the first two dedicated to the study General Engineering, followed by two years of specialized courses and two years of practice. To this end, Dyer was to build the workshops Akabane, who will become the largest in Japan. Yama Y ō z or accept unreservedly the plan in August, Dyer and their creature opens its doors and welcomes the first 56 students.

In 1883 a pupil of Dyer, Tanabe Sakura, just twenty-two, he discusses a visionary thesis: the channeling of the water of Lake Biwa, the largest freshwater basin in the country, from the village of Otsu up to Kyoto, which lies at an altitude of 40 meters below. Tanabe has resulted in an engineering project a dream that the people of Kyoto grow long, but a dream project and would be destined to remain unfulfilled if it had occurred in the meantime, an event historical negative in other ways: the move to T ō ō ky the capital of . This had provoked the crisis of traditional economic activities Ky ō to , which were largely attributable to the supply of luxury goods and consumables for the court and its employees. For years, municipal authorities tried to stimulate the recovery of the economy had created, for example, the municipal elementary schools and invested in professional craftsmen and artisans, but it was not enough. Now, the Governor of the Prefecture, Kitagaki Kunimichi, decided to focus on trade and industry, a channel linking Ky ō to to the Shiga Prefecture, is located in Lake Biwa, would increase the traffic of rice, coal, sake and ceramics and from Osaka, facilitate irrigation of crops and allow the construction of a hydroelectric plant can supply energy to new industries. Upon learning of the thesis of Tanabe, Kitagaki instructs him in May 1883, to direct the construction of the canal. The project begins to lose the consistency of dreams to take the wood and stone.

The first hurdle comes in the form of a purely mundane: the retrieval of the necessary funds, the municipal government plans to spend 1.25 million yen (equivalent to 10 billion € today) and must therefore supplement state funding with the imposition of new local taxes, to be decisive, will, however, the intervention of the Emperor, which will cover one third of the cost personally. Construction will begin in June 1885. To accomplish, Tanabe will have to use modern technology and ancient resources, combining the innovations of import and the Japanese tradition: the excavation of vertical shafts, the use of dynamite, building materials of wood and, more importantly, their zeal and labor of his workers. It is estimated that four million people have worked on the realization of it Channel, using only five years to finish: it is officially opened in 1890 and became operational the following year also Keage hydroelectric power plant on the eastern hills of Ky ō to. For its design, Tanabe was inspired by the central view in 1888 in Aspen, Colorado, during his stay in the United States.

As the water run through a 2436 meter long tunnel and over a drop of 36 feet, things that the boats could not do, always in the area is built Keage an inclined plane which allows boats to carry part of the journey by land, once loaded on a special trolley that moves on rails.

The availability of electricity and a convenient way of transporting goods to revitalize the economy Ky ō to: benefit the silk factories, the manufacture of tobacco products, chemical and mechanical birth of the first towns tramways and the electric railway to Fushimi, where blooms the production of sake. The urban landscape is radically altered and begins to take its present shape with the enlargement of the main roads, construction of new districts, new channels and their offshoots. The path that runs alongside one of them, in the east of the city, later became famous as the "walk of philosopher," because it was a favorite of Nishida Kitaro ō ; today is a tourist attraction, as well as the inclined plane: the channel, in fact, since the forties has lost the competition with new railway roads and rail vehicles for the transport of goods.

" Who dreams can move mountains 'is a phrase uttered by the protagonist of Fitzcarraldo by Werner Herzog. He, too, as Tanabe Sakura, would want to pass the boats where the mountains have always prevented and also (as, in reality, Herzog himself) is building an inclined plane to his ship. Fitzcarraldo attended the opera house in Manaus in the period in which, at the end of the nineteenth century, the city enjoys its economic boom thanks to the production of rubber and dreams of opening a theater for opera in the Amazon village where he lives, Tanabe is located in Aspen where, thanks to the 'silver mining, there is built a theater for the work.

Fitzcarraldo, however, unlike Tanabe, must come to a compromise with adverse natural conditions: renounce the construction of the theater and be content to hold the execution in his village de Bellini's I Puritani. Rather, it is Herzog who can bring together in Tanabe, as it is successful, spending four years and overcoming difficulties of all kinds, to complete the processing of the film that he dreamed of cruising. Perhaps, for them two more that we must speak of dreams Nozomi, a Japanese term meaning "desire," "hope" and also "challenge", to emphasize the link between the projects and the efforts necessary to their implementation. Not for nothing Nozomi is also the name of the most modern of high speed trains that, since the sixties, have revolutionized transportation and customs of the Japanese, but this is the story of another dream .

Thursday, December 30, 2010

How Do I Draw A Gothic Arch

The year 2010 is ending and all of us furniture, as we prepare to review what has happened this year to assess whether there has been favorable or not .... (?)
Those who realize that it was a good year, I greet with great sadness, knowing full well that not all years are equal ... ..!!!!!!!!!!
For those who have not had great satisfaction, or even have had to endure real disappointment, dismissed him with a big "Vaffa ... ... .. LO!" hoping to spend the best years .!!!!!!!!!!!!
What we do not realize is that all of us, however, is gone, get out of it anyway, "richer" with all the experiences we have lived (even if negative) that will allow us to address with greater vigor and capacity commitments that there are prospects for the near future. This will enable us to live a better life ... ... ...!
For this reason, in the hope that this wish can come true, I take this opportunity to wish everyone "A BRILLIANT 2011 full of joy, health, prosperity 'AND MANY PERSONAL SATISFACTION "to share with your loved ones. With sincere affection

Marco Ceccarini

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

The Your Version Lucisart Is Damage

Four questions for the new year.

Marcello Veneziani

I found it funny the fake scoop on fake fake ambush the leader, the president GianFitzgerald Fini. After the mock indignation now look to claim the fake attack, and maybe the false arrest, so we complete the cycle of fiction. But I would like to return to reality to understand what's true and I live in right now, after a terrible year that has beheaded, torn and severed. I say it right, not the center as a whole, not Berlusconi's PDL. It traces the history to understand the present. There was once a little girl right but compact, but reduced the most extensive and varied little world right at the MSI, animated by longing and a radical political, ethical and ideological typical of those who want to witness an idea and a membership without changing the reality. At that time there was a thriving galaxy of small newspapers, magazines, who called themselves the right areas. Then the mutation was necessary and healthy in a wider right-wing party and not retrospective, called the National Alliance. A party that could not give content at the time of the activity, but took a step back in time and in the way of thinking about politics. His role in the center was never dominant but gradually decreasing, until it becomes almost irrelevant on the political, cultural and practical. An Approval of went hand in hand with the growing impatience of its leaders to Berlusconi, to row up against (remember the elections of 2006). Has become a pale clone of Forza Italy, unable to balance the role of the League, warning of impending hemorrhage consents, An melted and flowed like butter in the PDL, half happy and half unwillingly. Won the election, received dividends and commissions, starting with the presidency of the Chamber, began the march against Berlusconi. Its operation was unprecedented media support, wolf packs have been formed to attack the government, newspapers, parades, parties, lobby, powers. But after the defeat of the December 14 wolves have dispersed or have returned to their burrows. And the leaked Finian had to give up even the comforting story that they were creating a new right, independent and modern, because they are finished as an offshoot of what remains the old DC, under the leadership of Casini, alongside Rutelli, La Malfa and Lombardo (kiss the hands). Certainly, the fragmentation of the right occurred in parallel with the mortification of the left. And all this happened to a paradox: the transition from bipolarity to the attempted bipartisanship has resulted in the disappearance of the right and left. For the first time any political party in Parliament clearly defines right or left. Veltroni dismissed the left, giving rise to the PD and eliminating the left. And Fini has completed work on the other side, dismissing the right in three steps: An melts, smashing the PDL and carries the residue of fli in the third pole. Both blame the Berlusconi the double homicide, but they are two suicides. Now there is a problem: failed Fli, what is left of the right in Italy? I see individuals, sometimes respectable politicians who come from the story and do their job. I see fragments, small foundations that follow the last remnants of the old school of AN, but there is a subject that coordinated, area, not a newspaper, a magazine, a foundation, a control room in which the center- constitutes its reference. Nothing. Then I put some final questions to the lords of the right, top and base, including voters. We're all right? Do you think the right has now exhausted its historic mission and political and other Today should be the sources of policy and, if I may know what? Prefers to recognize in a large container and then each cultivates private predilections and flirting? You are covered under watchful waiting and waiting to resurface when it will end this cycle and then must be some fixed point must leave? Respond to your choice in only one of these questions. Whatever the answer will be welcome, because it will mean that in the meantime there are liquefied or frozen. PS To go back to having fun as the beginning, I think back to the fake encounter with a self-styled leader of the fake escort. The story seems fake for many reasons, but for one above all: a woman should never Fini named Rachel. His anti-fascism would prevent him from imitating the creator of Absolute Evil.

Monday, December 27, 2010

Rosebud Salve For Tattoo

Happy New Year Monday, December 27, 2010 Eleanor

- Cara Eleonora a happy Christmas

also for you have always

in our hearts

proof that angels exist.

Saturday, December 25, 2010

Free Pattern For A Draft Excluder Free Pattern

lesson disarmament gun

- L unedo December 27, 2010 at the gym there will be a lesson Dojo Eleonora kept by the instructors of Tyre State Police, Domenico Di Pierro and Daniele Bellotto, gun disarmament and general rules to keep in case you do encounter a firearm.

Friday, December 24, 2010

How Soon After A Colposcopy Can I Have The Coil

The instructor Marco Ceccarini, awarded by the Department to sport

Monday, December 20, 2010 the Mayor of Curtatone (MN) Antonio Badolato together with Vice Mayor iuseppe G De Donno and Alderman Richard Goatelli sport, the year the award-winning sports club Eledonora Dojo, for the seriousness and commitment to sport and solidarity.

On that occasion the ass in sports was meant to underline the commitment and dedication with which Mr. Marco Ceccarelli, a police officer of the local police headquarters in Mantua, manages non-profit sporting activity gym Dojo Eleanor and free courses of anti-aggression for women

How Could Somebody Knows When She Is Pregnant

The Ass. National Police wishes everyone a Merry Christmas

- It 's Christmas every time you smile

a brother and handed him a hand.

- It 's Christmas every time you stay

in silence to listen to the other.

- It 's Christmas every time you do not agree

principles that give the oppressed

the margins of society.

- It 's Christmas every time you hope

with those who despair

physical and spiritual poverty.

- It 's Christmas every time I humbly acknowledge your limits and your weaknesses.

- It 's Christmas every time you allow the Lord to be born again to give it to others.

The National Association of State Police, I wish all students and instructors from the Dojo Eleanor a happy and peaceful Christmas

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Whipping In Mainstram Movies

a student of Dojo Eleanor, Anna writes Torreggiani

When you are faced with a discipline or technique that you know the attitude may be twofold: "All at once" or "I do not understand ...."

It 'easy to get excited and then de-motivate when they meet the limits or constraints on intrinsic and extrinsic.

The definition of learning that the more I like him as a paraphrase "To abandon a security framework to enter into a stream of possibilities."

We usually think of learning as something purely academic, cognitive, and not tied to a certain age.

But the evolution of our society and therefore of people who are looking at some how to address the "hypokinetic disease", sees more and more people starting to mature in sports and to take old and new disciplines and sports.

is also a characteristic of the human right to have a limitless capacity to learn over time, unlike animals that come with schematics of the data and if they are capable of learning in some species, this is still limited by gender human.

Unfortunately, as I wrote at the beginning, we are consumed by consumerism that instills the idea of \u200b\u200bdisposable or all at once, so we often claim to learn quickly and then eventually move on. Learning requires time, slowly, learning is repetition, variation, trial and error, from global analytics and vice versa, is trial and error ....

And almost a perverse mechanism of our nervous system when something is not clear is to hurry, as if we said "We do this as well then forget it ..." The rush does nothing but add to the confusion or unclear. It 'hard to stop in frustration, especially if it exceeds our need for security, but the good teacher knows how to calibrate the right dose in the two components.

remains implicit that each of us does have the right to try to understand and feel if a discipline or art can do for him, but we must give time, the right time to enjoy the experience and do not devour them.

Often people feel that after a while 'begin to experience pain due to inflammation or contracture, and the tendency is to consider the limit as an isolated body. I happen to see and feel difficulty in movement when it is required that such an action that ends with the arm has its beginning in the basin ...

And 'one of the many Copernican revolution that must take place in our body and first of all in our nervous system so that we will achieve a movement that flows, smooth and non-segmental. Another aspect I was most curious and interested when I started to get close to krav maga with the course of anti-aggression and anti-rape was to join the movement of the other, supporting him, does not oppose (the way of compliance) in order to have an efficient and which allows to get rid of an attack.

When you find the right lever when it feels like the kinetic chain works, the force is no longer the decisive factor is not negligible size and importance as a component of breath that necessarily contribute to the success of a movement-action . Carry out new and unusual movements often means holding your breath (apnea). It should also work on this feature that is so involuntarily (SNA) is voluntary but when we act on it through our awareness. If

breathe well, in line with the movement, the result will be better. It 's a universal principle, obvious "Maximum efficiency with minimum effort ... is another Copernican revolution for all of us that instead of having to always think one needs to struggle to get a result.

thank Marco Ceccarini and Athos Trevillion, teachers and friends, for giving me the opportunity to speak about this issue.

Bests Light To Expose Body Fluids

Schools that are closing, schools that open

The city of Kyoto is proud of its municipal elementary school, founded three years before the government would introduce born of the Meiji Restoration in 1872, compulsory primary education. Their story is celebrated in the Kyoto Municipal School Museum, which occupies a wing in 1998 of the Elementary School Kaicho, coming off with the demographic decline of the nineties of the last century.

In 1869, the "elders" of Kyoto, concerned about the negative impact that the transfer of the capital city to Tokyo would have on the economy, "they thought it was important to educate the people to come back Kyoto rich ". Each family has a kitchen stove was asked for a donation to build a neighborhood school and districts that failed to collect the money a loan granted to the prefecture. Thus, 64 schools were born, nurtured that "the ideals of self-love and self-defense for the community" and revitalize traditional arts and handicrafts.

The museum is not allowed to take photographs, but the memorabilia on display are visible on the site

Among the items collected, there are the subsidiary of the thirties that exude nationalism and militarism and those of the fifties censored by the U.S. occupiers. There is a portrait of Genz Shimadzu, founder of Shimadzu Corp., which produces precision instruments industry, the pride of the city, especially since 2002, when his researcher Koichi Tanaka won the Nobel Prize for Chemistry.

In another elementary school born in 1869 and has not been used in the nineties, the Tatsuike, was opened in November 2006, the Kyoto International Manga Museum. The idea was born at Kyoto Seika University, which since 2001 has an Institute for Research on Manga ( ) since 2006 and a Faculty Manga.

In Japan, comics are no longer considered a subculture, but recognized as a strategic industry. Their international success since the early eighties, and the consequent possibility of market expansion, have made it the definitive institutionalization, in 2000, the Ministry of Education has formalized entry into the curricula of art schools.

The museum, next to the collection and preservation, is proposed as a center for research, studies and training in a position to "create culture and industrial development" and "promote tourism". His ambitious vision is evident in the diagram that appears on its website at

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Canker Sores Prescription

silks of Nishijin

The story of the weavers in Kyoto is the epitome of the virtues of the Japanese: they are attached to tradition and work with dedication, they can resist and recover the face of adversity, develop new technologies, to study, "meet and surpass "the production systems of other countries, have a refined sense of aesthetics and unparalleled craftsmanship. Observe the work is a satisfying performance.

fabrics are produced in Kyoto for over 1200 years, when, in 794, Emperor Kammu chose it as the capital for a couple of centuries, the activity was managed by the government, then sprang producers independents, who quickly assimilate new weaving techniques learned in China of the Sung dynasty.

the outbreak of the Onin War in 1467, much of the city was destroyed, including the district of weavers, they were forced to flee, but at the end of the war, returned and settled in an area that during the war had been occupied by the army; Nishijin In fact, it simply means "western camp".

Thanks to the patronage of the imperial court and of the great samurai, in the following centuries, textile production flourished, continuing to develop technological innovations and to absorb the Ming from China.

In the nineteenth century, the weavers of Nishijin were forced to face the economic crisis of 1837, the transfer of the capital to Tokyo in 1869 and, most importantly, the new fashion of dress in Western style. Reacted by sending observers to Lyon, they learned to use the Jacquard looms punched card, and by the end of the century the textile industry was growing again, perfectly included in the development of the capitalist system in Japan.

Nishijin fabrics are known for their colors. The yarn is dyed before weaving and then woven on the basis of a model designed and hand-colored.

From the models are derived punch cards on which the operation of mechanical Jacquard looms; next to them, for decades the weavers USE It looms electronic, reducing costs, allow you to "bring the pleasure of Nishijin tissue to a greater number of people."

Some jobs require, finally, a final adjustment to brush.

The results are amazing and beautiful kimono obi.

Read more:

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Milena Velba At Airport

And now resign, shit man!

314 to 311.
The Chamber renews confidence in Berlusconi. Against all odds, against all the jumble demo-communist, against the powers that be Italian. But especially against those who love worms 8 September by the name of perpetual fillini. If the brother in law
Tulliani had any dignity would retire from political life. But imagine ...

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Monster Entergy Bellybutton Rings

Violence to women - The hot line number

- Call the number 1522

If you have suffered violence, in the past and only now have decided to seek advice. Get in touch with the national freephone number 1522. It 's a welcome service toll free, with only women and specially trained staff, operating 24 hours at 24 to 365 days per year, plus languages \u200b\u200b(Italian, English, French, English, Russian). Provides an initial response and possible activation of services of help, ensuring privacy.

- Call the number 118

If you're hurt, if you have bruises or welts go to the emergency room of a hospital. If you are serious call 118 directly.

- Call the number 113/112

If you've just been raped, you have you feel threatened or in danger call 113 or 112 Carabinieri police for help or for reporting.

My Bf Needs A 9 Inch Dick


Marcello Veneziani

What is the difference between the son of the ATAC caposcorta Veltroni's taken when he was mayor Veltroni and the son of caposcorta Alemanno took ATAC when Mayor Alemanno? An abyss. The first is business as usual, the second is a disgrace and should resign Alemanno.
What is the difference between a deputy elected from the lists of the PDL and changing party withdraws its confidence in the Prime Minister who was tied and a deputy elected from the lists IDV that change is the opposite party and to his colleague? An abyss. The first is a hero turned, the second an infamous traitor. And as if to one behind the other one can assume that there is a personal interest (to ensure an uncertain future with seats appointments, benefices), the first is an unimpeachable political, the second is a corrupt to be allocated to the pillory and the court.
And again. What is the difference between a director of Tg1, spending 7 thousand euro per month for entertainment expenses and a director of Tg1, his predecessor, who spent twenty thousand a month for a suite? An abyss, the first is a criminal hunting and censoring company, Board of Supervisors, in court and in the editorial board, the second is a gentleman that he had to find a roof to carry out its job.
The examples could go to infinity, including relatives of politicians from the left and then placed in the public sector relatives of right-wing politicians who enjoyed the same privileges. If we were really honest people among those left-of-pocket paying their views should be especially outraged leftists who lives behind them, and vice versa right ones. From the Republic of rogue spear judges, shame and condemnation for those on the right to imitate their predecessors left and adapt all'andazzo. But exempts predecessors.
This campaign against corruption is sick. I have no other word to sum it up better. I am ashamed for them. But who goes with Fini, they say, believes in a modern and democratic right? There is almost no doubt that the voters prefer Berlusconi a responsible government in charge of a crisis in the dark? But no, it's just a paid servant. You who hold both the Constitution, is not a tear to its rules on the government to deny people who have been elected by the people and let the president of the Chamber also acts as a faction leader and wants to smash the government? Yuck. There have always been dishonest, but the novelty of our times is that dishonest people have a monopoly on honesty.
from newspapers these days it seems that a few months has been imposed on an Italy malpractice despicable: patronage, nepotism, corruption, the market for votes, the transformation. All diseases unknown in this country healthy and honest, imported from Berlusconi, the Northern League and even the ex-Fascists. Mind you, the fascists are gone with Fini fine gentlemen redeemed because their code of honor includes a point, indeed unique smash Berlusconi and his government, regret having lived all these years with that leader, with that program, and therefore they were elected, making even the majority and force the government (who would have thought, comrades). Now, it is well known that corruption is not born with the right or to the government with Berlusconi and even with the left, to be honest. There was already the time of the DC and even before. In fact if you want the utmost honesty, the only period in which corruption will not prevail on the honesty and it was during Fascism. Sheldon say but true. But someone is willing to give up freedom and democracy to an authoritarian regime and peck for honesty and efficiency, less mafia and more public works, less than thieves and social policy? No, and then the conversation ends there, back to the present. So, what Famo? We hit on a criminal corruption, malpractice in the civil and cultural patronage in the political, but let us not establish theorems ethical and ideological racism: there is no breed of corrupt and uncorrupt right to left. The responsibility is personal and will proceed case by case basis and not according to race.
The crooks on the right, but let me say one thing to know that the discomfort "own" elected not better than others, shall conform to the previous standard of power, Democrats and the left. And there is not an excuse comforting to say yes in terms of patronage and crony acting as the others, but at least admirable in other fields leave marks, footprints of large companies, shining examples, symbols, ideas and principles already trampled. No, everything is so small, everywhere.
Then see what the newspapers, what does the party politics, what do the judges see that dishonesty blind-sided and activist who determines who are corrupt and who's exempt, and you have to choose the lesser evils, and even ask the arbitration Mastella. Italy, ora pro nobis.

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

How To Trade Pokemon Desmu

The real scandal is the president of the Chamber.

of Giancarlo Perna

Every day there is a silly controversy. Verdini is targeted for a word too, giving it an importance it did not. Then, are the close ties with Moscow and Putin Cav indignant at the ex-communists who idolized the Moscow of Stalin. And down a grulleria after another. But no one notices the real scandal in the sight of all: the indignity constitutional, political and moral Gianfranco Fini to preside over the House. The abuse of
gianfry was already evident in recent months with the business of the house, creating a rival party in the PDL file that had been elected, the guerrilla war against the government. He has now culminated with the signing of a motion of no confidence which, flowing in the opposition, threatens to scuttle the legislature. Never the president of a branch of the Parliament was put across with the leader, even at the cost of dissolving the House in advance entrusted to him.
Normally, in a role Fini is on the parties, alienating itself from the political wrangling, peaceful. Gianfry has instead spread discord, hatred vented, pursued their own personal ambitions. Not by mere politician - something that would be legitimate even if they still would have made poor in the eyes of many - but remain glued to the throne of the third position in the State. From these heights he winked at opposition lost, encouraged her to revive, incited against the government with the promise of help in our common fight against Berlusconi. Without Fini, Bersani would still immersed nell'abulia last year. If today the Left of all colors - communist, former communist executioner - are ringalluzzite, it is thanks to the former fascist. This is to understand what normal country and we are heading in the pit which lead if this were to prevail Bazzoffie scratch. Fini
ago sausages charge. After him, the House will never be the same. Imagine if Renato Schifani, chairman of the Senate, was the whim to imitate him. The Bersani is obnoxious? Tomorrow morning attacks him, ordering him to do as he says, doubts of his sanity, the advise the patient in the hospice reached retirement age. The Constitution does not prevent him, nor is there any way to stop it. Tap swallow. Just as now you have to do with mattan of gianfry.
In the past, only Fausto Bertinotti in the last parliament had approached him from afar. Incattivito against Prime Minister Prodi, told the Corriere della Sera that his government had "failed." That's it. For the rest it was a normal speaker of the House. Many noted, however, the lowest anomaly criticism. When he was forced to resign, Prodi took off, however, the stone must be that if the government had fallen was the fault of those who (Bertinotti, ed) had made statements "institutionally questionable. A clear role for treason for having violated the neutrality. This trifle, incomparable to rags flown by Fini, the former is worse. Before the advent of
pataccari, number one of the House felt the dignity of the office. Pertini resigned from the presidency - was 1969 - just because it unified the Socialists (PSU), on behalf of which he was elected, returned a split in the PSI and PSDI. "It changed the parliamentary situation - said the old Sandro -, fairness wants resign the office." This provoked a debate on his person. Friends and foes confirmed the confidence and Pertini, comforted, was left in place. Imagine you, Fini asking the House to verify the estimation of which is surrounded? It would be a pretty sight. But with all the skeletons he has in safe, gianfry crouches, holding tight to benefices and pulls out stiffly. Rules if they impipa. He has already announced that if the spins, in the case of elections, will step down to devote himself to campaigning. So, leave the House without driving for over a month, creating another unprecedented havoc. Adamantine use on a personal confirmation of the institution that embodies unfortunately. The characteristic of
gianfry is the face of bronze. Yesterday, at a school who asked why the government crisis, he replied briefly: "For a Shoes (Cav ed) it had to do all the things he thought only about his business. " To say it is him! The same was to be the jealous guardian of the apartment by An inherited Monaco and has instead succumbed to the putto Tulliani at prices from junk. The same recommendations that by dint of arrogant mother-in-law has turned the home into a producer of "scemeggiati" Rai. The same that created the small parties for personal use, is about to draw money Italians to launch electoral arena. Just dare him to accuse others of using the charges for your convenient. He does not see the difference between himself and the Cav. Berlusca, in the light of the sun, calling for a law to govern without fear of prosecution partisan, as is the case elsewhere. He, in the shadow of the subterfuge, the system for a couple of generations your privacy.
What is surprising, so to speak, is that so many take the drone. We neglect the friends - Casini, Rutelli, Di Pietro, Bersani and various companions - that just to pick up another in the war on Cav are the three monkeys. But mammasantissima they do? Disconcerting President Napolitano, a genius at finding the nit. Reveres the Constitution as Dante Beatrix, but not out of breath on a weak point of a House speaker who led the revolt to the government. Idem constitutionalists, usually to the foot with the weapon in defense of American Charter. Cossiga pickaxe when they put us in the Quirinale guard on the survival of the Republic. And they were just mocking utterances. Now, however, who finished top of the seat cripples a government and a legislature sends to the dogs, they are silent. They say that the rule does not prohibit it and shrug their shoulders. For them, a chairman of the House to act as Pertini or Fini, are equal. Then, one of two things: either something wrong with the Constitution or something goes wrong in their heads. And finally, what about the judges? The appropriation by the Monegasque cognatino is proved. But i am not find anything strange and ask for absolution. The court more than a month, waste paper and does not decide. Greetings and sons. Meanwhile, we resign from citizens.

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Sore Knee From Drivin


Fukuoka, island Ky ū sh ū . 8:30 am on a Saturday morning in mid-November and I'm brushing my teeth. My landlady, Mrs. Satoko, knocks on the bathroom door and ordering me to hurry, waiting for us in the street, he says. Five minutes later, I leave the house with his mother Mrs, Tomoko grandmother. The haste is due to the fact that we're going to the temple for RAIZAN Sennyoji momijigari and Mrs. Satoko does not want to be stuck in traffic.

What I'm talking about? The momijigari Japan is a traditional activity that consists in going, in autumn, Hunting for trees whose leaves take color very attractive, as the scarlet of the maples and the yellow of the ginkgo. Kari , in fact, translates to "hunt" and momiji is the Japanese maple (Acer palmatum ): there are hundreds of varieties, some of which reach 16 meters high, and often the shaft assumed hemispherical shape. In turn, the etymology of the word dates back to ancient momiji momizu term, which means red dye. By extension, the word also indicates the ninth lunar month.

The momijigari began as a pastime of the aristocracy Heian era (eighth to twelfth century AD.), And spread among other social classes in the Edo period, starting the seventeenth century. Today there are tens of millions of Japanese who move in search of autumn maples, purple, even going to Canada or Spain, in Extremadura. The major TV shows every day the best places to hunt, the RAIZAN Sennyoji Daihiohin is one of them has a huge old maple than four centuries, which explains the rush of my landlady. Plenty of time to park at a reasonable distance from the temple and we can walk without having to crowded, but at 10.30, when we leave the site he met with a queue of cars a couple of kilometers.

Hunting momiji begins in mid-September on the island of Hokkaido, the northernmost of the Japanese archipelago; the front of the red leaves are moving, then, to the south and reaches the southern islands at the end of November. The national tourism agency publish on its website a schedule that allows you to organize the movement in the right time.

The most visited sites for Japanese tourists provides a guide to the colors of autumn , explaining such as trees change color, where and when. In addition to plant deciduous forests that cover a significant portion of the territory, especially popular are the gardens of Zen temples.

The momijigari is a hallmark of Japanese culture that truly unites people of all walks of life, lovers of poetry include up to tanka (poems of 31 syllables) of VII century to find references, scholars of aesthetics can be connected to the contemplation of maple leaves in search of beauty in the fleeting and ephemeral aspects of nature and the transience Apology derived from Buddhist metaphysics, and who attends the theater, both the N ō is the Kabuki, it may assist the representation of a traditional drama entitled Momijigari , some collect the maple leaves and then cook according to recipe for tempura whoever, if it is in a railway station and must purchase a gift for the guest who is waiting for him, you can buy some sweets inspired momiji .

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Lipoma And Homeopathy


ukiyoe The Japanese word usually translates as "pictures of the floating world", to indicate the kind of art prints obtained from blocks of wood that is widely used in Japan since the seventeenth century.

It The Floating World, and his images the 'Orientalist Gian Carlo Calza writes: "In medieval times the term ukiyo , derived from Buddhist, indicating the condition of impermanence is thrown from the everyday world with its attachments from which the essay should not be taken as a source of constant suffering. But in the seventeenth century the meaning was completely reversed and the word valued its fleeting pleasures of parties, fashion, show business, love, mercenary, of clandestine passion, of 'ephemeral, in a word attachments, against which the Buddhist doctrine warned against being overwhelmed. In this society reflected the new aspirations and new tastes developed around the kabuki theater and the "city without night." The districts where the great courtesans of pleasure created new gestures and behaviors and striking elegance and opulent, based on entertainment, on being fashionable, on attracting and repel at the same time. Where the houses of pleasure, as well as being a meeting place for party animals in search of entertainment, were transformed into real living rooms. There they met merchants, actors, writers, artists, publishers and aristocrats in disguise free of the formal rigor of their daily existence. There, in the environment that revolved around the Oiran , the famous air, the label of seduction was expressed through a formal canon of the highest perfection, but at the same time naturally. Women could improvise verses in response to other launch their challenge in, master of calligraphic styles with which to send a witty response, teachers in the composition of the flowers as the secrets of love that can sustain or destroy the career of a worldly actor or a publisher, these " ruined castles, they were also dubbed, determines the laws of fashion and behavior à la page".

The On 19 November, at the Institut Franco-Japonais in Fukuoka, Agnès Giard, a journalist for Libération , presented his book Dictionnaire de l'amour et du plaisir au Japon . According to Giard, Japanese culture tends to exorcise all that is terrifying in real life (monstrous sea creatures, natural disasters, suffering and death) by giving a performance aesthetic that transforms the violence into something that is , however, bringer of pleasure. That is the reason why the Buddhist concept of impermanence, originally intended to cause pain and, therefore, be rejected in the pursuit of enlightenment, was used to reach the opposite end, the search for the aesthetic pleasure in its most ephemeral aspects of human life and nature.

"... live for the moment, paying full attention to the pleasures of the moon, snow, cherry blossoms and maple leaves, singing songs, drinking wine and taking pleasure only in the float, float more dangerous poverty that cries in the face and refuse to be caught by melancholy, floating along the river current like a dry gourd here is what we mean by ukiyo " (Ryoi Asai, who died in 1691, Ukiyo Monogatari: Tales of the floating world).

Read (and see) more:

The video was shot at Fukuoka Yusentei Garden, built in 1754 by the feudal lord Tsugutaka Kuroda. The name means "place where a source is a friend and apparently derives from the verse of the Minamoto Kusesanmi Michiko:" I built this summer shelter next to a spring whose waters flow even when the heat is unbearable. "

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Plus Size Gallery Pantihouse

When you serve them on a silver platter ...

There is a certain Massimiliano Simoni, regional coordinator of the Future and Freedom, which claims to have an assessor "in sleep" in the City Council of Prato.
Aside from the terminology used by this Masonic Carneades and that speaks volumes about the true nature of the newly Finian training, there is a spontaneous reflection, but is not that, given the brilliant performances, they are all a bit 'tired and the commissioners of the Central Prato right?

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Combat Action Badge Star Periods

Renegades and dumb.

Dear Mr Mirko Tremaglia, she concluded her speech at the historic meeting with a Bastia Umbra "Berlusconi's face!" By coming down the magnificent and technical theater (yes, but who paid all that Berlusconi grace of God?) for the applause.

thing left me a bit 'confused. Perhaps in his old age has not forgotten one particular its negligible. It is only thanks to the despised Berlusca that you, an 'ex-boyfriend of Salo', is able to rise to the glories of a minister without portfolio, although in 2001-2006, and most of the Abominable Arcore defended it when it was accused of did the government get the first "ex Republican" in the history of the Italian Republic founded by the resistance. " It is thanks to this unexpected chair that she was able to realize his dream of his long life: that of granting the vote to Italians abroad, albeit with a bad law in both its mechanism and its implementation in practice he could bear - with suspected fraud - the most votes in the center-to center in the 2006 elections, contribute concretely to win the Prodi's Olive Tree & C. Nevertheless, it was hunted to raspberries from the same center.

Today, therefore, Mr Tremaglia, she breaks into a "Berlusconi's face," to let the people of liberty and freedom and change to the Future. Very good. But he never asked who is leading the Fli? It will not be the case for the gentleman who led her and many others the same PDL dissolving the National Alliance, and with this PDL win the 2008 election and have it re-elected to Parliament? Maybe. Honourable and distinguished, dear, old, forgetful 'boy Salo, "the father of one and the irreplaceable Marzio fate has taken away from her and us too soon, you do not remember what assumptions to this guide, this leader, this leader democraticissimo said about certain topics to which you should be particularly sensitive? For example, fascism: "It was the absolute evil", he said in 2003.

For example, worse, the Social Republic army in whose ranks she served in the army: "A shameful page of Italian history." And finally, to close the circle with dignity, "Anti-fascism is a value" is synonymous with democracy, and the resistance it was also, apart from some minor exceptions that would make us a Stalinist country. But despite everything, as he wrote the PNA to Bologna a few days ago, "commemorating the heroic fighters who opposed the partisans of the anti-Fascist raids is a duty of the institutions."

Mr Tremaglia, I infer that she now thinks so, despite the fact that maybe he also participated in these raids. So, does Mr fillin that his son Marzio, who as commissioner for culture of the Lombardy Region wanted to create - perhaps thinking of his father - an institute for the history of CSR, now directed by Professor Roberto Chiarini, is turning in his grave?

Gianfranco de Turris